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Why do Christians hate Muslims? I just want to know more about Jesus.

Well let's see what Jesus said:

John 10:36
King James Version (KJV)
36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?

John 11:4
King James Version (KJV)
4 When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.

Matthew 16:16-17
King James Version (KJV)
16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

John 9:35-37
King James Version (KJV)
35 Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God?

36 He answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him?

37 And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee.

So it seems Jesus did claim to be God's son and agreed with Peter when he made the statement.

John 4:25-26
King James Version (KJV)
25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he

Maybe you missed these verses.

I do not single out verses taking them out of context as the end all be all assertion that Jesus is a god. I read them all and to base my decisions.

Take for instance John 20:17, "Jesus saith unto her [Mary Magdalene], Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God."

Jesus showed here clearly that, he was no God, but was in the same subjection to God as his brethren.

It cannot, therefore, be asserted on the authority of this passage, that Jesus meant anything more by styling himself "the Son of God," than the Holy Scriptures indicate by such passages as Deuteronomy 14:1, "Ye are children of Yehovah your God." The expression "Son of God" has not the slightest reference to a Superhuman Being.

Furthermore in Matthew 8:19-20, "And a certain scribe came and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. And Jesus said unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man hath nowhere to lay his head." The same saying is recorded in Luke 9:57. This passage is I think a strong proof of the consciousness of Jesus that he was not God. For, if he had really been filled with such a conceit, why should he have called himself the Son of Man? And moreover, why should he have dissuaded others from relying on him?

Perhaps he bore in mind the admonition given in Psalm 146:3, "Do not rely on princes nor trust in the son of man, for salvation belongeth not unto him." Or perhaps the words of Jeremiah in chapter 17:5, "Cursed is the man who relieth on man."

Had he imagined he was God, why should he have said he had nowhere to lay his head? Would he not have considered the whole earth to be his own resting-place; for does not the Psalmist remind us in Psalm 24:1, "That the earth is Yehovah's, and the fullness thereof, the world, and the inhabitants therein?"

So no I did not miss those verses.
I am in America now, and there is a man that come to my door last month and wanted me to worship with him but he is Christian. He gave me papers to read.The papers say that he is Jehovah Witness. I read on it. It said Jesus is not the same person as God. Is that a real Christian or a fake one? This is what got me wanting to know more about him. Also, I saw a program on the television that said Jesus was a Jewish King. It is so confusing. I wish Christians would just make one book that says what they all beleive in. Was he a King? Did the Romans kill him because he was fighting them or something?

In the Christian faith Jesus was God incarnate. There are many people wearing the label of Christan that struggle with this. We have a bunch of sects, denominations, and fringe groups that identify themselves as Christians. Even the KKK does this.

Christ is not found in a church or group. He is not just a construct of ideas alone.

The Jews where a problem for the Romans in many ways. Frankly the Romans could has cared less about Jesus. They did not really want to crucify him, they just wanted order. There is no blaming anyone for the death of Christ. Christ was God, and his sacrifice was by God for us.

One of the biggest sticking points between Muslims and Christians is the trinity. As you have seen from your door visitor, it's also a sticking point for some calling themselves Christians.

We belive in one God in three forms. God the father, God the son (Christ) and God the holly spirit.
Re: Christians don't hate anyone!

The hatred is directed at the VIOLENCE of the fanatical muslims. It is unreasonable to paint the American Christians with a hate brush. You do not see these demonstrating, burning Korans, etc. I myself want to see Muslim come to Christ too. But we cannot ignore the goings on with the fanatical ones. ISLAM IS A FALSE RELIGION..pure and denying that.

Do you think that other muslim women in Egypt, Tunisia or Indonesia would be willing to do what these women in Libya are doing.. Nope. You and I know that fear of the fanatical muslim would prevent them. I am not naive..

Hammer the West have continued to help Muslims who emigrate from their countries. They have a lot of privileges. They attend their mosques, their own schools if they choose to. But what do they get in return, homegrown terrorists who try to destabalise the country that fed and educate them. Remember the soldier that killed others at the Army base. When something like this happens what should the US do, pretend that all is well.
These are people who will kill women who commit adultery even if they find the couple in the sexual act. Women in Islam are nothing more than objects. Look at Saudi Arabia. I believe the problem with these Muslims is that the political leaders in these muslim countries do what is expedient. They themselves are afraid of the fanatics so they do not clamp down on them. The Haqquani network in Pakistan is an example of leaders who are either helping or are unwilling to deal with this terror. Ironically these countries want US aid, BUT seem to allow these things to go unnoticed.
Rememberr Osama Bin Laden was living right under the nose of one of the Pakistan military bases. No one can tell me that military did not notice. I will make a statement and you can determine whether I am judgmental or not. But Islam cannot be trusted. Muslims are Muslims first and citizens of the world after. As I have said before a young muslim student told a teacher here that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A MODERATE MUSLIM. FEAR is an inescapable composition of Islam. Fear to disagree, fear for one's life. This kind of fear is what makes witnessing difficult for the Christian. This is the real world.

Only today an Afghan soldier killed four NATO soldiers presumably he should have been helping the NATO soldiers..BUT now he sees them as the enemy. This is deceit... The Taliban uses fear..which I have said before is the main component of Islam.
major nadal hussan. and he isnt the only turncoat army muslim. three of them are well known and one of them will be executed soon. the one that killed is co and in iraq. he chanted ant-us slogans and also protested the war.thats fine if you arent in but dont kill the co or any american.
Re: Christians don't hate anyone!

The hatred is directed at the VIOLENCE of the fanatical muslims.

A tiny minority of Muslims commit "terrorism", and those that do aren't doing so in a void. The US played a key role in overthrowing the Libyan government, on top of everything else the US has been doing in the middle-east. Even without Islam, it could be expected that Libyans who supported the defeated Libyan government would seek revenge against American targets.

Often, religion is just the window dressing to events that have secular causes.

It is unreasonable to paint the American Christians with a hate brush.

I see that President George W Bush told lies about Saddam to start a war with Iraq. And, it was overwhelming hate that caused the public to accept those lies.

It is that same hate that is pushing us to war with Iran.

It is that same hate that allows Israel to go on abusing the human rights of the Palestinians.

It is that same hate that causes the US to promote civil wars in the middle-east rather than pressure those governments to improve their human rights records.

Hammer the West have continued to help Muslims who emigrate from their countries. They have a lot of privileges. They attend their mosques, their own schools if they choose to. But what do they get in return, homegrown terrorists who try to destabalise the country that fed and educate them.

In the last decades, hundreds of thousands of Muslims have come to the US, mostly war refugees. How many of them are committing acts of terrorism to the country that took them in? Probably no more than the terrorism committed by home-grown non-Muslims.

Remember the soldier that killed others at the Army base. When something like this happens what should the US do, pretend that all is well.

That was just one man, like the one man who shot up the movie theater.

These are people who will kill women who commit adultery even if they find the couple in the sexual act. Women in Islam are nothing more than objects. Look at Saudi Arabia.

Yes, and instead of pressuring Saudi Arabia to give women and Christians rights that they don't have, we're pressuring Iran to get rid of a nuclear weapons program that they don't have (but, have a right to have).

Only today an Afghan soldier killed four NATO soldiers presumably he should have been helping the NATO soldiers..BUT now he sees them as the enemy. This is deceit... The Taliban uses fear..which I have said before is the main component of Islam.

No one in Afghanistan or Pakistan wants the US over there killing people. None of them are our allies. Any cooperation with with us is out of fear from us. A decade ago, Pakistan had a choice, be bombed like Iraq and Afghanistan, or host the US military and get billions of dollars in the process. A gun to the head is not the formula for a true ally, and it's not because they're inherently untrustworthy.
trustworthy?really and that base in their country wasnt unnoticed especially near a military base?! come on. the taliban come from pakistan and pastuun from afghanistan dont like pakistani pashtoons at all. i heard this alot as i was on the border of afghanistan and pakistan.
I do not single out verses taking them out of context as the end all be all assertion that Jesus is a god. I read them all and to base my decisions.

Take for instance John 20:17, "Jesus saith unto her [Mary Magdalene], Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God."

Jesus showed here clearly that, he was no God, but was in the same subjection to God as his brethren.

It cannot, therefore, be asserted on the authority of this passage, that Jesus meant anything more by styling himself "the Son of God," than the Holy Scriptures indicate by such passages as Deuteronomy 14:1, "Ye are children of Yehovah your God." The expression "Son of God" has not the slightest reference to a Superhuman Being.

Furthermore in Matthew 8:19-20, "And a certain scribe came and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. And Jesus said unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man hath nowhere to lay his head." The same saying is recorded in Luke 9:57. This passage is I think a strong proof of the consciousness of Jesus that he was not God. For, if he had really been filled with such a conceit, why should he have called himself the Son of Man? And moreover, why should he have dissuaded others from relying on him?

Perhaps he bore in mind the admonition given in Psalm 146:3, "Do not rely on princes nor trust in the son of man, for salvation belongeth not unto him." Or perhaps the words of Jeremiah in chapter 17:5, "Cursed is the man who relieth on man."

Had he imagined he was God, why should he have said he had nowhere to lay his head? Would he not have considered the whole earth to be his own resting-place; for does not the Psalmist remind us in Psalm 24:1, "That the earth is Yehovah's, and the fullness thereof, the world, and the inhabitants therein?"

So no I did not miss those verses.

Well it's off topic so unless you want to start a new thread I will leave you with what I said. I see your misunderstanding and it can be clearly explained but not on this thread. If you really want to know the truth then start a new thread.
Re: Why do Christians hate Muslims?

Well actually the real problem is that the Muslims have invaded the land God gave to Israel. They will have to leave it one day and that dome on the rock will come down for the rebuilding of God's temple.

The land God gave to Israel included everything from the Nile river in Egypt to Lebanon (North to South) and everything from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River (West to East). So, what land has God stated belongs to Israel? All of the land modern Israel currently possesses, plus all of the land of the Palestinians (the West Bank and Gaza), plus some of Egypt and Syria, plus all of Jordan, plus some of Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Israel currently possesses only a fraction of the land God has promised.

Muslims cannot override what God has given to Israel. This is the root of all the problems. Muslims are in rebellion against God.
I've mentioned it before, but if you want a good message on Islam, Judaism and Christianity - this is a good place to start.

It has helped me to *somewhat* understand the world around me. I admit I have GOT to listen to the whole thing a few more times, but in the four CDs you need only listen to the first two to understand the three religions. The thrid CD is the testimony of a Jewish woman and is VERY educational. THe fourth CD is the testimony of a Muslim man - and I have not even listened to it yet.
There is no blaming anyone for the death of Christ.

The Bible places blame. Matthew 20:17-18, 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15.

One of the biggest sticking points between Muslims and Christians is the trinity. As you have seen from your door visitor, it's also a sticking point for some calling themselves Christians.

How about that deal about them rejecting the death and resurrection?
In regards to the topic in question. Christians SHOULDN'T hate Muslims....sadly, it seems many do. It shouldn't even be a question of belief.
Where I live Muslims and Christians know how to treat each other.

The Muslims celebrate Christmas with their Christian brothers.

During Ramadhan, the Christians fast alongside their Muslim brothers. The best part is the end of the day, breaking the fast. EVERYONE is invited. It is a festival in each household.

Id-ul-Fitr is a public holiday, like Easter Monday.

I feel so utterly sorry that there are countries where Christians and Muslims prefer hatred to love and respect for one another.
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Where I live Muslims and Christians know how to treat each other.

The Muslims celebrate Christmas with their Christian brothers.

During Ramadhan, the Christians fast alongside their Muslim brothers. The best part is the end of the day, breaking the fast. EVERYONE is invited. It is a festival in each household.

Id-ul-Fitr is a public holiday, like Easter Monday.

I feel so utterly sorry that there are countries where Christians and Muslims prefer hatred to love and respect for one another.

So the "love and respect" between Christians and Muslims there lets Muslims continue their slide towards hell while the Christians are staining themselves with participating in a religion that honors another god. Sounds like Israels compliance with the heathen nations around them which as I recall got them kicked out of their land and had God's anger on them more than once.
MAT 9:11-13 KJV And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?

But when Jesus heard that, He said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.

But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
MAT 9:11-13 KJV And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?

But when Jesus heard that, He said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.

But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Are you saying Muslims are "publicans and sinners"? That we should eat at the table of their god? I don't see Christians killing Muslims or forcing them to convert at the threat of death. I think, in the face of the persecution of Christians by Muslim, that not retaliating in kind IS Mercy! You will notice that it was not the publicans and sinners who were "religious" but the Pharisees, who Jesus called white-washed sepulchres full of dead mens bones and vipers. Muslims appear to consider themselves and their "religion" as "holy and righteous" just as the Pharisees did. They call Christians blasphemers for agreeing with Jesus that He is the Son of God Almighty. They are those who take the "kingdom of heaven by violence". They are trampling down the people of Yahweh all over the world and conquering the silly pc governmental leaders by stealth, deceit and violence. And Christians are crying "Peace and love" where there is neither! Yes, we're to pray for our enemies to be converted to God's children. That is not to say we are to EMBRACE our enemies as if they were not enemies. That is not wisdom from God but humanistic idiocy!
Do you mind clarifying how all of your subsequent statements support your initial statement?

That is fairly simple, but because you are an unbeliever, I question if you will receive it as it is meant.

Christianity is different from ALL other religions in many ways. Prime among the ways is that our God is relational. Because the god os islam is far off, and requires works, such as fasting, pilgrimage and 5X daily prayer, it is a religion based upon humans doing their best to please their god. The God of Christianity delights in being with us, and we can call Him "Abba" or "daddy" or Father.

The Scriptures abundantly testify that Jesus is God, but listing them all in this post is counter productive for two reasons:
1) No matter how reasons anyone posts, I assume that you will not be convinces of that fact.
2) There are so many Scriptures attesting to that fact that the post would be too long (as if you would read them all :))
Allah is a man-created god, but Jesus Christ is a pre-existant and prophesied God Before the assembling of the Qur'an, (c. 700 AD) no one ever heard of allah. God is pre-existent, and has over 300 prophecies in the OT about him, ALL fulfilled exactly.

Originally Posted by joep222
Mohammad rejected Jesus Christ, therefore he was not a prophet.
Joe is correct in this because history proves it, as well as the writings in the Qur'an. Mohammad came 600+ years after Jesus, and he is telling his Adherents to not like the Christians or Jews.

So your objections to the truth are both superficial and cursory. With a waive of your hand, you seek to dismiss the MANY claims of the Bible, and you refuse to LOOK at them when they are presented.

There are many words to describe this situation accurately, but I will not post them lest you believe I am name calling. But the words are really nothing to fear or fret about. Rather the consequences of that refusal to consider the truth of a matter is to your eternal peril. that is NOT a statement made in glee, but in somber awareness that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hand of an angry God. (Hebrews 10:31)

Your decision is to accept or reject the truth; my duty is to present the truth to all unbelievers, and I have just done that.