This thread is your chance to say what you think about the current debate around climate change and global warming, as COP26 gets ever closer.
I already realize what the retort from the board is going to be, but since you asked, I will say it: our hope is in the science. Yes yes, I know, I put my faith in science and not in God, I'm going to Hell, all that.
God is the creator of science, of the laws of nature, and He gave us this world to explore and to understand. We've basically taken this Christmas present God has given us, and trampled on it and trashed it. And yes, while technically God did give it to us, what we have done is disrespectful. What's more, we have more than a few people saying if we DON'T trash it, then we aren't putting our faith in God, that we're into all this bizarre Mother Earth stuff, all that. That's ridiculous.
All this work to be carbon-neutral, to conserve, and stuff is well-meaning, but a few prideful individuals always come along and undermine the whole thing. What we need is research. Higher efficiency wind turbines and solar. Carbon recapture. Batteries. Photovoltaic building materials. Superconductors. Find ways to make green methodology economically profitable, so even the greedy and don't-give-a-flip-about-the-planet will be okay with it. Why is it that all our roofs are made up of shingles comprised out of petroleum, when the whole point is to insulate our homes? Capture the doggone heat and use it for electricity. Not one roof in the First World should not be either solar or greenery.
Now that we have electric vehicles, we should have lots more tunnels. The reason we don't like tunnels is because cars emit a lot of fumes; not so anymore. Raise the ground level over the roads, and let the wildlife roam free.
Bill Gates' idea to put a huge reflective sheet out in space is not a bad one. He's the one with the proven track record of making far-out ideas work. But we can't pursue that because people are determined to smear him as part of some evil world order. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that having order in the world is evil, and to beat climate change, order is pretty much exactly what you need.
Superconductor research has tremendous potential against climate change. Superconducting computers basically consume NO electricity. That's 25% of our national grid, right there. All the energy you spend is to refrigerate it. Which leads to the next thing: climate control. Superconductor research leads to better climate control; better insulation. Less air conditioning and heating. Magnetically levitating trains, which would be really fast and really low-energy.
Ways to neutralize radioactive waste. We emit so much carbon simply to transport the fuel itself. Nuclear power does not have that problem. Its problem is, it leaves waste. If fusion reactions could simply produce elements with very short half-lives, your waste would no longer be radioactive and may even have other uses (hafnium carbide? Yes please. That can make spaceships).
Now, for the spiritual side. Humanity needs to band together and fight a common enemy: our failing planet, which we caused. And not fight each other. In the end, it all comes down to the same thing it always has: turn from your sin, and you will be saved. It will take dramatic changes in our society, trillions of dollars, but we can't do it because so many people like to have their behinds kissed begging them to admit that climate change even exists. Thus, the problem--as always--is not really about the climate. It's the people.