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[_ Old Earth _] Creationist vs evolutionist, whos the fool?


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Okay, I read the first 6 pages of this and then decided to register just to respond. By the way, ignore my name as I'm not actually Jewish (I just got a chuckle out of registering that name on this kind of forum). Since I haven't read the last 12 pages of this argument since I'm very tired and very lazy I have no idea if what I'm going to say has already been stated/argued about/etc.

I'd like to just start by saying that I don't practice any religion and I don't usually debate religious theories with people. It doesn't really go anywhere and I'm a bit of a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, y'know? I see arguing as a fruitless thing especially on these kinds of topic. As such, I will most likely not be back to check any replies to my comment or debate anything said against me, there seem to be many who can do this perfectly fine for me (not that I need it done for me for any reason other than I won't be here).

Second thing: Blueeyeliner is a complete *massive amount of censored words that could be deemed quite harsh* *sigh* feels good to vent ^_^

Now for some of the base arguments that everyone has seen before but I just can't get enough of, yay!
What makes Christianity right? The Bible says it's right?! Wow, had I known that...oh what's that you say? Other religions say they're right as well? Hmm, that makes me wonder, which one is correct about being right? The Bible says Christianity is right and the true path....but others do too, odd.

You want a random quote you say? Deal
Back then the Greeks held up their books and believed in them and thought those books held the answers. Now we read their stories and chuckle while holding up our book. How many more years is it going to be until someone is holding up our book chuckling at the stories?
-Kevin Smith (somewhat misquoted but that's the gist. I sadly don't have the footage where he said it on-hand currently)
I'm sorry but that one did make me wonder.

This post is so far meaningless and offers up absolutely nothing but useless rambling. I couldn't be more proud of myself right now!

Okay, I'm really tired right now and lost all idea of where I was attempting to go with this so...I think I'll call it quits. Maybe I will come back after all, I can't have a bunch of Christian's thinking I'm an idiot for this post. There are much better reasons for that, believe me.

Oh wait! My reason for not having a religion currently, maybe that will squeeze me out of this hole just a little bit (not that I really care, but what the hey).
I was introduced to religion at a young age and I was a believer. Not a real believer mind you, more like the "scared kid worried about Hell so he does good and says a prayer every now and then" kind. Soon I was introduced to that whole "free thinking" and "choice" line of thought. I began pondering God and religion all while emersing myself in the realm of mythology. Don't immediately take that the wrong way and assume I found those to be true, no I merely found it as an interesting glimpse into the past and religious beliefs of the past. In my ponderings I thought about how long it had been since I had prayed to any gods or even acknowledged them. It had been awhile. I then asked myself if I was happy and I was quite pleased to discover I was. I led a good life. I was a happy and kind person (if not a little sarcastic and still somewhat young and immature), I was getting a good education, I had friends that were worth having, and I must repeat something important: I was happy. I found myself not needing any religious authority or ruling to keep myself on a decent moral path or to keep happiness in my life. I figured "Why lean on some intangible figure for love, happiness, guidance, and punishment? I'm perfectly capable of finding my own happiness, guiding myself by learning from mistakes, and when I did wrong I could create my own penance to better myself." and it's a policy I've been living by. I try to live the best I can. I try not to hurt anyone or be hurt myself, helping those when I can. I attempt to better myself every day and above all else I seek happiness. Mind you not happiness at the expense of others, I desire a happiness for not only myself but for all those I care about (and I care about a lot of people, most people I don't care about I haven't met yet). I can do all this without a god telling me how to do it, what not to do to avoid unhappiness or punishment, what to do in order to gain good graces in his/her eyes and acceptance into his/her kingdom. If anything, doesn't that make me a little bit stronger since I don't have to find someone who has teachings to live by? I make my own path through life and I make it the best I can and if there does happen to be any gods out there (not atheist, agnostic) then they wouldn't punish me to a life of Hell-fire just because I didn't rely on them.

I'll end my somewhat pointless post now. Let it live here and serve as a warning to others not to post at 3:30 in the morning with almost no sleep the night before. I await all responses directed at me as they will most likely be unread and futile ^_^

Good night, keep yourselves safe and happy, lead life the way you choose to!

Edit: Can't sleep so I sit in front of my pretty glowing screen. Reading that back...evolution isn't really I'll fix that.

So what it breaks down to is this. Either way we came to be, whatever started it happened few thousand years ago bare minimum, couple million/billion/extremely large number I don't really care about at the maximum. Now, were any of us alive then? I friggin' thought not! So what do we do in an attempt to understand what happened then? We listen to the speculations that other people have, we listen to religious gospel, or we just think on our own. Whatever way occurs from that we form an idea which we believe. None of us can really know for sure because we weren't there. Now I know what some of you are going to say already, "The Bible said it happened this way so it did" to which I reply "Well how do you know the Bible is right" and you'll say "Because the Bible says that it's right" which is circular logic and doesn't really work. My point is that all we really have to go on for things like this is our ideas and what we believe in. Some of us, myself included, believe that evolution seems like the more likely solution and some of us believe that creationism is correct. Either way we do not know for sure so we have absolutely no basis to go around attempting to sway others or, in more extreme cases, call people wrong and start spouting a bunch of nonsense (yes, that is aimed at specific people). Believe what you want to believe and let other people believe what they want to believe, it isn't that hard.
Just so that this post stays a little more on topic....I vote in favor of Evolutionary theory, please leave me and my beliefs alone.
Thanks Superstar, now that we now where you stand how bout you stop trollin. Oh wait, you already said you aren't gonna be back. Not surprising. If you all would actually like to discuss the topic, go ahead. If I were you, I wouldn't post like this at all, let alone at three in the morning.

JewishSuperstar this is your first warning. You are in violation of rules 2 and 6. Use this link to check.
Good call Brutus...I seriously dislike (I was trying to avoid a word there) people who sign up for a forum without the intent to debate what they post, but go ahead and post not a short reply, but a very long, and useless, post.
asimov said:
Gary, that all you do?

For a Christian, you have a serious problem with judging others. Not once have I said an unkind word to BL, I am trying to be courteous, but it is very difficult when people are making such rude and belittling comments.

I feel your pain

heathen? said:
Gary Bee, I have concluded, is a very nasty individual. He, I believe, has some sort of complex in which he must insult people at every step of the way. Just make sure to note his actions down in your book of Why I am not a Christian.

You shouldnt judge an intire religion on one man thats a little foolish because 1 man doesnt define christiananity (thats if you believe jesus was more then a man) Jesus is the basis of christiananity and you should judge it by his works.

super said:
.I vote in favor of Evolutionary theory, please leave me and my beliefs alone.
Ok maybe im thinking irish but why state an opionion if your not going to back it up?
Wertbag said:
If anyone ever produced proof it would change the world, one religion that is known to be correct, no debate over which holy book or which messiah, no disputes at all.
Not really, if it wasn't their definition, why they would rationalize it to neutrality.
That evidence does not exist. If God wanted to sort things out he would have the power (speak to everyone at once, write it in flaming letters in the sky, appear and let us know etc) but he does not, either meaning he doesn't want to or can't, either way doesn't match the Christian idea of God.
Actually, read Lee Stroblel's "The Case for a Creator", it critiques Darwinism, evolution & its adherents pretty well. Check especially the info on biochemistry, DNA; life is way too complex for random chance, as for 'flaming letters in the sky', check astronomy & cosmology. Oh & if you don't believe Christians, read Brownlee & Ward's "Rare Earth", we are special. :o

Its probably the biggest thing against all versions of gods, lack of contact. Seemed to be common in the OT, but the miracles seem to have really dried up.
3 things here;
1) it says in the Bible that prophecy would stop for awhile
2) God is not at your's or any one else's beck & call
3) solid proof would deny faith, a faith which is something Christians are sure is more important to our salvation, than reading God's name on the stars ... /home.html ... tists.html ... #snowflake
B said:
Well said Thinkerman.

A lot of theists seem to also think that there is no basis for morality outside of their god.

Untrue. Common sense serves perfectly well.
untrue, common sense didn't stop the Germans from being immoral during the Nazi-era, common sense didn't stop the death of millions at the hands of Lenin & Stalin while they tried to form the 'new' man. if man is the measure of all things, then every man is a god, they make the rulles, that suit them, ask Charley Manson
Christian morals didn't stop Bloody Mary from burning non-Catholics. Christian morals didn't stop the inquisition. Christian morals didn't stop the crusades. If you want to talk about the extremes of things you are just as guilty as us.
Asimov said:
blueeyeliner said:
The bible has always had a great many witnesses
in past times and the present.

that's not what a theory is. It has nothing to do with witnesses, because the amount of witnesses don't add credibility to something that can't be repeated.
sometimes evidence is via non-repeatable phenomena, such as the 'Big Bang', humm, no human witnesses that I know of, not repeatable as far as I know, so can it be proved true, Mr. Asimov?

Oh, yeah, how about a bunch of numbers, starting with E=mc2? background radiation, Doppler Effect, ect...
sometimes evidence is via non-repeatable phenomena, such as the 'Big Bang', humm, no human witnesses that I know of, not repeatable as far as I know, so can it be proved true, Mr. Asimov?

You don't have to witness the event to know something is true. There is something called "indirect evidence."

Oh, yeah, how about a bunch of numbers, starting with E=mc2? background radiation, Doppler Effect, ect...

What about them? They are just equations to describe phenomena we have observed.

You don't have to witness the event to know something is true. There is something called "indirect evidence."

Do you believe in the literal physical resurrection of Christ? Why or why not?
No...the only evidence for the physical resurrection of Jesus is in the bible, and I do not consider the bible accurate or, in some cases, true. I believe Jesus existed, and that he was a good man...but he wasn't the son of God.
untrue, common sense didn't stop the Germans from being immoral during the Nazi-era, common sense didn't stop the death of millions at the hands of Lenin & Stalin while they tried to form the 'new' man. if man is the measure of all things, then every man is a god, they make the rulles, that suit them, ask Charley Manson

Common sense is not infallible...belief in a God isn't either.

Hitler believed to have God on his side.

I don't see any proof for God, at all...especially not a benevolent God.


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