I'll Get To It In The Morning


Aug 16, 2015
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We find (for those of us who get up early... daylight savings time not included) that just before the sun comes up the temperature drops a couple of degrees...it's usually the coolest part of the day....
And this is when Adam and Eve would meet with God.
It was also just before Sunrise that Jacob wrestled with God and got the name Israel.
Gideon got his answers at sunrise too.
Sennacherib discovered defeat in the middle of the night of an "easy victory" and Jerusalem discovered that the surrounding horde of Invaders was gone and left all their food behind...at Sunrise.
Daniel also, when facing death, got his answers as well as pulled out of the Lion's den...at Sunrise
Most importantly...
The stone was rolled away at daybreak.

Are you ready for SUNRISE?
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Sure, but do we have to lose an hour this Sunday?
Sunrise in my backyard. It is the most quiet time of the day and makes me feel so close to God

Was it a morning like this?
When the Son still hid from Jerusalem
and Mary rose from her bed
to tend to the Lord she thought was dead

Was it a morning like this?
When Mary walked down from Jerusalem
and two Angels stood at the tomb
bearers of news she would hear soon

Did the grass sing?
Did the earth rejoice to feel You again?

Over and over like a trumpet underground
did the earth seem to pound "He is Risen!"
Over and over in a never ending round
He is Risen ...

I know it's Lent, but is it still ok to look forward to a morning like that?