What Are You Thankful For? (everybody can participate)


Dramione love 3333
Dec 29, 2017
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Well,.. Halloween is over and it is now time to throw out the pumpkins and start making all of the preparations for our Thanksgiving dinners. Every year I get to be able to be blessed with three Thanksgiving meals. First of all I got my early Thanksgiving meal coming up in a couple of weeks, then on Thanksgiving Day I watch the Macy's Parade on television in the morning and go over to my cousin's house afterwards. Finally, we all have our final home cooked Thanksgiving meal right before Christmas. However, even though Thanksgiving isn't a big of a holiday as Christmas is, that doesn't mean that the holiday is meaningless.

Although I am really looking forward to smelling and eating the turkey and mashed potatoes,.. it isn't what it's all about. It's about thanking God for all of our blessings that we are fortunate to have that not everybody else in the world does have unfortunately. Of course I am thankful that I get to have Thanksgiving dinner with all of my loved ones, but every day I am thankful that I get to have food in my belly and clothes on my back and be in a nice warm or cool house depending on what time of the year it is with all of my family members that love me.

This year I am also thankful for something else as well. I am thankful that not only has my mother taught me right from wrong, but that no matter what it is, whatever I have done in my past it just simply isn't worth worrying about since worrying only makes things worse (especially things that you can't do anything about) and how I've learned a lesson after it. And speaking of that, whenever something bad happens I am thankful that I can get through it because I know for a fact that things can always be worse than they really are. Sure my fiancée might be currently behind bars when I believe in my heart that he is innocent but I am still extremely thankful that we still have each other.

Finally, I am thankful for the fact that I found christianforums.net and I really can't believe that I've almost been here a year already! :mouthdrop Gee whiz! Where does the time go? Anyways, I am thankful that I've had a chance to chat with all of you on here and I've been having the time of my life so far bringing you the daily news and starting fun topics like these. Although I will probably never meet any of you in real life (and it would be extremely dangerous to try to do so) I sure hope that we meet in Heaven. :halo If you see a short brown haired, brown eyed woman holding up a sign with your username (or first name if I know it) on it, that's me. :lol (although I have to admit that I'm really spoiled with the internet and I found out just how spoiled during the power outage) Anyways, now that I've shared what I'm thankful for this year, it is now your turn to do so and I honestly can't wait to hear it.

On Thanksgiving Day I will livestream the Macy's Parade and we can have a virtual Thanksgiving dinner even if you're not from America. :wink So have a wonderful Thanksgiving and don't forget that this is the time of year where we also should visit the land of Oz and follow the yellow brick road into our imaginations!

Oh and one more thing that I forgot to add, I'm thankful that I am also learning just to ignore the trolls and the people online that try to upset me and my creativity that the Lord has blessed me with. :)

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I'm thankful for the few members of my family that are left. For my friends and cats. For the Lord Jesus Christ and salvation.
Also for a good over my head, food on the table and forgiveness of sins.
Our thanksgiving in UK has been and gone. We don't keep it the same as America. It is more a church thing not such a big family thing. The churches I attended in the past used to bring food to church and place at the front of the church. We would have a service of thanksgiving and the food would be distributed to those in need, whether they belonged to the church or not.
It is so cold here tonight and my thoughts are with the homeless, some won't make it through the winter. The rest of us have a great deal to thank the Lord for.
All the refugees throughout the world too, it makes you feel so helpless.
I thank God for all His beautiful creation, the flowers, the birds, the mountains, valleys and rivers. All the beautiful animal's, the fish, sunshine and blue skies. All the wide variety of foods., etc... etc
I'm thankful for the few members of my family that are left. For my friends and cats. For the Lord Jesus Christ and salvation.
Also for a good over my head, food on the table and forgiveness of sins.
Our thanksgiving in UK has been and gone. We don't keep it the same as America. It is more a church thing not such a big family thing. The churches I attended in the past used to bring food to church and place at the front of the church. We would have a service of thanksgiving and the food would be distributed to those in need, whether they belonged to the church or not.
It is so cold here tonight and my thoughts are with the homeless, some won't make it through the winter. The rest of us have a great deal to thank the Lord for.
All the refugees throughout the world too, it makes you feel so helpless.
I thank God for all His beautiful creation, the flowers, the birds, the mountains, valleys and rivers. All the beautiful animal's, the fish, sunshine and blue skies. All the wide variety of foods., etc... etc

Very good response Tessa and it's like you read my mind because I was wondering how and when you celebrated Thanksgiving in the UK. I just wanted to add one more thing about me being thankful for my fiancée Joey though. I am thankful that he is in my heart and that I'm able to dream about our wedding and life together until it actually happens for real. :biggrin
That Christ gave his life for me (and you!). My family, a roof over my head, relatively good health, adorable cats (and even for the pets I've lost to old age in the past), a car to get me to work, a job even though I can't stand it, a Bible to study, good preaching and hymns to sing, good weather, the roses that bloom in my garden, that God sustained me through 9 months of unemployment, for food to eat and fresh water to drink, being born in the USA where we have more rights and opportunity than we think. I could go on, but that's a good start :)

April, can you post a thread like this every week so we remember to be thankful always? :)
for Christ and His work in my life. I read something....you know, the parable of the sower? well, to paraphrase...this dude was talking about the "good soil," the soil in which the seeds took root, and his point was that God is in His childrens' lives from day 1, even before we even think of repentance. so...honestly, now that I"ve read that and The Lord has moved in my life and heart, etc., I'm even thankful for "back then," because its thru who I was that God's might has been+is being shown.

and...I'm healthy. bright eyes. nothing freakish, but...age 20, a shrink deliberately broke my spirit. private, for profit mental hospital. i was left dead eyed. it wasn't until age 25, while at a Teen Challenge program for 12 months, that a real, true light was put back in my eyes.

smart. i dont -get- IQ, i don't know how much I believe its valid...I don't even know how important most "professionals" think IQ is, but...I"m glad I'm smart, truly smart, and I don't have obvious brain damage.

taller. 5'10, not 5'7. i have tons of thick, wavy hair, even though my follicles from back then were damaged beyond repair. its a cool color, too...golden brown, little bit of red to it. I"m no longer effeminate. i need to work out, id like some completely not at all sexual or competitive or too emotional male companionship, but then again...I'm 34. after college age, it seems like dudes quit being friends, at all, so...we'll see...

im thankful for my parents. they're still married, and now they seem to get along quite well. a divorce would have been...the easy way out, let's put it that way. anyway...they're doing well, kind to me, im kind to them, and they're more understanding now, gracious, and...forgiveness, all around. :-)

i can write. not pretentious, not even edgy, just...good writing. time and time again, in classes online..."good writing! well-written!" im not trying to brag. my own sins+shock+psychiatry, basically=I was shut up. could barely hold a conversation, writing was all over the place, it was sad times. no longer :-)

i am in the world, but not of it...because of Christ. not my own efforts, not "good therapy," etc...Christ, all the way. I thank Him for His kindness and mercy. :-)

OK. got kinda long there, but...there ya go. :-)
A few months back I asked for prayer assistance from this forum to get off opiate pain med dependency. Shortly thereafter I learned from another forum about an herbal natural pain reliever that was not a controlled substance. It got me completely off Oxy, and truth to tell it actually works better with significantly less side effects. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a miracle and blessing from the Almighty, and the second time a prayer request has steered me from disaster.
I just wanted to add a few more things. First and foremost I'm thankful that this forum is back up and running again. :thumbsup Second of all I'm thankful for my salvation as well, and third of all I'm extremely thankful to be an American and living in a free country and for all the men and women who gave their lives seeing that that would happen. I salute every single one of you! :salute And to answer your question Lisa, no I'm sorry I won't be starting a thread like this every week because after Thanksgiving is over I'm going to move onto posting Christmas stuff and so on and so forth,.. but I really don't think I need to in order for us to remember to always be thankful for the Lord's many blessings now do I? :)
First I am thankful for God's mercy and grace. For His provision for hubby and me. I'm thankful for my family and true friends. I'm thankful for God's blessings that help us to bless others. I'm thankful for CF and the privilege to call all of you my friends. I'm thankful that even though my body is broken down somewhat I am still able to do the things I can still do. Last, but not least by any means is my gift from God in whom He gave me the love of my husband over 20 years ago.

:pray Thank you Lord for helping me be who I am today in you.
I am grateful for many things. The list being long and really boring to most people.

I will mention one thing recently that I have to talk about.
A few weeks ago I went with some guys to a retreat called Windy Gap. (Google search will give you the precise location)
One of the things that we usually do is hike a trail there that goes up the side of a hill to look at the surrounding areas. (Three miles at least)

Now I'm a lot older than most of the guys. At least 10 years for some and 15 years for most. But physically I usually keep right up with all of them. Until this year. I couldn't keep up whatsoever.
I kept having to ask them to stop and let me breathe.

I gave up and turned around and went back.

I was upset with this massively. For the first time in more years than I can remember I was unable to physically do something I felt should be easy to accomplish.
I'm a construction worker. I climb stairs and ladders all day usually. (Except for the last several years) and I'm somewhat trim...(except for the 30+ lbs I gained in these last couple of years)

So the next day I sucked it up and went to climb that mountain again... myself setting the pace. I did it. I talked to different guys on the way. It took way too long and I was exhausted from it, my labored breathing and heart pumping so loudly in my ears making me stop from time to time.

But it taught me a lesson.

So, I haven't had any bacon in weeks. I used to eat a pound and a half every Saturday and cook up some hash browns in the grease on Sunday as well as a pound of sausage that I shared with my wife.

My wife and I have been dieting and exercising. I have been wearing out the tradmill and bicycle and elliptical machine. I have been cutting way back on all rich foods.

It's been working.

I've lost 15 lbs. I've got more energy. I've moved my belt a couple of notches. I got 15 more to go and have caught a cold so I had to stop the exercise...But I'm thankful for my health.

I can clearly remember the many times in my life when I couldn't afford bacon or chocolate bars that were so prevalent in my life the past few years. Money was so tight that those luxury items were out of reach.
Now they are expensive for other reasons.

I am grateful that God still speaks to me and tells me things. Apparently God thinks enough of me that He even tells me things that I don't want to hear but need to.
I'm thankful for many things but the biggest thing I'm thankful for this year is to be apart of Kairos Outside. Such an amazing non profit <3 ^_^.
A few months back I asked for prayer assistance from this forum to get off opiate pain med dependency. Shortly thereafter I learned from another forum about an herbal natural pain reliever that was not a controlled substance. It got me completely off Oxy, and truth to tell it actually works better with significantly less side effects. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a miracle and blessing from the Almighty, and the second time a prayer request has steered me from disaster.
That is so awesome! God put you in front of the right people to give you the help you needed!
I love it when God answers prayers, and thanks for giving us this update!
I'm sorry that this is a bit late I just woke up a bit ago. Happy Thanksgiving everybody! :biggrin
