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Next time someone calls you an "Islamaphobe"...


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BTW, before any of you nay sayers jump in here: Ahmed denied having said this back whenever it was he said it (sometime ago, apparently) His denial reeks of typical Islamic subterfuge, especially since it is well known that this thinking is exactly what the Qu'ran teaches and its followers practice at every opportunity.
A rational fear is realizing that several Muslims around the world would love to blow you and your family up.

An irrational fear of Muslims is what prompts people to try to prevent peaceful Muslims in their own pluralistic country from worshiping their god or building places of worship.

And of course Muslims want to convert everyone to Islam and and become a mostly Islamic country, just like Christians want to convert everyone to Christianity and become a mostly Christian country.
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Islamaphobe, Homophobe ... terms like that are manipulative and judgmental. Using such terms is either intellectually dishonest, or an indication of a MANIPULATED mind.

The fact of the matter is, a terrorist act against the USA is much more likely to be perpetrated by a 20-something Muslim guy from an Arab country than by a 20 something blonde girl from Tulsa.
Denial of this obvious fact is irrational.
Great post. :nod
Warning, this video contains graphic, enraging, terrible images of those who practice the "peaceful" religion of Islam and their victims:
Yeah, in some of those countries, their version of Islam needs to be watered down by some enlightenment and sophistication, just like in Christianity, where the Old Testament was watered down by more modern ideas and the teachings in the New Testament. What you are looking at in many of these cases, are women being influenced by a Western world that exists contemporarily with their backward, outdated society and religion. It gives these oppressed women some hope, and some of them get a little brave, only to be punished by their male-dominated society that has its head buried in outdated, ruthless, and outright mindless belief systems. Back in Old Testament times, there was no Western society where there were women with equal rights giving hope to the oppressed Israelite women. The Israelite women wouldn't dare question their unfair treatment.
Yeah, in some of those countries, their version of Islam needs to be watered down by some enlightenment and sophistication, just like in Christianity, where the Old Testament was watered down by more modern ideas and the teachings in the New Testament. What you are looking at in many of these cases, are women being influenced by a Western world that exists contemporarily with their backward, outdated society and religion. It gives these oppressed women some hope, and some of them get a little brave, only to be punished by their male-dominated society that has its head buried in outdated, ruthless, and outright mindless belief systems. Back in Old Testament times, there was no Western society where there were women with equal rights giving hope to the oppressed Israelite women. The Israelite women wouldn't dare question their unfair treatment.

In some countries "their version" of Islam needs to be watered down?? There have been "honor killings" in England and America, just to name a few of the "western" countries in which their "outdated, ruthless, ... belief systems" operate. Easy enough to push thoughts of the horrors away when it isn't happening in our own backyards.

I totally disagree with you that the OT was "watered down", as if by man's advancement in "sophistication and enlightenment". After all the OT is Scripture from God's mind to that of men. I suppose you would agree that God needs no such help from man's "advancement". Absurd idea!
So far as Israelite women goes, you forget that Deborah, a very Israelite woman, was a judge. Or that the Shunamite woman went after the "man of God" until he brought her son back to life. Picture either of those events happening in any Islamic society of today or in the past!

The devil hates women especially because of the Seed that has crushed his head, that is why women are being stoned for being raped! in Islam. It is unfair, unjust, inhumane and anti-Christ behavior and is a hallmark of a devilish, inhumane religion.
In some countries "their version" of Islam needs to be watered down?? There have been "honor killings" in England and America, just to name a few of the "western" countries in which their "outdated, ruthless, ... belief systems" operate. Easy enough to push thoughts of the horrors away when it isn't happening in our own backyards.

I totally disagree with you that the OT was "watered down", as if by man's advancement in "sophistication and enlightenment". After all the OT is Scripture from God's mind to that of men. I suppose you would agree that God needs no such help from man's "advancement". Absurd idea!
So far as Israelite women goes, you forget that Deborah, a very Israelite woman, was a judge. Or that the Shunamite woman went after the "man of God" until he brought her son back to life. Picture either of those events happening in any Islamic society of today or in the past!

The devil hates women especially because of the Seed that has crushed his head, that is why women are being stoned for being raped! in Islam. It is unfair, unjust, inhumane and anti-Christ behavior and is a hallmark of a devilish, inhumane religion.
"Then shall the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel's virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate: And the damsel's father shall say unto the elders, I gave my daughter unto this man to wife, and he hateth her; And, lo, he hath given occasions of speech against her, saying, I found not thy daughter a maid; and yet these are the tokens of my daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city. And the elders of that city shall take that man and chastise him; And they shall amerce him in an hundred shekels of silver, and give them unto the father of the damsel, because he hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel: and she shall be his wife; he may not put her away all his days. But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you." -Deuteronomy 22:15-21


There's your OT. If they had video cameras back then, you could have added that to your link.
I think it might be wise and pause to remember that each of us is deserving of the punishment in Deuteronomy 22--and much worse (eternal torment in hell) for some sin or another. Remember in Numbers 15 a man suffered the same punishment for picking up sticks on the sabbath. So, it's not a man or woman thing. It is a human condition.

The reason we find Islam's treatment of women so offensive today isn't because man has become more sophisticated and enlightened. We've only become more sophisticated in our wickedness. Now we don't need to stone people, we can kill them in the womb--thousands a day--or press a button and annhiliate entire cities with a bomb. We think we're more civilized because we're now able to sanitize our wickedness so it isn't so obvious to us.

The reason the application of OT law to today is so offensive is because the judgements written therein have been fulfilled by Christ. Jesus Christ paid for our sins on the cross and our response to adulterers, homosexuals, disobedient children, etc. is to lead them to the blessing of forgiveness and redemption in Jesus Christ.
"Then shall the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel's virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate: And the damsel's father shall say unto the elders, I gave my daughter unto this man to wife, and he hateth her; And, lo, he hath given occasions of speech against her, saying, I found not thy daughter a maid; and yet these are the tokens of my daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city. And the elders of that city shall take that man and chastise him; And they shall amerce him in an hundred shekels of silver, and give them unto the father of the damsel, because he hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel: and she shall be his wife; he may not put her away all his days. But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you." -Deuteronomy 22:15-21


There's your OT. If they had video cameras back then, you could have added that to your link.

Like Speculative said, "The reason the application of OT law today is so offensive is because the judgements written therein have been fulfilled by Christ. Jesus Christ paid for our sins on the cross and our response to adulterers, homosexuals, disobedient children, etc. is to lead them to the blessing of forgiveness and redemption in Jesus Christ."

There. I thank God every day for the blood of Jesus, sent to rescue fallen man. The reason Islam is so offensive is exactly what Speculative posted. They are still willfully under law and a twisted, perverted version of it at that. They demote Jesus to a mere "prophet", ranking somewhere below Mohammed and in so doing condemn themselves to die under the law. And there's your New Testament.
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This is the kind of attitude I hate coming from other Christians. All you see is crazy muslims because that's what the news wants you too see, all they see is crazy christians because that's what their news wants them to see. We're both getting played but instead of realizing it we continue to hate on each other. People act as if a christian has never killed anyone or been involved in a mass murder or that nations haven't killed in the name of God, it's the denial of history. You all claim that Islam aims to take over the world and that muslims are trying to take over America, isn't that what we did? Didn't we send missionaries for the complete purpose of converting the native population? Hypocrisy is reeking from this thread. I believe in God, but I don't believe in hating another man for his beliefs, for the sole fact that he is different. It's his choice and he may or may not have to suffer for it in the next life, but it's not my place to dislike and even hate him for making that choice. The fact that some of you actually believe they are DEMONIC is an absolute disgrace to the name of God. They aren't demonic they are different, these are the same attitudes that fueled slavery and the jim crow laws, these are the same attitudes that fueled the salem witch trials, and these are the attitudes that make Christianity look bad.
All you see is crazy muslims because that's what the news wants you too see

This might be true. I've been told that when ordinary Muslims go on peaceful marches to protest the Jihadists' terrorism or when their religious leaders hold press conferences to denounce terrorist acts, it almost never makes it to American news. So Muslims are inferred to be either terrorists or their sympathisers.

If this isn't true, I trust one of the Americans here will hasten to say so.
ok. so I as a jewish-christians should wear my star of david and no problems in any arab country? yes I know that there those that don't like what is being done. but well?
This might be true. I've been told that when ordinary Muslims go on peaceful marches to protest the Jihadists' terrorism or when their religious leaders hold press conferences to denounce terrorist acts, it almost never makes it to American news. So Muslims are inferred to be either terrorists or their sympathisers.

If this isn't true, I trust one of the Americans here will hasten to say so.
The news media here rarely shows Muslim leaders denouncing terrorist acts, and when they do, the denunciations are forced, qualified, and tepid--and I've never seen a march of ordinary Muslims protesting Jihadist terrorism. The U.S. media is very pluralistic and critical of those of us that would criticize any religion other than Christianity, so I doubt that it's because they want to just show crazy Muslims.

However, I think it is undeniable that there is a significant number of Muslims in the U.S. and abroad that mean harm to Christians, Americans, Jews and our entire way of life and that it is not wise to try to deny that fact.
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I don't live in the US so I didn't really know if it was completely true. So thanks Speculative.

I haven't a clue why you haven't seen a march or a forceful and emotional denouncement. I have. Several times. And Christians by far are the vast majority here, not even Muslims. It usually happens after some lunatic kills people or blows something up in the name of Islam. It doesn't happen after each and every attack but often enough that we don't believe they're just laying there in tacit approval.
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ok. so I as a jewish-christians should wear my star of david and no problems in any arab country?

There are stories and stories in the news here of people going to Saudi Arabia seeking a job and ending up enslaved. They confiscate your passport so you can't get away. Some have even ended up dead.

When some excited young girl says she's found a well-paying job there, we're horrified. It's extremely dangerous for Africans there too.
This is the kind of attitude I hate coming from other Christians. All you see is crazy muslims because that's what the news wants you too see, all they see is crazy christians because that's what their news wants them to see. We're both getting played but instead of realizing it we continue to hate on each other. People act as if a christian has never killed anyone or been involved in a mass murder or that nations haven't killed in the name of God, it's the denial of history. You all claim that Islam aims to take over the world and that muslims are trying to take over America, isn't that what we did? Didn't we send missionaries for the complete purpose of converting the native population? Hypocrisy is reeking from this thread. I believe in God, but I don't believe in hating another man for his beliefs, for the sole fact that he is different. It's his choice and he may or may not have to suffer for it in the next life, but it's not my place to dislike and even hate him for making that choice. The fact that some of you actually believe they are DEMONIC is an absolute disgrace to the name of God. They aren't demonic they are different, these are the same attitudes that fueled slavery and the jim crow laws, these are the same attitudes that fueled the salem witch trials, and these are the attitudes that make Christianity look bad.

If you are referring to the Christian Crusades, which is often used to respond to criticism of violent Islam, remember these took place over roughly 130 years almost 1000 years ago. Though they acted in the name of God, I would say the crusaders were not truly following Him. In today's world, killing in the name of God by Christians is almost exclusively done by individual persons (abortion clinic bombings) who have deluded themselves into thinking this is God's Will. It is not. In Islam, you have clerics and leaders of Islamic states making repeated threats against Israel, America, and other nations who stand in its way of conquest. And make no mistake. Islam is, at its heart, all about conquest and control. It has always been about that, throughout its history and today. Whole nations rise up in the name of Allah and take up arms with offensive missions, and they use the Koran to justify it.

Is Islam demonic? From the Christian perspective, the answer should always be a resounding "YES"!! It is a religion that contradicts the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and such a message that grabs hold of so many people has got to have demonic influence.
Jesus did not condemn people for being demon possessed, rather He freed those captive from demon possession. And He sure wasn't scared of any of them. The same should apply today.
true, but well as its said in pentacostal circles. the demonically possessed has to want to be free . if not don't bother with that devil. it will make it worse.


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