another 666 theory


Aug 14, 2024
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I've been stumped by the "666" question for years. I've been told that it was typically to use gematria in the time when John used this cryptic number. Obviously, John was avoiding the charge of sedition by speaking in code, as the Spirit led.

I don't agree with everything in the following link, but I think the following quote makes sense. Otherwise, Revelation is an endless puzzle on this matter, and does nothing to help anybody.

But to say that this is a code for a Roman ruler makes perfect sense if you're knowledgeable about Daniel, and recognize the impact Rome has made by transforming Europe into a modern phenomenon.

I don't think it was intended to identify a specific person in advance--only to show that it is out of a fallen Europe that the Antichrist will appear, along with his False Prophet.

Revelation 13:18 continues that the famous “NUMBER of the beast” is the “number of a man.” We are told to “calculate” the number, which is 666. King Lateinos was the founder of Rome and the Roman Empire. In the Greek, every letter has a numerical value. The numerical value for “Lateinos” is 666. Therefore, the beast is clearly identified as the Roman Empire, as the number 666 identifies the founder of the Roman Empire–Lateinos. Iraeneus, a pupil of Polycarp (disciple of the apostle John) understood the 666 to be the Greek word “Lateinos.” Clement stated that 666 applies to the “Latin Kingdom,” as written in Greek.

Many commentaries agree that the number of the beast—666—refers to Lateinos, the founder of Rome. In the Greek, L stands for 30, A for 1, T for 300, E for 5, I for 10, N for 50, O for 70, and S for 200. These total 666. The Jamieson, Fausset and Brown commentary states that the beast “may have a close connection with Rome, and so the name ‘Lateinos’ (666) may apply to him.”
666 is the amount of gold paid to King Solomon as a tribute - 666 talents of gold (1 Kings 10:14). This is neither random nor coincident. 666 originally was not pure evil. 6 symbolizes humanity, for human was created on the 6th day; 666 symbolizes the highest level of human achievement which king Solomon reached, 666 was his number. During his reign, he turned away from God and worshiped human achievement instead. It was written in Deuteronomy that a king of Israel was prohibited from amassing wives, wealth and horses (symbolizing war machines), Solomon amassed all three. This prefigures the earth beast, aka the false prophet, who will be like king Solomon in character.
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My explanation is conclusive and good. No one can seriously doubt on this.
Other members may have their ideas to share and disagree with you , I will be watching this thread . ?
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

666 is the number given to represent that man is lesser than the 777 we use for God's perfect perfection as man can never be absolutely perfect as God is in all His glory. Many oppose God and His Son Christ Jesus. 666 is a number of the last antichrist/son of perdition/false prophet that is a man that we read about in Rev 13; 2Thessalonians 2:1-12 that Satan works through trying to destroy those who are God's own before the return of Christ on the last day after the seventh trumpet has sounded, Matthew 24:29-31; Rev 19:11-21.
The only place the number 666 appears is in 2 Chro. 9:13/1 Kings 10:14, the texts of these verses are identical: "the weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents." For anyone who believes that the bible interprets itself, and such interpretation extracted from the bible itself more reliable than any made up theories, try to make a connection between Solomon and the Beast.
The only place the number 666 appears is in 2 Chro. 9:13/1 Kings 10:14, the texts of these verses are identical: "the weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents." For anyone who believes that the bible interprets itself, and such interpretation extracted from the bible itself more reliable than any made up theories, try to make a connection between Solomon and the Beast.
So, what do you do with Rev 13:18 and how do you understand the number 666 in that verse?
So, what do you do with Rev 13:18 and how do you understand the number 666 in that verse?
See my post #2 above. 666 talents of gold was a tribute to king Solomon, likewise, the mark of 666 is a tribute to the Beast, symbolizing allegiance and affiliation, and it's irreversable. That's why God's wrath specifically targets everyone who's taken the mark, for they belong to Satan, not God.
Depends on whether those $666 are stuck on your forehead or your right hand.

Where does it say in the Bible that the mark is an actual marking on the forehead or the hand as shown in cartoon booklets or those Left Behind movies. A mark can mean a visible impression, identifying seal, inscription or label and also the thoughts of the mind and actions of the hand. The mark of the beast is just that which is full of political self governed power that disguises itself as a religious system full of symbolism that is very deceptive to those who have no Spiritual discernment.
Where does it say in the Bible that the mark is an actual marking on the forehead or the hand as shown in cartoon booklets or those Left Behind movies. A mark can mean a visible impression, identifying seal, inscription or label and also the thoughts of the mind and actions of the hand. The mark of the beast is just that which is full of political self governed power that disguises itself as a religious system full of symbolism that is very deceptive to those who have no Spiritual discernment.

This mark is a counterfeit of the seal of God. That's what the devil does, he has no creative power, he can only counterfeit God's original, authentic creation. If you know what the seal of God is, you can easily identify the mark. I don't conjure up theories or spiritualize the text, I let the bible interpret itself.

"And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." (Deut. 6:6-9)

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Rev. 13:16-17)
This mark is a counterfeit of the seal of God. That's what the devil does, he has no creative power, he can only counterfeit God's original, authentic creation. If you know what the seal of God is, you can easily identify the mark. I don't conjure up theories or spiritualize the text, I let the bible interpret itself.

"And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." (Deut. 6:6-9)

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Rev. 13:16-17)

It really doesn't matter if it is a literal marking or just symbolic for reaching out your hand taking that which the last antichrist/son of perdition/false prophet will falsely lead one into making an agreement unknowingly with Satan sealing their fate once and for all abandoning Christ Jesus just so they can survive.
It really doesn't matter if it is a literal marking or just symbolic for reaching out your hand taking that which the last antichrist/son of perdition/false prophet will falsely lead one into making an agreement unknowingly with Satan sealing their fate once and for all abandoning Christ Jesus just so they can survive.

I really does matter when one day, all of a sudden this mark is required to buy or sell anything or to engage in any public activity, consider the COVID vaccine passport a drill practice.
I really does matter when one day, all of a sudden this mark is required to buy or sell anything or to engage in any public activity, consider the COVID vaccine passport a drill practice.

This is not going to come as a surprise to those who know what is coming and are prepared for whatever Satan tries to do to rid those who are Christ own.
This is not going to come as a surprise to those who know what is coming and are prepared for whatever Satan tries to do to rid those who are Christ own. I'm not afraid to die for the cause of Christ, are you!

I'm afraid of the deception, which even the elect is susceptible to, one's hubris may be their downfall. Look no further than Peter, the unofficial leader of the disciples who swore to die for Christ and fought for Him in the garden, but later denied Him three times. He didn't mean it, his fear had taken over him, when he was being identified, he just instinctively reacted without thinking.

And by the way, if you're interested at the prophecy, pay more attention to the signs and wonders, the global deception, and paramount of all, the image of the beast. The mark is just the final step of swearing allegiance, it's like the stamp on a contract already drafted and signed.
No, but I'm afraid of the deception, which even the elect is susceptible to, one's hubris may be their downfall. Look no further than Peter, the unofficial leader of the disciples who swore to die for Christ and fought for Him in the garden, but later denied Him three times. He didn't mean it, his fear had taken over him, when he was being identified, he just instinctively reacted without thinking.

Peter was yet carnal when he walked with Jesus while He was here on earth teaching the word of God who gave Him to speak, John 12:49.
And by the way, if you're interested at the prophecy, pay more attention to the signs and wonders, the global deception, and paramount of all, the image of the beast. The mark is just the final step of swearing allegiance, it's like the stamp on a contracted already drafted and signed.

I know the prophecies that were given and I know the deceiving signs and wonders of Satan, especially when he works through the last antichrist/son of perdition/false prophet.
Peter was yet carnal when he walked with Jesus while He was here on earth teaching the word of God who gave Him to speak, John 12:49.

Put yourself in his situation, you might succumb to your fight or flight instinct as well. Paul criticized many in his letters for their carnality, hadn't they supposedly been born again in spirit?
Obviously, John was avoiding the charge of sedition by speaking in code, as the Spirit led.
Hey RandyK

I'd have to question that logic. John, who has been exiled to the isle of Patmos for his faith, is trying to avoid a charge of sedition? I don't see that as any part of John's impetus for writing anything that he wrote.
Moderator's Note: Please be respectful, and be a blessing to those you post to. Eschatology is another one of those subjects where people can have strong opinions, but those opinions should never take priority over seeking to maintain and observe the second greatest commandment.

- H
Hey RandyK

I'd have to question that logic. John, who has been exiled to the isle of Patmos for his faith, is trying to avoid a charge of sedition? I don't see that as any part of John's impetus for writing anything that he wrote.
It's okay, Ted. We're just sharing ideas, right? Nothing in there tells us exactly how to interpret it.

What we are told, however, is that John was being persecuted. And I would think, logically, that John would not want to bring his life to a premature end--he would want to finish the book and send it off.

To identify Rome as "the Great Harlot" is like insulting the capital city and its emperors. Jesus wouldn't, I think, lead him to do that.

So it seems obvious, at least to me, that in Rev 17 John is given a couple of riddles that only Christians can solve, and leaves no clear and convincing evidence that he is calling Rome "the Great Harlot," although that is in fact what I think he was doing! ;)

1) Riddle #1 is that this Great Harlot has 7 hills. Answer: Rome was known to be a city with 7 hills. Since it is given in the symbolism of apocalyptic literature, the Romans could not know, for sure, what John was saying via an angel!

2) Riddle #2 is that this Great Harlot is the 6th in a series of 7 kings. Only those knowledgeable of the Bible would count the 7 kingdoms as 1) Egypt, 2) Assyria, 3) Babylon, 4) Persia, 5) Greece, 6) Rome, and 7) Modern Rome/Europe. The *8th* is the Antichrist himself. As you can see, the 6th king would be identified as Rome, in its ancient mode.

To make things crystal clear to the believer, John is told that this is a great ruling city, which could only be Rome at the time. Again, since it is couched in esoteric terms, the Romans could not pin the charge of "sedition" on John, for identifying Rome with an evil entity, the "Great Harlot."

So yes, it is just my opinion that 666 represents the generic "Roman leadership." That's what 666 adds up to, and which at least one Church Father identified it as. But you can try to make a modern name add up to 666 if you want?

It's just that doing that would not help anybody in history up until the current time. Knowing that Europe is destined to go into backsliding just as Israel did prepares all generations for the deceptions that have come out of Christian Europe as it has experienced episodes of spiritual collapse.
2) Riddle #2 is that this Great Harlot is the 6th in a series of 7 kings. Only those knowledgeable of the Bible would count the 7 kingdoms as 1) Egypt, 2) Assyria, 3) Babylon, 4) Persia, 5) Greece, 6) Rome, and 7) Modern Rome/Europe. The *8th* is the Antichrist himself. As you can see, the 6th king would be identified as Rome, in its ancient mode.
The seventh is the final global Antichrist empire - which will only last a "short time" (Rev. 17:10). This depends on how "short" is considered short, I think it's the 3.5 years of great tribulation, we're not there yet. The Antichrist is not an additional 8th head, but the fully revealed and exposed Beast himself, which corresponds to Paul's warning in 2 Thess. 2:8 that the Lawless One will be revealed when the restrainer is taken away.
The seventh is the final global Antichrist empire - which will only last a "short time" (Rev. 17:10). This depends on how "short" is considered short, I think it's the 3.5 years of great tribulation, we're not there yet. The Antichrist is not an additional 8th head, but the fully revealed and exposed Beast himself, which corresponds to Paul's warning in 2 Thess. 2:8 that the Lawless One will be revealed when the restrainer is taken away.
I think that's exactly how I see it. I see the 6th and 7th kings as one--as the Roman Empire, ancient and modern. After all, Dan 2 and 7 seemed to indicate that the 4th Kingdom, Rome, would be the last one in history this side of Christ's 2nd Coming.

And if Rome is the last Kingdom of the age, how do we square that with the fact ancient Rome seemed to end in 476 AD with the collapse of the city of Rome under the weight of barbarian migrations? The only answer AFAIK is that Rome has had not just one but two stages in its history. Just like a leg has thighs and calves, so Rome has had ancient and modern stages, ending with 10 European States, all originating out of the same Europe that ancient Rome was part of.

Antichrist is listed as an "8th" because he is an individual, or he makes modern Europe into an Antichristian entity--today it is not yet that entity.

But I agree that this "short period" is a reference to the 3.5 years of Antichrist's Reign. At least that is my speculation. Thanks.