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Vaccinated bs Unvaccinated

Should unvaccinated people be quarantined from those who are vaccinated

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My point exactly.

Why the need for governments to propose the quarantine of unvaccinated people from the vaccinated, if the vaccine is all that it is supposed to be?

What do vaccinated people have to fear from the unvaccinated?

Now we are finding out breast feeding mothers who have taken the vaccine are endangering their nursing babies.

Some of these nursing infants are dying of blood clots in the lungs from just drinking the vaccinated mothers breast milk.

Not Good JLB
Where is your proof of that?
Two babies out of who knows how many?
For comparison, how many died from the flu shot?

Don't be a "chicken little".

Yes, agreed, who knows how many have actually died from the Vaccine.

God knows.

I wonder why so many Christians trust the Lord with their eternal life, but don’t trust Him to keep their physical body?

I guess He saw all this coming.

Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8

How many people here believe that unvaccinated people should be quarantined and separated from those who are vaccinated for health safety reasons?

Shouldn't a person's health and safety be a personal decision? If we have to make that decision for them, then what about rock climbers, sky divers, race car drivers, iron workers, etc?
you can still get it .my wife did
Yes, you can.

Two weeks ago on Tuesday I visited my doctor for my semi-annual checkup. While there he talked me into getting the Prevnar 13 vaccine for Pneumococcal Pneumonia and the Covid vaccine. Yes, I gave in to the Covid vaccine.

The day after I received those two vaccines, Wednesday, I experienced intermittent fatigue throughout the day along with minor body aches as though I was coming down with something. During the night on Wednesday night I awoke with a fever. By Thursday I was back to just feeling slightly fatigued and with minor body aches that came and went. The listed side effects from both of these vaccines include fatigue, body aches, and fever so I suspected I was experiencing those side effects.

Thursday, my neighbor and his son picked me up to attend a customer appreciation lunch at our local creamery so the three of us rode together. That following Sunday I attended our church pot luck, pie, and ice cream social to celebrate our pastor's last day. The only symptoms I was still feeling was a little sinus congestion and that would cause me to cough occasionally.

The next day, Monday, my neighbor, his son, a couple other fellows, and I were working together to replace part of the roof shingles on our church entry way. We had lunch together inside the church basement. My neighbor was sniffling and coughing a little and commented that he had picked up a cold.

The next day, Tuesday, he decided to get tested for Covid because he had been feverish the night before. His test confirmed he was positive. His son was also tested and positive. I checked with my doctor and we decided that I too should be tested along with my wife. That Thursday our test results came back positive. My neighbor's wife developed symptoms later and tested positive as well as did one of the other fellows that helped with the roof. We all experienced only minor symptoms and are just now ending our isolation periods.

Here's the unique thing about all of this. My neighbor, his wife, his son, my wife, and the other fellow that tested positive were all fully vaccinated. I was the only one that was not vaccinated. Yes, I got the first shot the day before my symptoms started but that would have no effect as I was already infected before I was vaccinated.

I asked my doctor about this and he said that we are learning that the vaccinations don't really do too much to prevent infection, particularly with the Delta variant. This makes sense because according to the numbers we should have achieved herd immunity now and the virus should be having trouble finding suitable hosts to infect and yet case counts are rising somewhat rapidly.

The vaccines may help some but they are proving to be less effective for preventing infection as time goes on. BUT he also said it is a current fact that the number of people who are hospitalized due to Covid are nearly all unvaccinated. This indicates that the vaccinations have been doing a great job of protecting people from serious illness resulting in hospitalizations and deaths. There is also mounting evidence that vaccinated persons are contagious for a shorter time period than unvaccinated persons. This makes sense because the vaccines give our immune system a jump start in the fight against the invasion.
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I am also concerned that like the CDC and fda, while they were respected and listened to for many years are suddenly not...
Here's a concern that I have. According to the FDA website a vaccine or other drugs have to undergo a multiple step process to assure due diligence and safety in order to achieve full approval. Long story short, that process typically takes anywhere from four to 12 years of research, small group testing, monitoring, and analysis, medium group testing, monitoring, and analysis, and large group testing monitoring, and analysis all to be sure the result is safe for human use.

It should be noted that some of those first years of research have been done as mRNA research has been going on for many years. But, even after that stage, there are still group testing, monitoring, and analysis that normally is required and the all important aspect of time to be sure there are no unforeseen dangerous side effects that show up later.

Much of that work was accelerated when the FDA allowed it to pass through the Emergency Use Authorization authority due to the critical situation at hand. While this is understandable, it allowed the vaccines to be released for general use without FDA full approval. Then, somehow, the Pfizer vaccine suddenly received full approval recently never having endured the various group testing, monitoring, analysis, and time.

There's a reason for the time factor. My concern is what happens if four years from now, it is discovered that, because we didn't do our due diligence, these vaccines prove to cause major side effects that cause severe trauma and/or death? Are we to just shrug our shoulders and say, "Well, we did it for our country," and then move on?
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Shouldn't a person's health and safety be a personal decision?


However many Governments around the world are wanting to isolate unvaccinated people, from the vaccinated.
Yes, you can.

Two weeks ago on Tuesday I visited my doctor for my semi-annual checkup. While there he talked me into getting the Prevnar 13 vaccine for Pneumococcal Pneumonia and the Covid vaccine. Yes, I gave in to the Covid vaccine.

The day after I received those two vaccines, Wednesday, I experienced intermittent fatigue throughout the day along with minor body aches as though I was coming down with something. During the night on Wednesday night I awoke with a fever. By Thursday I was back to just feeling slightly fatigued and with minor body aches that came and went. The listed side effects from both of these vaccines include fatigue, body aches, and fever so I suspected I was experiencing those side effects.

Thursday, my neighbor and his son picked me up to attend a customer appreciation lunch at our local creamery so the three of us rode together. That following Sunday I attended our church pot luck, pie, and ice cream social to celebrate our pastor's last day. The only symptoms I was still feeling was a little sinus congestion and that would cause me to cough occasionally.

The next day, Monday, my neighbor, his son, a couple other fellows, and I were working together to replace part of the roof shingles on our church entry way. We had lunch together inside the church basement. My neighbor was sniffling and coughing a little and commented that he had picked up a cold.

The next day, Tuesday, he decided to get tested for Covid because he had been feverish the night before. His test confirmed he was positive. His son was also tested and positive. I checked with my doctor and we decided that I too should be tested along with my wife. That Thursday our test results came back positive. My neighbor's wife developed symptoms later and tested positive as well as did one of the other fellows that helped with the roof. We all experienced only minor symptoms and are just now ending our isolation periods.

Here's the unique thing about all of this. My neighbor, his wife, his son, my wife, and the other fellow that tested positive were all fully vaccinated. I was the only one that was not vaccinated. Yes, I got the first shot the day before my symptoms started but that would have no effect as I was already infected before I was vaccinated.

I asked my doctor about this and he said that we are learning that the vaccinations don't really do too much to prevent infection, particularly with the Delta variant. This makes sense because according to the numbers we should have achieved herd immunity now and the virus should be having trouble finding suitable hosts to infect and yet case counts are rising somewhat rapidly.

The vaccines may help some but they are proving to be less effective for preventing infection as time goes on. BUT he also said it is a current fact that the number of people who are hospitalized due to Covid are nearly all unvaccinated. This indicates that the vaccinations have been doing a great job of protecting people from serious illness resulting in hospitalizations and deaths. There is also mounting evidence that vaccinated persons are contagious for a shorter time period than unvaccinated persons. This makes sense because the vaccines give our immune system a jump start in the fight against the invasion.
given 5 or more are sick at work ,some vaccinated that is my belief
Shouldn't a person's health and safety be a personal decision? If we have to make that decision for them, then what about rock climbers, sky divers, race car drivers, iron workers, etc?

Health and safety is all about minimizing risk, yet risk has been used to achieve and progress. Science is the best example. Trial and error. The study of progress.
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Shouldn't a person's health and safety be a personal decision? If we have to make that decision for them, then what about rock climbers, sky divers, race car drivers, iron workers, etc?
I think they should get the shot but to mandate it Will create problems.
I agree. I think everyone should eat well balanced meals, get off the sofa, and get plenty of exercise but is it my place to force it upon them?
the media plays sides .I'm not pro mandate ,but the media on that side mandates employees to be vaccinated or tested weekly .the opposite side makes Biden's mandate liker its all federal employees,congress is exempt

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The CDC said the finding that fully vaccinated people could spread the virus was behind its move to change its mask guidance.

"High viral loads suggest an increased risk of transmission and raised concern that, unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus," Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC's director, said in a statement Friday.

"This finding is concerning and was a pivotal discovery leading to CDC's updated mask recommendation. The masking recommendation was updated to ensure the vaccinated public would not unknowingly transmit virus to others, including their unvaccinated or immunocompromised loved ones," Walensky said.


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