Growth Thank God


Dramione love 3333
Dec 29, 2017
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This is a true story that I'm about to tell you. Sad, but true. We've had our cat Jessie for about nearly two years now. I guess that you can say she was a rescue cat,... because she was rescued off the streets. That's right, some cold, cruel, heartless monster just dumped her on the highway on a wet and cold rainy night to fend for herself. Luckily she found a nearby gas station to care for her until a friend of the family took her but no longer could care for her properly. Knowing that we had recently lost our previous cat they offered to let us take her and she became a member of our family. Let me tell you this right now, she's one of the sweetest cuddly cats ever and how anybody could just dump her like that is beyond me. My only guess is that it's because she gets a little feisty and playful sometimes and tends to nip. I still don't see it as an excuse though. We would never give away our child if they were bad. Then it suddenly occurred to me how grateful I was that God doesn't work like that. Jesus didn't abandon us in the cold when we sinned, instead He chose the cross. I swear as long as I live here on this earth I will never come to understand the minds of humans.For even though she's a cat we love Jessie very much. We love her when she's good and when she's bad. She will always be a part of our family regardless. We never hold a grudge. So let's take this time to thank God, that the unconditional love of Christ works exactly the same way.
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I use to have a cat that loved to bite your ankle so I got the bright idea to bite hers and she never bit another ankle again. Animals have souls as they too are God breathed and they have emotions and feelings just like humans. They are under that same love God has for us and will have their place in the new heaven and new earth when God ushers down the New Jerusalem.
I agree a hundred percent with what you said but I think biting them back is just going a bit too far don't you think?
I agree a hundred percent with what you said but I think biting them back is just going a bit too far don't you think?
LOL! Not after trying everything else and your wife is screaming get rid of the cat or cure the issue. LOL, you folks are still so young and with so much to learn. Sometimes, the ugliest way is the best way.
I agree a hundred percent with what you said but I think biting them back is just going a bit too far don't you think?

You don't have to bite very hard, just enough to send them a message that it hurts when they nip and they don't like it if you do it to them and they will quit doing it.
You don't have to bite very hard, just enough to send them a message that it hurts when they nip and they don't like it if you do it to them and they will quit doing it.

Oh I see, if you say so lol I personally think that it sounds pretty disgusting though. (Yuck!) I know that I'm not doing it.
You don't have to bite very hard, just enough to send them a message that it hurts when they nip and they don't like it if you do it to them and they will quit doing it.
Other animals do it to send that message. lol I wouldn't do it but I don't have a cat. I do have a dog. I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck once and he drew blood. Right in my thumb! I had a choice, give it to him (like I learned to do growing up) or think smarter than the dog. He likes to eat Kleenex. I was trying to get it out of his mouth. Grabbing him and trying to get the tissue out of his mouth didn't work as planned. so......

The next time I quickly got a treat and traded. Then lovingly said, "give me that Forrest, not good for you"... and yes, he dropped it. A few more treats later, he now drops the Kleenex at my command - without treats.

Other animals do it to send that message. lol I wouldn't do it but I don't have a cat. I do have a dog. I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck once and he drew blood.

Really? I thought that's what you were supposed to do with cats and dogs. It simulates how their mothers carry them when they're puppies and kittens. Poor doggie, I sure hope that he was alright. :sad
I grabbed him pretty hard and then tried to take his "treat" out of his mouth. Bad idea! :dunce<----me He bit me good!
I grabbed him pretty hard and then tried to take his "treat" out of his mouth. Bad idea! :dunce<----me He bit me good!

Well I would bite you too if I was him! :lol Was he alright thought? What is the doggie's name? I've just always been curious. the way, I forgot to say that I really hope that you were alright as well lol:lol They're so cute though. I really wish that I had a doggie.