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    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."



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just a though a buddy of mine pastors and drives truck. we was talking this week on our cell phone. he mentioned the secretary where he delivers lumber. thought she was a christian till she had conversation with him.
this thought comes to mind how many more are out there like her ? she goes to church with her mom i think it is.. she lives with her b/f probably a good person. but being a good person does not make one a Christian . of course we know the first Christians in name was at Antioch
Acts 11:25-26 New King James Version (NKJV)
25 Then Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Saul. 26 And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
we know the name was given as type slur christonnss .

so does being a good person make one a christian ?does baptism make one a christian? does attending Church make one a christian? just a few scriptures john 3:3 we must be born again its a spiritual birth we also know no one comes to the father but through Christ way truth life., we also know one has to be drawn by the spirit. see this is why i stress a know so salvation that we may know we have eternal life . see its not a think so hope so maybe so working on it or trying to be.. a person is or they aint no straddling the fence . you have to know !!!! far far to many lost sitting in the church and walking out the door lost !

feel free to add scriptures thoughts
I think God knows who are and/or will be His. Maybe its foreknowledge, maybe its Calvinist style predestination...I dunno...

so, to me, a Christian is "created" (cant think of a better word at the moment) by God's work in his or her heart+life. This lady...could be on her way to Christ, one day...The Lord could be "preparing the soil," so the seeds will eventually bring forth fruit, like in The Parable of the Sower...

or she could be one of many who use church like other use self-help or talk therapy or...on and on it soothe their consciences and get thru life. happens. i had acquaintances, when i was in darkness, who talked about the wonders of magick (note the K...dabbling in the occult, basically) and how awesome their "Born Again experiences" were...and that seems to be par for the course with the unredeemed, unregenerate in 21st century, modern nations. a bit of this, some of that...if it makes one feel better, its good.

i -was- the same way, until Jesus dealt with my heart. That's the big reason I lean towards at least foreknowledge, on God's own salvation, thus so far. I was lost, Jesus dealt with my heart and provided some much needed clarity and humility, I prayed....

and my "Born Again experience" was a big, defining moment...but only because of Christ's work in my heart and hearts and in my life. Its not as if I prayed harder or more earnestly than the many false conversions out there, and I Haven't been in church, either...just coming here and getting disciple-d by Verna (which is a blessing, of course).

OK. so...that's my answer, at this point in my Walk with The Lord. Christians are God's chosen people, so its His work in their+our hearts and lives that sets us apart. :)
just a though a buddy of mine pastors and drives truck. we was talking this week on our cell phone. he mentioned the secretary where he delivers lumber. thought she was a christian till she had conversation with him.
this thought comes to mind how many more are out there like her ? she goes to church with her mom i think it is.. she lives with her b/f probably a good person. but being a good person does not make one a Christian . of course we know the first Christians in name was at Antioch
Acts 11:25-26 New King James Version (NKJV)
25 Then Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Saul. 26 And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
we know the name was given as type slur christonnss .

so does being a good person make one a christian ?does baptism make one a christian? does attending Church make one a christian? just a few scriptures john 3:3 we must be born again its a spiritual birth we also know no one comes to the father but through Christ way truth life., we also know one has to be drawn by the spirit. see this is why i stress a know so salvation that we may know we have eternal life . see its not a think so hope so maybe so working on it or trying to be.. a person is or they aint no straddling the fence . you have to know !!!! far far to many lost sitting in the church and walking out the door lost !

feel free to add scriptures thoughts
The title Christian was used in place of the phrase "those of the Way." By its very nature, I believe the title Christian was used to identify those who are followers of Christ. How does a follower of Christ live, act, speak, and so forth?
How does a follower of Christ live, act, speak, and so forth?
the answer would be who you asked.... we that are truly born again know the answer.. but the lady who thought she was saved..there are many out there just like her. i recall a guy i worked with for years . had a serious medical issue came close to getting him.. he told me he made things right with God. great where you going to Church at? i haven't found one or been going.. see i know dave and chances are he was in a bad spot thought he may not make it . made things right on his terms.. but the lady really felt she was a christian ..might i add we know the definition . my wife gmother had cancer i asked if he was saved she said she was baptized but wouldn't hurt to be again . i dont want anyone reading or commenting to think i do everything right %100 of the time. or that i am judging salvation . this is a very serious issue step out on the streets ask are you a christian. i dare say %75 will say yes .its more about self depiction
i think you're right, ezra. i need to get into a church, but i know im a Christian because of Christ's work in my life....

and I wonder, if churches did a better job of keeping in touch with people and disciple-ing them...would that help create more Christians, or just drive away the people who throw some $$$ in the collection plate and enjoy church as an activity, to soothe their minds?

I"m saying this as someone who has been rejected by church "Families," btw. 1 Presbyterian, 1 SBC, 1 megachurch...heckled, in the parking lot. so...

I think this also ties in with Last Days prophecy, that holds that many churches will "...proclaim a form of godliness, but lack the power thereof..." and that we will become such "lovers of self" that many of us won't even put up with sound doctrine. oh, along the same lines....

psychology and psychiatry have pretty much infiltrated the church, too. 12 steps to (), "Biblical," of course. I kinda...doubt it, actually. I think its another sign of last days deception, and I say this as someone who has dealt with the mental health world.

ok. :)
i think you're right, ezra. i need to get into a church, but i know im a Christian because of Christ's work in my life....

and I wonder, if churches did a better job of keeping in touch with people and disciple-ing them...would that help create more Christians, or just drive away the people who throw some $$$ in the collection plate and enjoy church as an activity, to soothe their minds?

I"m saying this as someone who has been rejected by church "Families," btw. 1 Presbyterian, 1 SBC, 1 megachurch...heckled, in the parking lot. so...

I think this also ties in with Last Days prophecy, that holds that many churches will "...proclaim a form of godliness, but lack the power thereof..." and that we will become such "lovers of self" that many of us won't even put up with sound doctrine. oh, along the same lines....

psychology and psychiatry have pretty much infiltrated the church, too. 12 steps to (), "Biblical," of course. I kinda...doubt it, actually. I think its another sign of last days deception, and I say this as someone who has dealt with the mental health world.

ok. :)
Going to church does not make or keep you saved... it does help you and yes you are correct the Church could be doing a better job.. there are churches ?members of the Body of Christ. that will love you unconventionally !!! the church i just preached at for 4 weeks back to back. is in such a disarray they are like the Children of Israel wondering around in the wilderness . they have no pastor leader of the Flock. they have a deacon that does not fully understand everything..but he has a heart of Gold . keep reading your Bible listen to Bible programs . keep searching for a Church ,
what you experienced was carnal minds.. i seen lots things my self.. ive done the scouting i have the report . 1. all things are possible to him who believes mark chapter 9 . the dad told Christ i believe help my unbelief.. and he will . many treat this forum as a type can be anything you want on the internet from a expert theologian to a another Billy Graham.
the CHURCH is a filling station a refuge a hospital a type out patient clinic . the CHURCH is where we get instructions .the real battle is outside the 4 walls . but there a many out there that are blinded by the God of this world.. he gave us power to reach the lost . keep searching there is a church out there for you..
so does being a good person make one a christian ? NO!
does baptism make one a christian? NO!
does attending Church make one a christian? NO!

just a few scriptures john 3:3 we must be born again its a spiritual birth we also know no one comes to the father but through Christ way truth life., we also know one has to be drawn by the spirit.

This is such a good subject. It may be the biggest problem facing the CHurch! AND WE THE BODY OF CHRIST DID THIS. Not teaching and descipling and living an example for ALL THE members. The teaching I have heard so often is "Ask God to save you and HE WILL." BUT, that is only partly true. there is a lot to do on out side of salvation. Please understand I know we are SAVED by grace and grace alone, When Gods grace is real to my heart and I by Faith accept that Grace I am saved. BUT BUT BUT that is the first step of an on going process and requires work and belief on going from ME.
NO! it is not salvation to say Lord save me and then go on living like we always did.
NO! going to church putting money in and singing is NOT salvation either.
THere is so much more to LIVING FOR JESUS IN EVERY THING I DO!
Php 1:27
Only let your conversation be as it becomes the gospel of Christ KJV
Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ NASB
Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. NIV
Only let your manner of life be as it becomes the gospel of Christ: NKJV

Μόνον ἀξίως τοῦ εὐαγγελίου τοῦ Χριστοῦ πολιτεύεσθε,
Only worthy of the Good News of the Christ live as a citizen of The Kingdom.

The word rendered, Let your conversation be, politeúō; signifies literally, "to behave as citizens of some city or nation." To the Church this is truly the Kingdom of God. Eph_4:1. Col_1:10. 1Th_2:12; 1Th_4:1.

There is no higher charge given in the Bible that to Live a life WORTHY of the Gospel of Christ! There is no charge harder to stand firm on and live up to than to Live a life worthy of the Gospel of Christ.
Yet this is where we stand and the charge we must attain in Christ Jesus as His servants.
No man is or can be saved by the law or any other power of man on earth.
the righteousness of God is manifested ie made known to man.
In Adam, God gave Adam the Blood sacrifice and the promise of a Messiah.
The promise was repeated in Noah, Abraham, Moses, and the Prophets.
Some 79 times in the OT God said “Hear my Voice (word), and keep my commandments and I will be your GOD. Some 25 times in the New Testament we are told to “Keep the commandments”. NOT the Law but OBEDIENCE.
The righteousness of God which is ours in GRACE by faith in Jesus Christ
Made Righteous freely by His Grace through the propitiation in Jesus Christ.
Grace is the unmerited gift of a loving Father to meet our need in what we could not do.
Faith is when the truth of that gift becomes real to me and I accept it without having to see the evidence.
This is the GOSPEL, the good news, In Christ there is real HOPE, JOY, SALVATION.

What Do I Owe Jesus?
We often speak of Tithes of 10%, and a gift to meet special needs. We may even get to Church AND Sunday school, or Prayer meeting and Bible study, some even go to evangelistic outreach. Look at all we do for Him.
What Do I Owe Jesus? The wealth of the universe “That Debt” could not repay!
He in love stepped from eternity and across time and was born a man. Totally GOD ( the second person of the Trinity, existing for all eternity, Became, Totally a man just as we are. The man had a beginning with birth, died on the cross and was rewarded and seated with God in heaven.)
He lived as a man, learned a trade, taught us to know Him, and paid a debt we could not pay.
He is, He must be, my all, my all in all, life and Lord, Master and FRIEND. Lord and Master, yet wants to commune with us and be a true friend. We owe Him ALL.
The Question is not “What Do I Owe HIM?”
The question should be:
In that deepest private personal place of thought and hope,
"What would I withhold from Him”?

This view of a Christian is beautiful, breath taking, exciting, there is victory in knowing Jesus.
How do you make this work and not seem proud?
How do you access the power of God?
By choice I give my all to Jesus, a bondslave to serve Him. Life is not about me and what I want. I give my wealth, life, position, and Faith to the savior, He is my all in all I only live to serve Him The more I yield to Him the more His Power can flow through me.
so does being a good person make one a christian ? NO!
does baptism make one a christian? NO!
does attending Church make one a christian? NO!

just a few scriptures john 3:3 we must be born again its a spiritual birth we also know no one comes to the father but through Christ way truth life., we also know one has to be drawn by the spirit.

This is such a good subject. It may be the biggest problem facing the CHurch! AND WE THE BODY OF CHRIST DID THIS. Not teaching and descipling and living an example for ALL THE members. The teaching I have heard so often is "Ask God to save you and HE WILL." BUT, that is only partly true. there is a lot to do on out side of salvation. Please understand I know we are SAVED by grace and grace alone, When Gods grace is real to my heart and I by Faith accept that Grace I am saved. BUT BUT BUT that is the first step of an on going process and requires work and belief on going from ME.
NO! it is not salvation to say Lord save me and then go on living like we always did.
NO! going to church putting money in and singing is NOT salvation either.
THere is so much more to LIVING FOR JESUS IN EVERY THING I DO!
Php 1:27
Only let your conversation be as it becomes the gospel of Christ KJV
Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ NASB
Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. NIV
Only let your manner of life be as it becomes the gospel of Christ: NKJV

Μόνον ἀξίως τοῦ εὐαγγελίου τοῦ Χριστοῦ πολιτεύεσθε,
Only worthy of the Good News of the Christ live as a citizen of The Kingdom.

The word rendered, Let your conversation be, politeúō; signifies literally, "to behave as citizens of some city or nation." To the Church this is truly the Kingdom of God. Eph_4:1. Col_1:10. 1Th_2:12; 1Th_4:1.

There is no higher charge given in the Bible that to Live a life WORTHY of the Gospel of Christ! There is no charge harder to stand firm on and live up to than to Live a life worthy of the Gospel of Christ.
Yet this is where we stand and the charge we must attain in Christ Jesus as His servants.
No man is or can be saved by the law or any other power of man on earth.
the righteousness of God is manifested ie made known to man.
In Adam, God gave Adam the Blood sacrifice and the promise of a Messiah.
The promise was repeated in Noah, Abraham, Moses, and the Prophets.
Some 79 times in the OT God said “Hear my Voice (word), and keep my commandments and I will be your GOD. Some 25 times in the New Testament we are told to “Keep the commandments”. NOT the Law but OBEDIENCE.
The righteousness of God which is ours in GRACE by faith in Jesus Christ
Made Righteous freely by His Grace through the propitiation in Jesus Christ.
Grace is the unmerited gift of a loving Father to meet our need in what we could not do.
Faith is when the truth of that gift becomes real to me and I accept it without having to see the evidence.
This is the GOSPEL, the good news, In Christ there is real HOPE, JOY, SALVATION.

What Do I Owe Jesus?
We often speak of Tithes of 10%, and a gift to meet special needs. We may even get to Church AND Sunday school, or Prayer meeting and Bible study, some even go to evangelistic outreach. Look at all we do for Him.
What Do I Owe Jesus? The wealth of the universe “That Debt” could not repay!
He in love stepped from eternity and across time and was born a man. Totally GOD ( the second person of the Trinity, existing for all eternity, Became, Totally a man just as we are. The man had a beginning with birth, died on the cross and was rewarded and seated with God in heaven.)
He lived as a man, learned a trade, taught us to know Him, and paid a debt we could not pay.
He is, He must be, my all, my all in all, life and Lord, Master and FRIEND. Lord and Master, yet wants to commune with us and be a true friend. We owe Him ALL.
The Question is not “What Do I Owe HIM?”
The question should be:
In that deepest private personal place of thought and hope,
"What would I withhold from Him”?

This view of a Christian is beautiful, breath taking, exciting, there is victory in knowing Jesus.
How do you make this work and not seem proud?
How do you access the power of God?
By choice I give my all to Jesus, a bondslave to serve Him. Life is not about me and what I want. I give my wealth, life, position, and Faith to the savior, He is my all in all I only live to serve Him The more I yield to Him the more His Power can flow through me.
wow darn good post and full of truth.. my writing skills are just not there.. but AMEN AMEN
I think being Christian can be anything from knowing our need for God, but not living a life that follows His teachings; to some not knowing their need as much, but believing and following His teachings better. But is the commited and devote more a Christian then then the convicted and broken? Jesus once talked about the Pharisee and the sinner who prayed. One had a lot to be thankful for and prayed that he was thankful to not be like the sinner in the back. The other knowing his sins was humble to not even look towards heaven and was ashamed of his sins. Jesus used this example to tell us that the humble sinner was justified before God, but the other one (who for arguments sake let assume we all can hope to be like, a good hardworking servent of God) was not justified because of his arrogance.

I've seen both types of people without knowing their heart to know if they are humble or proud, and I think both should be equally considered Christian. Some Christians unfortunately aren't as knowledgeable as others are and so they are even more lost-like. Say they believe but don't have a foundation to separate the world's wisdom from God's teachings. I would say that as far as I am aware they are Christian too.

It's up to God to say who are really His and who aren't. What difference will it make to us? What I mean is how will it change our actions? If they are a struggling Christian we can be their encouragement and their support, as well as (when it's needed) their loving rebuke and correct them to the right path. In theory we can do this the same way for nonchristians too. And that might be part of how they get saved. Who knows.
It's up to God to say who are really His and who aren't.
agreed and i stated that but God has given us a unction not to judge who is saved and who is not ..but discernment if what is truth .red flags come up and gives you a good idea..
i have no idea what my buddy said to this lady..but what ever it was it did help open her eyes up .with a chance to be saved the best this is 1. be a witness (we plant seeds} 2.pray for them
Last edited:
so does being a good person make one a christian ? NO!
does baptism make one a christian? NO!
does attending Church make one a christian? NO!

just a few scriptures john 3:3 we must be born again its a spiritual birth we also know no one comes to the father but through Christ way truth life., we also know one has to be drawn by the spirit.

This is such a good subject. It may be the biggest problem facing the CHurch! AND WE THE BODY OF CHRIST DID THIS. Not teaching and descipling and living an example for ALL THE members. The teaching I have heard so often is "Ask God to save you and HE WILL." BUT, that is only partly true. there is a lot to do on out side of salvation. Please understand I know we are SAVED by grace and grace alone, When Gods grace is real to my heart and I by Faith accept that Grace I am saved. BUT BUT BUT that is the first step of an on going process and requires work and belief on going from ME.
NO! it is not salvation to say Lord save me and then go on living like we always did.
NO! going to church putting money in and singing is NOT salvation either.
THere is so much more to LIVING FOR JESUS IN EVERY THING I DO!
Php 1:27
Only let your conversation be as it becomes the gospel of Christ KJV
Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ NASB
Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. NIV
Only let your manner of life be as it becomes the gospel of Christ: NKJV

Μόνον ἀξίως τοῦ εὐαγγελίου τοῦ Χριστοῦ πολιτεύεσθε,
Only worthy of the Good News of the Christ live as a citizen of The Kingdom.

The word rendered, Let your conversation be, politeúō; signifies literally, "to behave as citizens of some city or nation." To the Church this is truly the Kingdom of God. Eph_4:1. Col_1:10. 1Th_2:12; 1Th_4:1.

There is no higher charge given in the Bible that to Live a life WORTHY of the Gospel of Christ! There is no charge harder to stand firm on and live up to than to Live a life worthy of the Gospel of Christ.
Yet this is where we stand and the charge we must attain in Christ Jesus as His servants.
No man is or can be saved by the law or any other power of man on earth.
the righteousness of God is manifested ie made known to man.
In Adam, God gave Adam the Blood sacrifice and the promise of a Messiah.
The promise was repeated in Noah, Abraham, Moses, and the Prophets.
Some 79 times in the OT God said “Hear my Voice (word), and keep my commandments and I will be your GOD. Some 25 times in the New Testament we are told to “Keep the commandments”. NOT the Law but OBEDIENCE.
The righteousness of God which is ours in GRACE by faith in Jesus Christ
Made Righteous freely by His Grace through the propitiation in Jesus Christ.
Grace is the unmerited gift of a loving Father to meet our need in what we could not do.
Faith is when the truth of that gift becomes real to me and I accept it without having to see the evidence.
This is the GOSPEL, the good news, In Christ there is real HOPE, JOY, SALVATION.

What Do I Owe Jesus?
We often speak of Tithes of 10%, and a gift to meet special needs. We may even get to Church AND Sunday school, or Prayer meeting and Bible study, some even go to evangelistic outreach. Look at all we do for Him.
What Do I Owe Jesus? The wealth of the universe “That Debt” could not repay!
He in love stepped from eternity and across time and was born a man. Totally GOD ( the second person of the Trinity, existing for all eternity, Became, Totally a man just as we are. The man had a beginning with birth, died on the cross and was rewarded and seated with God in heaven.)
He lived as a man, learned a trade, taught us to know Him, and paid a debt we could not pay.
He is, He must be, my all, my all in all, life and Lord, Master and FRIEND. Lord and Master, yet wants to commune with us and be a true friend. We owe Him ALL.
The Question is not “What Do I Owe HIM?”
The question should be:
In that deepest private personal place of thought and hope,
"What would I withhold from Him”?

This view of a Christian is beautiful, breath taking, exciting, there is victory in knowing Jesus.
How do you make this work and not seem proud?
How do you access the power of God?
By choice I give my all to Jesus, a bondslave to serve Him. Life is not about me and what I want. I give my wealth, life, position, and Faith to the savior, He is my all in all I only live to serve Him The more I yield to Him the more His Power can flow through me.
How beautiful your post is. Amen to all you have said in it.
Going to church every Sunday does not make you any more a Christian than standing in the garage makes you a car.

What you speak about this lady reminds me of the congregation of the church of the Laodiceans we read of in Rev 3:14-16 that God will spew out of His mouth as there is no fence riding. You're either a Spiritually born again child of God or you're not. There is no guessing.

You have to live a life of faith in Christ and be obedient to the will of God and His commands and statures. How do we do that? By the Spiritual rebirth Jesus spoke of in John 3:5-7 and what Paul said in Romans 10:9, 10. These are the basics as we grow in Christ because If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory, Colossians 3:1-4. Read the whole chapter.
ive read some Barna studies that seem to indicate that maybe 1 in 3 of church going Christians hold to traditional Protestant Christian beliefs on basic things. kinda...scary, I think. do you think maybe its part of the great deception of the last days? because...

i was also reading, about this former mega church pastor who was recently sentenced in federal court on international marijuana trafficking charges....

and he seems similar, in many respects, to megachurch pastors --all over--. and then i thought back to my own childhood and tween years...the affairs in the church, the back biting and mainline, small town churches, no less. and...

verna even has stories to tell, of wayward pastors and stolen funds and...she's Pentecostal, from the old school. no denomination is immune, of course, and...yeah. the barna researcher concluded that churches should try to "disciple followers," etc., but I'm kind of wondering...

with the modernized, affluent west going apostate and the developing and poor world going Christian (and a lot of "growth" in churches in the US is also from immigrants, btw...), what if...

i don't know...what if we've --been-- living in a post-Christian America, and we're just now getting the memo, because the pressure to go to church has fallen off, and the churches that remain are lacking the power of churches of yesteryear???

and the oft discussed last day revival...what if that's -outside- not just the us, but outside the post-christian, post-industrial, post-modern world?

blah. im just kinda...blah. :-( churches facilitate Christ's work in peoples' lives...and that on a good day, for some people. I get that. its much as I love Jesus and I have come to respect some church leaders, many faithful church goers...

churches, themselves, are kind of...disappointing, I guess. :-(
church is what you make of it.. a woman told her pastor she was leaving the church. she named off all the problems in the church.he agreed they was there. he then asked her before she left to walk around the room with a glass full of water and not spill it. she thought easy enough . she returned the pastor asked if she saw any of the things she mentioned.. no....why she was focused on not spilling the water.. when we go to Church what is our focus ? Christ or all the problems ?
so does being a good person make one a christian ? NO!
does baptism make one a christian? NO!
does attending Church make one a christian? NO!

just a few scriptures john 3:3 we must be born again its a spiritual birth we also know no one comes to the father but through Christ way truth life., we also know one has to be drawn by the spirit.

This is such a good subject. It may be the biggest problem facing the CHurch! AND WE THE BODY OF CHRIST DID THIS. Not teaching and descipling and living an example for ALL THE members. The teaching I have heard so often is "Ask God to save you and HE WILL." BUT, that is only partly true. there is a lot to do on out side of salvation. Please understand I know we are SAVED by grace and grace alone, When Gods grace is real to my heart and I by Faith accept that Grace I am saved. BUT BUT BUT that is the first step of an on going process and requires work and belief on going from ME.
NO! it is not salvation to say Lord save me and then go on living like we always did.
NO! going to church putting money in and singing is NOT salvation either.
THere is so much more to LIVING FOR JESUS IN EVERY THING I DO!
Php 1:27
Only let your conversation be as it becomes the gospel of Christ KJV
Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ NASB
Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. NIV
Only let your manner of life be as it becomes the gospel of Christ: NKJV

Μόνον ἀξίως τοῦ εὐαγγελίου τοῦ Χριστοῦ πολιτεύεσθε,
Only worthy of the Good News of the Christ live as a citizen of The Kingdom.

The word rendered, Let your conversation be, politeúō; signifies literally, "to behave as citizens of some city or nation." To the Church this is truly the Kingdom of God. Eph_4:1. Col_1:10. 1Th_2:12; 1Th_4:1.

There is no higher charge given in the Bible that to Live a life WORTHY of the Gospel of Christ! There is no charge harder to stand firm on and live up to than to Live a life worthy of the Gospel of Christ.
Yet this is where we stand and the charge we must attain in Christ Jesus as His servants.
No man is or can be saved by the law or any other power of man on earth.
the righteousness of God is manifested ie made known to man.
In Adam, God gave Adam the Blood sacrifice and the promise of a Messiah.
The promise was repeated in Noah, Abraham, Moses, and the Prophets.
Some 79 times in the OT God said “Hear my Voice (word), and keep my commandments and I will be your GOD. Some 25 times in the New Testament we are told to “Keep the commandments”. NOT the Law but OBEDIENCE.
The righteousness of God which is ours in GRACE by faith in Jesus Christ
Made Righteous freely by His Grace through the propitiation in Jesus Christ.
Grace is the unmerited gift of a loving Father to meet our need in what we could not do.
Faith is when the truth of that gift becomes real to me and I accept it without having to see the evidence.
This is the GOSPEL, the good news, In Christ there is real HOPE, JOY, SALVATION.

What Do I Owe Jesus?
We often speak of Tithes of 10%, and a gift to meet special needs. We may even get to Church AND Sunday school, or Prayer meeting and Bible study, some even go to evangelistic outreach. Look at all we do for Him.
What Do I Owe Jesus? The wealth of the universe “That Debt” could not repay!
He in love stepped from eternity and across time and was born a man. Totally GOD ( the second person of the Trinity, existing for all eternity, Became, Totally a man just as we are. The man had a beginning with birth, died on the cross and was rewarded and seated with God in heaven.)
He lived as a man, learned a trade, taught us to know Him, and paid a debt we could not pay.
He is, He must be, my all, my all in all, life and Lord, Master and FRIEND. Lord and Master, yet wants to commune with us and be a true friend. We owe Him ALL.
The Question is not “What Do I Owe HIM?”
The question should be:
In that deepest private personal place of thought and hope,
"What would I withhold from Him”?

This view of a Christian is beautiful, breath taking, exciting, there is victory in knowing Jesus.
How do you make this work and not seem proud?
How do you access the power of God?
By choice I give my all to Jesus, a bondslave to serve Him. Life is not about me and what I want. I give my wealth, life, position, and Faith to the savior, He is my all in all I only live to serve Him The more I yield to Him the more His Power can flow through me.

Excellent post as truth is found in every word you have written. :clap
sure dont but attending church helps

Only if you are attending for the right reason and just not for a feel good message that is soon forgotten the moment you walk out the door. The church needs to be a place of instruction and discipline in the word of God as we learn as the disciples did as they followed the teachings of Christ.

Church needs to be a place of lifting up and edifying everyone who walks through the door no matter who they are or how they dress or where they come from. We come to Christ as we are and it is He alone that transforms us into the same image from glory to glory as this sums up the Christian life and what makes worthy disciples of Christ.

I know there is no perfect church as many have their issues, but I refuse with the knowledge I do have by what the Holy Spirit has taught me in all truths to force myself to sit under man's traditional doctrines and theory type sermons that goes against the word of God and leads others astray from truth.

I don't want to come off like I know it all and don't need to attend church, but I get more out of coming in here and having fellowship with all of you as I have learned much in here in the last seven years than I have sitting in any church except maybe the last one we use to attend that was forced in closing its doors. That was a sad day. Church is not four walls, but the gathering of the saints as being the body of Christ and this is what CF is to me.
As I read over these posts two things come to mind: Yes, followers of Jesus and His teachings were first called Christians at Antioch but in Jerusalem and elsewhere they were called "Followers of the Way." and most remained Jewish in their traditions and roots; but in time Gentiles began to be included more and more. Being a Christian especially later in places like Rome was risky.

Having said that..then what does being a Christian mean to us today? I think we are still followers of the Way and it goes beyond an initial conversion experience and how we received that. So many do profess to be saved and after a little while or sometimes a long while turn away from the Way of Jesus and go back to the ways of the world. Or they go back and forth in faith depending on their circumstances. Yet, they may profess to be Christians because at one time they received the Salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Those non-Christians who wait and observe don't see them as Christians, however, if they are not living out the Christian Way of Life. In other words, the world is watching. Those who follow Christ, although not perfect, are simply endeavoring to live out a way of life based upon His teachings and "by their fruit they are known."

As for the Church: Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit in His Church to help guide us in that along the Way. Granted too often people in the churches fail us or are not living out the Way Jesus teaches in the gospels, but all and all community is so important to have in which we can live and learn through the example of others and by giving of our own talents in service as well. Reading the Acts of the Apostles definitely establishes this as well as the Epistles of Paul and others which follow. We need each other. Some chose not to be involved and in no way can we judge that choice, but I have learned that most of the time when someone leaves or won't attend a church (unless ill, incapacitated, etc.) it is because people in the church have judged, misjudged, or hurt them in some way. We need to reach out and welcome them back home always respecting their choices.

Bottom line is that...We are all God's children, His creation. But specifically active Christians are those who once having the faith to accept Christ as their personal Savior and believing that..endeavor to follow Him..which usually means Church included. Which church is a subject for another thread... Just some thoughts which I hope helps.
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