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    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

Marianne Williamson


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Ohh, I've been following the discussion, so please don't assume that I haven't.
What I have seen you do, is simply state that you disagree with her and then based on your judgment, you have strongly asserted that she is not a Christian.
Then you aren't following the discussion.

I have provided Scripture as evidence against one of her claims and some of the others are so obviously false, I should not need to post Scripture.

This befuddled me. Are we now allowed to tell people that they are not Christian because we strongly disagree with their theology?

So, I'll ask you again. What is a Christian? If you can't define what is is to be a Christian, how are we to judge what anti-Christian is?
The fact that you even ask those questions is sad and says quite a bit. I notice quite some time ago that you seemed to have given yourself over to post-modern ideology and now you seem unable to discern truth from error, even though the NT commands it. Do any of the NT writers, such as Paul, ever make a case for someone not being a believer? Of course they do and it is largely based on erroneous belief. We are told to be aware of such people.

As I showed, Williamson has deeply flawed views of Jesus, the central person of all of Scripture through whom alone we have salvation. One simply cannot believe whatever they want about Jesus and be saved. The Bible makes that clear. This isn't mere disagreement with me; this is disagreement with 2000 years of Christian teaching. She mixes New Age/New Spirituality with Christian language. If that doesn't tell you anything...

Were you not one of those in the past that wouldn't say whether or not Mormons and JWs were Christians? We can say that they are not Christians because they hold to erroneous views of Jesus and of God, among other errors.

There are a number of beliefs that define what it means to be a Christian, including but not limited to, believing that Jesus and God are who the Bible reveals them to be, believing in Jesus's literal, physical death and resurrection for the propitiation of sins, and the necessity of striving for holiness.
Are Christians to not read a persons beliefs and gain an understand of their thoughts. Do not a persons words spoken or printed tell us what they believe if we listen?
Would a Christian have a Buddha behind them as they teach ?
Absolutely. But I think the key word here is understanding, because understanding is a skill that is developed over time. But this is not what is in question.
As far as a Christian teaching with a Buddha behind him, I suppose context would help.

Here is an article you may like. I hope you will anyway.
Then you aren't following the discussion.

I have provided Scripture as evidence against one of her claims and some of the others are so obviously false, I should not need to post Scripture.

The fact that you even ask those questions is sad and says quite a bit. I notice quite some time ago that you seemed to have given yourself over to post-modern ideology and now you seem unable to discern truth from error, even though the NT commands it. Do any of the NT writers, such as Paul, ever make a case for someone not being a believer? Of course they do and it is largely based on erroneous belief. We are told to be aware of such people.

As I showed, Williamson has deeply flawed views of Jesus, the central person of all of Scripture through whom alone we have salvation. One simply cannot believe whatever they want about Jesus and be saved. The Bible makes that clear. This isn't mere disagreement with me; this is disagreement with 2000 years of Christian teaching. She mixes New Age/New Spirituality with Christian language. If that doesn't tell you anything...

Were you not one of those in the past that wouldn't say whether or not Mormons and JWs were Christians? We can say that they are not Christians because they hold to erroneous views of Jesus and of God, among other errors.

There are a number of beliefs that define what it means to be a Christian, including but not limited to, believing that Jesus and God are who the Bible reveals them to be, believing in Jesus's literal, physical death and resurrection for the propitiation of sins, and the necessity of striving for holiness.
Interesting.... you seem a bit frustrated. Please don't. Really, there is no need to call me a liar. I have been following this thread and have read it several times.

Let me try this again, and if you can't understand what I am asking, I'll bow out of the conversation because I believe nothing good would come of our discussion if we persist. I have nothing to prove to you.

The question wasn't weather or not we disagree with this woman. I'm talking milk here Free, the baic fundementals. What is a Christian? It really is a simple question to which you should have a relatively short answer to.
Gen 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
Marianne Williamson is not Paul
I find no disagreement there. But Paul does tell us to pattern ourselves after him.

On 2 fronts, here are the questions that have been raised in this OP.

1. If you quote a Pagan, your not a Christian.
It is further asserted by the OP that if something isn't Christian, we shouldn't read it .
This is false. Paul was versed in philosophy and knew how and where to use it. The link I provided earlier reveals this nicely.

2. I has been asserted that if we disagree harshly enough with how another is misusing scripture, we can deem them anti-Christian.

This is why I ask such a fundamental question. What is a Christian.

Nothing more, nothing less. We don't have to read anything outside of it's face value here.
This woman is not a Christian yet people who claim to be Christians quote her.
I always wondered why people who claim Christianity will quote non-Christians as a source of inspiration.
Is there not enough Christian literature to inspire some people?

From beliefnet;
Here's a quick quote of what Marianne Williamson has to offer;
I see this as a just statement/question
Interesting.... you seem a bit frustrated.
No, perplexed.

Please don't. Really, there is no need to call me a liar. I have been following this thread and have read it several times.
I never called you a liar. You claim to be following this thread. Yet, you said that "What I have seen you do, is simply state that you disagree with her and then based on your judgment, you have strongly asserted that she is not a Christian," despite my having done more than that. I even pointed it out again and you don't address it.

Not only that but you ask a question and when I answer, you say that wasn't a question you asked. Then you say I haven't answered a different question, despite the fact I just answered that question in my previous post and you ask it again, below.

So, you surely must be able to see, based on these three cases, why it is hard to see how you actually are following this thread. It's as though you are reading what you want to read, not what I'm actually writing.

Let me try this again, and if you can't understand what I am asking, I'll bow out of the conversation because I believe nothing good would come of our discussion if we persist. I have nothing to prove to you.
I fully understand what you're asking and it has been fully answered. Why is it that you seem to not understand that it has been answered?

The question wasn't weather or not we disagree with this woman.
You asked: "Are we now allowed to tell people that they are not Christian because we strongly disagree with their theology?"

I answered and my answer also goes hand-in-hand with the answer to the next question.

I'm talking milk here Free, the baic fundementals. What is a Christian? It really is a simple question to which you should have a relatively short answer to.
I answered it in my previous post. Just because you may not like does not mean I haven't answered it.
wow i am so sorry
this is very sad

I know that I said I was done with this thread but I totally one hundred percent agree with Reba. I'm not sure what's sadder to tell you the truth. The fact that some people seem to think that just because you have different unorthodox beliefs about something than somebody else that you're not a Christian ,..or a couple of moderators bickering like a couple of children. I'm sorry Jeff. You know I love you but it had to be said. You guys being moderators are supposed to be setting a good example,..not going at each other's throats.
I know that I said I was done with this thread but I totally one hundred percent agree with Reba. I'm not sure what's sadder to tell you the truth. The fact that some people seem to think that just because you have different unorthodox beliefs about something than somebody else that you're not a Christian ,..or a couple of moderators bickering like a couple of children. I'm sorry Jeff. You know I love you but it had to be said. You guys being moderators are supposed to be setting a good example,..not going at each other's throats.
Perhaps you should (re)read the NT. Pay close attention not only to what differentiates believers from unbelievers, but how things are discussed (there are disagreements).

This is a debate forum and if you can’t handle it, then perhaps this isn’t the forum for you. That had to be said too.
Oops my mistake you must have moved it then. It was in Christian Talk and Advice. But still, just because it's the debate for doesn't mean that you can't at least be civil about it. That's all. I'm out.
Oh and one more thing,.. you might want to go reread your own policies. It specifically said on there about treating others with the same respect you want to have towards yourself.
Yes, I think what really matters is Allen Wynne's claim that I am not a Christian using Marianne Williamson criticism as an avenue.
Yup and we are finding out what really matters.
Oh and one more thing,.. you might want to go reread your own policies. It specifically said on there about treating others with the same respect you want to have towards yourself.
I do treat others the same as I expect to be treated. Don’t presume that I don’t.


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