April's Spooktactular Halloween Party!


Dramione love 3333
Dec 29, 2017
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Hey everybody and welcome foolish mortals to virtual Halloween party!! Buwahaha!!! :mischief So let me go ahead and explain the details of virtual trick-or-treat. Everybody go ahead and either post a picture of you in your costume or a picture of just your costume on the internet and then post a response to the person below you with some candy and once per costumer by the way. Oh and go ahead and post a picture of your pumpkin carving and the person who has the most likes on the twenty-first will be the winner! Happy Halloween everybody! :wootBy the way, I decided to go with my first name April since it's part of a series. What are you going to be for Halloween anyways? I posted my costume in the photography thread.

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what of legit hauntings? where I work is haunted at night. this I found out recently
what of legit hauntings? where I work is haunted at night. this I found out recently

Cool! Do you want to play the virtual trick-or-treat game then? JohnDB, questdriven, Razeontherock, Michael74, come on guys! It's party time!! :woot2Btw,..just so you know, on Halloween day I will be posting the Boo to You Halloween parade and celebration in Walt Disney World. :biggrin2 Oh and I almost forgot StoveBolts and KevinK.

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I don't have a costume, but I wish you well.

Thank you so much! :hugYou can still enjoy the party though if you want to. Which by the way,.. speaking of parties,.. oh my gosh,.. I do believe that we're about to attend a dead man's party! :shock I sure hope that you all have your invitations, and if any ghosts show up don't forget who we're supposed to call! Let's all dance until we die (or until Halloween night whichever comes first) and enjoy some pumpkin cake and good old apple cider. :thumbsup


Oh and by the way, I haven't got my virtual trick-or-treat candy yet, so that'll be the job of whoever posts after me. *ahem clears throat and rings the doorbell* "Trick-or-Treat!" :mischief (I haven't said that in ages. :lol) Papa Zoom are you ready to come and join the party yet?

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Wow! Thanks!! It looks like I hit the mother load with candy! :woot2 (Say where's your costume so you can get some now?) Anyways, speaking of candy,.. (yes I'm aware that this song has a different meaning than Halloween and trick-or-treating, but it still makes me think about it)

And you do know what candy and trick-or-treating must mean then right? :mischief

I just have to say that I love this song! :biggrin2

Better look to the skies because here comes the ghost riders! (I'm going to go watch this movie right now)

This is a four year old (I think) picture, but I'll probably go with this costume


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Cool! :thumbsup Are you supposed to be a witch questdriven, I can't tell. You're supposed to say trick-or-treat first though before you get your candy. :nono (the picture underneath it looks like a cat btw)
Alright here you are. Here's the best kind of candy in my mind. :biggrin (hopefully you aren't allergic to nuts though even if you are, don't worry it's just virtual :yes) Happy Halloween!! :)

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Anyways, until I get some more virtual trick-or-treaters back to the party! :woot

Since I just watched the movie, I figured that I would post the movie version of it before I was done for the night. :biggrin And now I'm going to go watch Sweeny Todd and Twitches. Ever heard of that one questdriven?

Hey everybody and welcome foolish mortals to virtual Halloween party!! Buwahaha!!! :mischief So let me go ahead and explain the details of virtual trick-or-treat. Everybody go ahead and either post a picture of you in your costume or a picture of just your costume on the internet and then post a response to the person below you with some candy and once per costumer by the way. Oh and go ahead and post a picture of your pumpkin carving and the person who has the most likes on the twenty-first will be the winner! Happy Halloween everybody! :wootBy the way, I decided to go with my first name April since it's part of a series. What are you going to be for Halloween anyways? I posted my costume in the photography thread.

You said: "person who has the most likes on the twenty-first will be the winner!" Did you mean the thirty-first?

My Jack-O-Lantern:
Oops, yep. I'm sorry you're right TD. That was my mistake. :lol Anyways, if you guys promise not to tell the rest of the forum I am going to give a special dedication to my main man JohnDB!
