Book Keeper's Coffee Shop

Book Keeper

Feb 13, 2019
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After a stressful day at work, I like to unwind by engaging in light conversation, about anything and everything. I will be posting her regularly, however I invite others to post here too. It doesn't matter what we discuss, all is welcome in the shop.

The coffee shop is a warm and friendly environment; no hostilities or fierce debates are welcome here - please let them at the door! We have a blanket ban on politics, therefore please ensure you wipe your feet on the way in.

The shop is open 24/7! Come on, grab a coffee and a delicious pastry and enjoy.
Love your coffee shop, in fact I have always loved coffee shops - well most of them anyhow :lol
Couldn't get the music to play so will try again later.

I agree about nature. My se ret place to relax for a short while is in my back garden. I love to sit in the doorway and look up to the sky, and talk to God. Then I watch the birds flying in to tell me it's time for food. When they have gone I put food out for two feral cats. If I'm lucky one of the squirrels will come to say hello, or a hedgehog or one of the foxes.
Have you ever thought of how many different creatures made? And we think we have a good imagination! They are all so perfect too.
So Book Keeper. You seem to have a rigorous type of employment so what do you like to do as far as stress relief in the sense of having hobbies or things you enjoy doing.

My husband works for a lumber yard and I no longer work because of disabilities. We do not do to much in the winter, but in the summer we have a camp along the Allegheny River we go to just about every weekend to relax. We also enjoy ATV riding through the forest


My favorite time of the day is sunrise...
Sitting around watching the sun come up drinking coffee while the night fades and the world wakes up...

Sunrise over the Sea of Galilee or Lake Tiberius is awesome...the below sea level haze diffuses the sun hours before it rises above the Golan Heights.

The Sea is at a dead calm. It's cool and comfortable outside.
The coffee (you gotta bring your own good stuff, theirs sucks) brings a special aroma and special moment to it's almost magical during this time as Israel seems to wake slower than most places.

After a stressful day at work, I like to unwind by engaging in light conversation, about anything and everything. I will be posting her regularly, however I invite others to post here too. It doesn't matter what we discuss, all is welcome in the shop.

The coffee shop is a warm and friendly environment; no hostilities or fierce debates are welcome here - please let them at the door! We have a blanket ban on politics, therefore please ensure you wipe your feet on the way in.

The shop is open 24/7! Come on, grab a coffee and a delicious pastry and enjoy.
I'll take my coffee and go out on the porch, listen to what God had created, preferable at ForHisGlory's retreat!
That is a good way to relax.
Put your phone's down, get away from the t.v.
Feel the wind on your face.
So much to be thankful for....
That is beautiful for_his_glory who could not relax there!

I love getting up before hubby gets out of bed and grab my coffee and sit on the Deck. This is my quiet time I talk to God while watching the river flow by and all of God's creatures that surround me. It's a special treat when you get to see the Eagles.

I love getting up before hubby gets out of bed and grab my coffee and sit on the Deck. This is my quiet time I talk to God while watching the river flow by and all of God's creatures that surround me. It's a special treat when you get to see the Eagles.

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What a view!
Could you imagine what heaven looks like?

Just because you are trying to scare me with stories of the Great Tribulation about life without coffee...

Okay this is for scaring me like that! :hips smacks you upside the head You know, we really are turning into a comedy skit! We're like the modern version of "The Three Stooges" even though there's only two of us. :lol