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Bible Study Lets Talk About God's Will to heal.


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I believe that is true.I do not think everyone is going to be healed.I believe their mental or physical illness is being used for God's grace and God has a special plan for that person.Sometimes people get angry at God or even leave Him because they are not healed.There is a reason for everything that happens and God does not make mistakes.We will find out why when we get to heaven and we may say "Oh ya...that makes total sense".

This is like saying God is in Control of Everything.....He is in total control in Heaven but here on earth he has given many things under the control of man. God NEVER EVER will put a sickness on any one for anay reason.
You say there is a reason for everything that happens....Agreed is NOT all GOD...God isnot the reason many things happen.....
What about praying for someone elses healing? ....
Always a good thing.......The problem that can happen is the other person does not realy want healed or wont believe in Gods ability to heal them. Some times this hinders or slows dowen their complete healing. It is hard to truly know how the other person feels and then there are those who truly want to be healed and get it and some times God just pours out His healing touch and the entire place gets healed......
What stops God from doing His will ? Are our lacks stronger ,bigger then His will?
Unbelief....doubt....fear.....not walking in love and forgivness.....His will is to heal us Reba.....but like anything else.
If we are not walking in His ways and are not walking under the blessing of the Lord or another words doing what the word says and not chosing what we want. How much a person has renewed their mind in His word and how much they have built their faith up..........

Now here is the flip side..........our enemy the devil will do what ever it takes to keep you from receiving your healing....If you start doubting or speaking words of fear such as I am going to die or I wont ever get healed or I doubt God even wants to heal me, well you have hindered your faith and moved out side of where God can heal you.
I'm not saying anything stops Him from doing His will. I'm saying I don't believe it's His will to physically heal everyone. If it was His will to heal all physical diseases, there would be no children dying of cancer.

Do you understand what I'm saying?
actually No I do not....
Kinda like the issue of ,why bad things happen to good people?
Death comes to us all regardless.
Some die at birth, never sinned, innocent.
God has a purpose, we might not know now, but we will later.

Bad thihngs Happen to Good People BECAUSE Good People Make BAD CHOICES......
My brother died at 40 years old.A wonderful Christian man who had two boys in high school.His death was instant.He had Hodgkins for 7 years.When they did an autopsy there was no cancer in his body at all.Why?God has a time for everyone to die.God's understanding is beyond our own understanding.We have to have faith and trust.I do not think He heals others because He has more mercy for them or that they have done something right.It is just the way God works.Some people can pray continuously and not be healed because that is God's Will.

I am sorry that you believe thisd way but it is NOT ever Gods will for some one to not be healed.
God is not a respecter of persons either, and being the seed of Abraham, we are already healed.

I would go back and read again about God saying he will show mercy on Whom He will show Mercy, and again about Paul dying of that thorn.

You got some things a bit jumbled. Besides, God has done awesome things for you, why would you make God out to be someone that would not respond to others that needed his power and help also? That's for folks that don't know God, and I know God helped you, He will help others, right?

People are not going to except that they are already healed Mike until they first realise that the Victory is ours. The battle is already won. Jesus defeated the world. The Problem is People do not want to fight the good fight of faith or do not under stand what this good fight of faith really is... You have got to stand not swaying or doubting or giving up. The victory is ours every single time.....However.....if you can not stand long enough to fight the good fight of faith until you receive your healing then so be it....Don't blame God or put this off on God like He heals some and others he wont.....
This is like saying God is in Control of Everything.....He is in total control in Heaven but here on earth he has given many things under the control of man. God NEVER EVER will put a sickness on any one for anay reason.
You say there is a reason for everything that happens....Agreed is NOT all GOD...God isnot the reason many things happen.....
And what about Job?
And this being a Bible study forum, you have said a lot and have used no Scripture to back up anything you've said.

2 Corinthians 4:16; "So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day".
I believe that is true.I do not think everyone is going to be healed.I believe their mental or physical illness is being used for God's grace and God has a special plan for that person.Sometimes people get angry at God or even leave Him because they are not healed.There is a reason for everything that happens and God does not make mistakes.We will find out why when we get to heaven and we may say "Oh ya...that makes total sense".

You are right Kathi. Not everyone does get healed. Brother Mike said, "That's not God's fault, it's mans. I have seen someone who God used his infirmity so that people were aware of it and then Jesus healed that man so that those same people could see the power of God's healing and demonstrate His glory.
Isaiah 53:5 and Proverbs 4:20-27 are good passages about healing. Proverbs shows us that the Bible is like medicine, and if we keep our words in line with what the scriptures say we will be healthy.

Also the woman with the issue of blood. She believed that Jesus could heal her, and told herself that if she could just touch the hem of His garment, she would be healed. And she was fully restored. I agree with Mike. It's there for the taking we just have to grab ahold of it and not speak anything else. We have to speak by faith. Not what we see, but what the Word of God says. Mark 11:22-25 is part of the key also.

Thank you for that answer, RIGHT ON! The woman BELIEVED didn't she. That's what you said, glory to God! BELIEVED! Oh God, help us to see your Word, that it is medicine for our bodies.
Dear Brother Chopper. I have read and read different posts and many put the lack of healing on the person seeking restoration to health. I reckon there is no need going to God with our need.

I above all have no prescribed manner of attaining God’s favor other than going to Him in Jesus’ name. In emergencies I never know what I will do other than cry out to God. Somehow He already knows the situation; figure that huh, and He is faithful to furnish mercy, and give us grace to help in our time of need. Heb 4:16.

As to God’s will, I know of none living to even be 200 years of age today, and I don’t believe all in the grave were neglect in their spiritual walk. Like Paul, from all I’ve experienced in your love of God, you have fought a good fight, have kept the faith, and as to having finished your course, God knows. 2 Tim 4:7.

Whether God will add fifteen years to our lives as He did with Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20:6 I have no idea, again God knows, but I have faith that it will be God’s love that gave us Jesus when we deserved nothing.

Dear brother, there is no condemnation to us which are in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1), and our faith is that of Christ our Savior. We can take comfort in the fact that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Php 1:6. I have went to God with words requesting healing in your behalf, and expect miracles every time.

Blessings in Christ Jesus my friend. :)
From personal experience, I would have to say no. I don't believe it's His will to heal every physical disease.

We are only going on Scripture Gary my good friend. Do you have Scripture that it is not God's will to be healed? Did Jesus ever refuse to heal someone who asked to be healed?
Brother Chopper people tend these days to live a no fault religious walk with God. You never know what God will do and God moves in mysterious ways and God put this infliction on me to teach me to be humble....All Hog Wash.
They simply will not take the blame for missing out on Gods will. They make excuses for things and except them and give God credit....

When ever something goes wrong in our walk with Christ.......It is not God's will ALWAYS be on our end. When things are not working out right then find out why. Pray and seek God and find out where you are missing it and change the way you have been thinking or doing things...It is always God's will for us to be healthy and whole.

Oh my good friend Jim. There is so much truth in what you just said! Jesus has taught you well that's for sure.

Your post reminded me of when I was a solid Baptist. Trained in a Baptist Bible College, was the pastor of all Baptist Churches except one. This is what I was taught, and this is what I used to pray when dealing with sickness. Lord, heal this person, if it is your will.

I don't pray that way anymore because I know that it is God's will to heal, otherwise He would have said so somewhere in the Scriptures.
God's grace is amazing. I am still learning to trust in it more.

Paul however was giving us a lesson on What not to do. Paul was not asking for healing. He wanted the Lord to remove that messenger who was opposing him and stiring the people up against him.

I should've addressed this sooner. If you look at the previous scripture.....2 Corinthians 12:7 To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given to me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.

This was something that was happening to his body. I know, because the exact stuff has happened to me. I started to get kinda cocky with the revelations God was giving me.

Just like Rollo said

Job's faith was like no other.............................but ultimately God's grace is sufficient!
This is like saying God is in Control of Everything.....He is in total control in Heaven but here on earth he has given many things under the control of man. God NEVER EVER will put a sickness on any one for anay reason.
You say there is a reason for everything that happens....Agreed is NOT all GOD...God isnot the reason many things happen.....
Mat_28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

To me... He has all power.... that simple... the Scripture plainly say so ... Are there some verses that explain away Mat 28:18


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