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What defines a christian?


so- its been maybe a few months since i started taking the bible more seriously and trying to follow it the best i can, using it as guidance for right and wrong
but im not sure if i can call myself a christian yet
what would be the most important questions to define whether you are a christian or not?
so- its been maybe a few months since i started taking the bible more seriously and trying to follow it the best i can, using it as guidance for right and wrong
but im not sure if i can call myself a christian yet
what would be the most important questions to define whether you are a christian or not?

Christian by definition means follower of Christ.

Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter. 1 Peter 4:16


Jesus said it this way --

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. John 10:27-28

What does follow mean to you?

according to the Bible wasn't it the people around the Christians that called them that?
im unsure what youre replying to- i may add that i found out today marking text gives you option to quote or reply which is pretty neat for context
i dont believe ive had much similar insults hurled at me, ive experienced many different types of demonic oppression, sabotage especially. Mr. smith like effect where people will have the devil acting through them- which has made these people seem like just robots, but the fact that this happens while i have certified myself as not suffering from schizophrenia and have witnesses on these absurd scenarios made me realize that i sure am on the right path- as a videogame, when you progress and you move in the right direction you will find yourself facing more and more enemies but yet getting more ability to deal with them, i never really dejected the idea of a world larger than our basic senses existing but its quite weird to think about having been atheist long back.
What does follow mean to you?
follow.. to acknowledge the authority of said individual or acknowledging importance, to support
im generally not a follower, but the truths of the bible has summed up the solution to most of the worlds problems- so im for sure a follower of the bible, god and jesus christ. i ask myself sometimes "what would jesus have done?" and it usually brings me the information i need
im unsure what youre replying to- i may add that i found out today marking text gives you option to quote or reply which is pretty neat for context
i dont believe ive had much similar insults hurled at me, ive experienced many different types of demonic oppression, sabotage especially. Mr. smith like effect where people will have the devil acting through them- which has made these people seem like just robots, but the fact that this happens while i have certified myself as not suffering from schizophrenia and have witnesses on these absurd scenarios made me realize that i sure am on the right path- as a videogame, when you progress and you move in the right direction you will find yourself facing more and more enemies but yet getting more ability to deal with them, i never really dejected the idea of a world larger than our basic senses existing but its quite weird to think about having been atheist long back.
What are you talking about?
I was responding to the OP.
Really... what in the world are you talking about?
follow.. to acknowledge the authority of said individual or acknowledging importance, to support
im generally not a follower, but the truths of the bible has summed up the solution to most of the worlds problems- so im for sure a follower of the bible, god and jesus christ. i ask myself sometimes "what would jesus have done?" and it usually brings me the information i need

Follow Definition --

To move along behind someone who is the guide or leader. Jesus' disciples followed Jesus. This means that they travelled with Jesus. But also it means that they were his students. They obeyed him. And he taught them.
Zeth4500 I would like to discuss the contradictions you are referring to because I think I see them too. Perhaps it's because I don't understand what I'm reading maybe. Can you post some and maybe these folks can help us understand?
Zeth4500 I would like to discuss the contradictions you are referring to because I think I see them too. Perhaps it's because I don't understand what I'm reading maybe. Can you post some and maybe these folks can help us understand?
It would be best to start a new discussion to review this and perhaps it would be best in a different forum with fewer restrictions like maybe Biblical Growth and Study.
Zeth4500 I would like to discuss the contradictions you are referring to because I think I see them too. Perhaps it's because I don't understand what I'm reading maybe. Can you post some and maybe these folks can help us understand?
Act 11:25 Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul:
Act 11:26 And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

Acts chapter 2 we read about the first church (body of Christ) being founded on the day of Pentecost. Grant it that it was mostly Jews that day in Jerusalem, but yet the word of God also went out to the Gentiles possibly beginning with Cornelius who called for Peter, Acts 10.

In Acts 11:26 says the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.

Later we read in Romans 11:11-24 that the Gentiles were graphited into the branches with the Jews with Jesus being the root and from that time forth there is neither Jew or Gentile, Galatians 3:27-29, as all who are Christ own being the body of Christ, have been called Christians as Christian means to be Christ like.

Hope this helps.
Does that matter?
Hi dwb001

No, and I may have been mistaken. But as I was reading the way you said that 'you were responding to the OP' it crossed my mind that you didn't know that you were. But after further consideration, I probably misread that and you just meant that your comment was only addressing the subject of the OP.

My bad.

God bless,
Hi dwb001

No, and I may have been mistaken. But as I was reading the way you said that 'you were responding to the OP' it crossed my mind that you didn't know that you were. But after further consideration, I probably misread that and you just meant that your comment was only addressing the subject of the OP.

My bad.

God bless,
I was responding to the Original Post not the Original Poster.
Zeth4500 I would like to discuss the contradictions you are referring to because I think I see them too. Perhaps it's because I don't understand what I'm reading maybe. Can you post some and maybe these folks can help us understand?
well not publically on forum, ill write you personally instead.
so- its been maybe a few months since i started taking the bible more seriously and trying to follow it the best i can, using it as guidance for right and wrong
but im not sure if i can call myself a christian yet
what would be the most important questions to define whether you are a christian or not?
Belief in the Gospel. And coming to true repentance. If you have more questions. Ask me 😁
so- its been maybe a few months since i started taking the bible more seriously and trying to follow it the best i can, using it as guidance for right and wrong
but im not sure if i can call myself a christian yet
what would be the most important questions to define whether you are a christian or not?
This is the test for yourself to see if your in the faith per Paul.
Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?
For someone who claims to know Him by their fruit would be the only thing you can weight.
For example John wrote
We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. 4Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. 5But if anyone obeys his word, love for God a is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: 6Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.
so- its been maybe a few months since i started taking the bible more seriously and trying to follow it the best i can, using it as guidance for right and wrong
but im not sure if i can call myself a christian yet
what would be the most important questions to define whether you are a christian or not?
Not forums, not talk, not tongue.

John 3:21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

1 John 3:18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
Belief in the Gospel. And coming to true repentance. If you have more questions. Ask me 😁
i admit that i dont believe in the uh- factuals of some of the stories of the bible but i wholeheartedly accept the points of the tales, some of the stories is also what held me from accepting christianity as truth and its also what most atheists will typically think of when you try to present them with the truth of christianity

ive accepted myself as being christian and casually share the truth with other people, it might be the most important decision ive made in my whole life yet, i already notice the people who are deep down good act differently and ask me for guidance- the people who are not of christian mindset are now acting yet worse towards me than they usually were
the evil people acting up against me have had me question whether i was in fact on the dark side, but naturally righteous people will always be the minority. ive always lived by the truth and stuck to my promises so its no wonder that evil people have spited my character for- no apparent reason