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The Evil Of Islam


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To give them rights to the land is relinquishing what is rightfully the Israelites given them by God's own hand and Word.

Israelis are not Israelites, and not even Israelites have a right to the land. Even if I accept the LIE that Israelis are Israelites, God took the land away in 70AD and there has been no repentance that the land should be restored.

Consider how we took land from the Indians and Mexicans by conquering them; are we required by the world's opinion to give America back to them? How about if the Native Americans were sending suicide bombers to our public places or the Mexicans were shooting rockets at Texas or California?

Palestinians are kept in concentration camps, with few rights. American Indians have more right than any other American. There's a night and day difference.

The outcry by the world to return any part of Israel to the Palestinians is ungodly rhetoric and hatred for the Jews is not too subtly hidden in it.

That pales in comparison for Zionist hatred for everyone who isn't a [talmudic] Jew, especially hatred against Abraham's children through Ishmael?
I wonder if it isn't Islam that is evil, but the execution of a particular interpretation of Islam that produces evil. There just seems to be a lot of Muslims who seem to find no contradiction in practicing their faith and not killing people.
I wonder if it isn't Islam that is evil, but the execution of a particular interpretation of Islam that produces evil. There just seems to be a lot of Muslims who seem to find no contradiction in practicing their faith and not killing people.

Then they are not "practicing their faith". "The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter." (Quoted from

I believe, Unbeliever, that you will have to agree that the generally accepted definition of "hypocrite" is a pretender to a faith. In anticipation of postings of references to the Biblical calls to violence, the site also has this to say, "Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the Quran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by the historical context of the surrounding text. They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subjective as anything else in the Quran."
Actually, I've been told by Muslims that many of those verses are constrained by historical circumstances. I don't see much of a difference between the two. You should try talking to them instead of getting your information from polemic web sites. Uunlss you think anti-christian web sites are the best source of information on Christianity.
Then they are not "practicing their faith". "The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule.

You ignore the evil that the Talmud teaches and you misrepresent what the Koran teaches. Those "109 verses" teach Muslims to fight back, not to start fights.

Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors... for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there But if they cease, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah; but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression.

That quote is the context of the first example given on the website that you're quoting from.

you will have to agree that the generally accepted definition of "hypocrite" is a pretender to a faith.

"Hypocrite" someone who complains about Muslim violence (which is mostly just asymmetric warfare against American/Zionist aggressors) while they themselves foist lies and half-truths to promote unjust wars against the children of Abraham (through Ishmael). "Christians" are killing Muslims at least 100 to 1.

"Hypocrite" is someone who claims to follow the Prince of Peace, "love your enemies" and "blessed are the peacemakers", but yet are always plotting war and always hating their enemies. Here is one difference with Christianity vs. Islam and talmudic Judaism, Christianity is a religion of peace.
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Yes, I would and yes, I think I do
so you wouldnt mind at all if isreal purged by say the holocaust of arabs and called it the final solution for them?if you think that jews would ever ponder that and do it then you dont understand US at all. i know and have listened and talked to isrealis who do see that at times isreal is wrong and has been wrong. isreal has killed and wiped out arabs for no reason. men and women and children who took no arms to attack them or defended themselves. ben gurion didnt order that but it did happen.i wouldnt support that action. isreal in her nobility has never taken land save what was theres by them simply living there. when the jews formed the jewish state they already were living in the current areas. they never owned land in syria, save what they took for a buffer. you might want to consult on with what the white lie is.

carefully read what you said. and even my dad says that the only good arab is a dead arab and he would be agaisnt that. my grandma's tanach brags about isreal having religious freedoms. it lists the faiths that are practiced in isreal.

This might help explain why every Muslim nation except Saudi Arabia is so poor and messy politically and otherwise.

"The area of Gaza became a mess once the Israeli government kicked their own people out and let the Palestinians take over this area.

Gaza had contained greenhouses, fields and crops, and beautiful homes, synagogues, schools and churches. Within just a few months, Palestinians turned it into a garbage dump! Sadly, they were far more interested in making sure Jews didn't own anything worthwhile rather than improving their own living conditions. This has been the case over and over again.

This should help explain to you why Palestinians are restricted by emigration laws from living in other Arab countries! They have often behaved in ways destructive to their own best interests. They are not interested in developing tolerance, compassion or any Judeo-Christian values, of course. Furthermore, keeping them "stuck" where they are is good press for the surrounding Arab nations - a sad fact.

Palestinians are poor because they focus upon training their children to hate Jews, Christians and YOU - Americans! This is their education and reason for living - not to become economically independent or self-sufficient.

Their schools brainwash children through imitation Mickey Mouse characters, for example, to become killers and suicide bombers. The propaganda is relentless. "Kill the Jews on Saturday. Then kill the Christians on Sunday. Shove Israel into the sea. Destroy the Great Satan America." (This motto includes liberals, gays, atheists, and people like you as well as other religious groups - we need to face this reality)."
so you wouldnt mind at all if isreal purged by say the holocaust of arabs and called it the final solution for them?
Don't read into my posts what isn't there, jasoncran, and you and I both know that if the Israelis were even capable of it or had any intention of doing any such thing it would have been done long ago.

isrealis who do see that at times isreal is wrong and has been wrong. isreal has killed and wiped out arabs for no reason. men and women and children who took no arms to attack them or defended themselves. ben gurion didnt order that but it did happen.i wouldnt support that action.

I just don't understand how posters can be so quick to condemn Israelis for killing and even "wiping out" Arabs with or without reason when it happens everyday to Israelis, bombs, suicide bombers, truck bombs, school bus bombings along with the constant need for alertness against all that. I mean, really, if you had to live like that every day might you not also be capable of sometimes going way overboard? You didn't explain why it happened, do you know? No one would "support" such an action, but I do think we could easily see how we might react if we had to live with the knowledge that our neighbors weren't just trying to get across our borders but coming with bombs suicide vests and rabid hatred for us and our families as well.
the villages laid down their arms and said we will live under jewish rule. yet a small sect of jews saw fit to wipe them out.

one of two that i know. its war and it will happen.what theres jews that hate arabs? yup yessir i know of one personally. i was led and told by god and a jewish vet of nam not to hate all of the enemy. it helps to avoid something called ptsd. many a arabs in palenstine are christians. when you said they didnt have rights that made me think that arabs who want peace and do islam arent allowed in isreal nor wanted. when that simply isnt the case.
Gaza had contained greenhouses, fields and crops, and beautiful homes, synagogues, schools and churches. Within just a few months, Palestinians turned it into a garbage dump!

Israel was behind much of this destruction themselves. Israel left almost nothing. Some Isrealies, in spite of having their homes bought from them, burned them down, or trashed them, as they were leaving. The greenhouses were "saved" from Israel when Americans bought the greenhouses. But, then Israel managed the handover in such a way that looters were able to strip the greenhouses. Israel also cut off water to the greenhouses leaving the plants to die before they were handed over.

Demolition of Gaza homes completed
Last private home left standing in Neve Dekalim was destroyed Thursday, ending Security Ministry’ s Gush Katif home demolition operation. IDF is plans on withdrawing all of its forces from Gaza by September 15, and transfer area to Palestinian control

Give the hate a rest, Tessiewebb. And, turn away from that false Zionist doctrine that causes you so much hate.
sheesh. i would hardly call the average soldier a christian.

out of a battalion of 400 about 20 at the most showed up for chapel service during at. true their might be more christians in my battalion but still.
There would have to be an agreed upon definition for who constituted Christians and Muslims. Only then could we start discussing whether there was any ratio in killings.

You made a statement. And now you are waffling on it. I'm asking you to prove what you said is true. And if you are going to go back more than a 100 years, forget it. The Crusaders thing has been worn to the ground. Your statement was not about yesteryear but now. So I'm asking you again, prove your statement.
You made a statement. And now you are waffling on it. I'm asking you to prove what you said is true. And if you are going to go back more than a 100 years, forget it. The Crusaders thing has been worn to the ground. Your statement was not about yesteryear but now. So I'm asking you again, prove your statement.
It was Hammer that made that statement. The Unbeliever was just adding some necessary qualifications.
It was Hammer that made that statement. The Unbeliever was just adding some necessary qualifications.
That is true, but since I asked Hammer to prove it and Unbeliever got into the mix, it's on him to clarify it, since he appears to want to stand in for Hammer. No one has to clarify who is Christian and who is Muslim unless they are waffling on what Hammer said. And since you think Unbeliever's post included "necessary qualifications" I'd like clarifications on that also. It was and is an untrue statement and muddying up the waters doesn't make it any less so.


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