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Dreams And Interpretation


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Hidden In Him

Staff member
Greetings all, and blessings in Christ. This thread is an open invitation to anyone wishing to share dreams they have had which they feel might be significant. I am placing this in the End Times forum because of the following passage of scripture, which I believe is set to be fulfilled during the years ahead of us:

28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. 29 And also upon My menservants and upon My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days. 30 “And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. 31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord. 32 And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance, as the Lord has said, among the remnant whom the Lord calls. (Joel 2:28-32)

This passage speaks of a time coming when the Spirit of God will speak to His people in visions and dreams, and when operating in the supernatural and the gift of prophecy will become more the norm for the body of Christ than the exception. To those who disagree, feel free to debate this subject with me, but this thread is being primarily created for those desiring to share dreams or visions they feel might be important, or which have had a lasting effect of them, and which they suspect might be related to their own lives or the welfare of the end time church.

I will begin by posting a few dreams that have stood out to me over the years, and which are now part of public record. As will become obvious, prophetic dreams and visions are especially important when it comes to spiritual warfare. The first I will share is from a woman who several years ago complained of having left an abusive husband, hoping she had finally found a man who might treat her right, only to find out the new husband was suddenly beginning to act pretty much like the old one did. I will give the vision she kept seeing reoccur, along with my interpretation.

Her vision:
I have been in great spiritual warfare for the past few weeks. I have just recently began exhibiting the spiritual gift of discernment of spirits. I keep seeing one that I call Dog Face that is black with a, well, dog-like face. I first saw it sitting on the steps of a local church that is close to our house. Then I would see it in our house sometimes. We had manifestations like bed shaking and noises throughout the house.

So then something cool happened to me at an extremely spirit-filled revival I attended. I felt led to the altar, and when the preacher asked me what was wrong, I started crying.
He was like, "Why are you crying?"
I said, "I don't know!!"
Preacher: "Well, are you saved?"
Me: "Yes."
Preacher: "Are you feeling conviction?"
Me: "No."
Preacher: "Ok, so why the tears?"
Me:"I don't know!"
Preacher and the others who were now wondering why I was crying so profusely: "Are you sure you're saved?"
Me: "Yes!"
Preacher: "Do you need to forgive anybody?"
Me: "...probably."

So I realized that I have been harboring unforgiveness in my heart for nine years following an abusive relationship from which I had places bruised so often that I can still see it. I developed major depressive disorder and bulimia. God delivered me from the bulimia after a while (my then fiance, now husband found out and begged me to stop, so I did, and like the Bible says, resist the devil and he will flee). Then I developed trichotillomania which is an obsessive compulsive disorder where the sufferer compulsively pulls their hair out. And there I was for nine years suffering depression and trichotillomania. I had to quit college twice, and I have been fired from jobs because of my severe depression. I wouldn't go places because I couldn't handle it (and because I had so many bald spots that made me self conscious).

So at revival on July 9th, I went to the altar and forgave that man who hurt me so deeply. That was also the last day I needed my antidepressants. I haven't taken one or needed one since. No more depression. No more anxiety. No more panic attacks. No more compulsive hair pulling. I am healed. And that's when my spiritual gifts really began to wake up. I have always known I was sensitive to things of a spiritual nature, and months ago I realized I was beginning to see them. I didn't see angels until after my healing from depression, but how beautiful they are!

Anyway, I am mainly just wondering if anybody else has seen this dog-faced demon and what's his assignment? He seems to be common, and he goes when commanded, but he returns after a while even when commanded not to. Since my healing, it is no longer pursuing me, but it has been after my husband. I saw it behind my husband the other night when he was being affected also by a spirit of rage. It sure was enjoying seeing him so angry. For the record, when I was healed, my husband suddenly started to come under great attacks from the enemy. He was so grumpy, and it was emotionally draining to be near him. Last night we had a big talk and cleared everything up and prayed together. Who is Dog Face and what does he want?

Knowing something of about Egyptian mythology and the Egyptian "gods" (which another poster keyed me of to), I recognized the demon she was talking about; the Egyptian god Seth, who was depicted as black in appearance, and incites to violent those he torments and manipulates.

My response:
[You are] actually seeing the Egyptian god Set, the equivalent of Anubis in Egyptian mythology. Set was the Egyptian version of Satan to the Egyptian priesthood, and associated with violence.

From Wikipedia: Set /sɛt/ or Seth (/sɛθ/; also spelled Setesh, Sutekh,[1] Setekh, or Suty) is a god of the desert, storms, disorder, and violence... In Egyptian mythology, Set is portrayed as the usurper who killed and mutilated his own brother Osiris.... Set has also been classed as a trickster deity who, as a god of disorder, resorts to deception to achieve bad ends.


The worship of Set in modern times has become synonymous with Satanism:


To be continued next post...

I also added the following for her after a few days:

You see the progression? This spirit is a spirit of violence, and it was operating through your former partner in the previous years to attack you physically, so badly that you still have the bruises to show for it. But when you forgave him in your heart at the altar, suddenly its purposes were defeated in trying to keep you bound by fear and depression. So now the spirit has switched to your new husband, and is trying to incite him to violence and rage as well. God allowed you to see this spirit outside the church on the steps because it is now looking for a new home, so your husband needs to resist the same spirit of anger and violence that came upon your former partner in the past.
What I did not say was that there have been visions given to some in the body of Christ over the last several decades that have identified the types of demons Satan will be sending against the faithful during the end-times; specifically demons which are assigned to each of us and know our own specific weaknesses, and will therefore target us to experience the same kinds of attacks over and over again, hoping to get us to think there must be something wrong with us, and as a result we therefore deserve the abuse that we receive.

Harold Pitman's account of being taken up into second heaven attests to this, as he was allowed to witness the activities of demonic spirits in the lives of people today:

I watched in amazement as the demons went about their business of stalking human victims. It was obvious that this stalking was not done on a random basis, but was a very personal thing with each person already having been targeted... This spectacle was similar to a hunt, although not like a man's hunt for animals. In this hunt the individual had been carefully targeted. All the victims had already been skillfully searched with their weaknesses precisely cataloged. The tempters in the areas of the victim's weaknesses were assigned their task. They followed and waited for the moment when the victim would be the most vulnerable and step into their prepared trap. They waited for the moment when the victim would arrive at a place where he would be weak and receptive to the temptation they would spring on him. Their victim was never left alone, for once the assignment was made, the demon would never leave the targeted individual. No matter where that person would go, he would have an unseen travelling companion. In many cases, he would have an entire host of unseen traveling companions. Oh, physical man! If only you could see who travels with you! (Demons: An Eyewitness Account, P.56)

Also from Pittman's book:

The angels told me that I was going to be permitted to see a human being actually being possessed by one of these demons… When we crossed through the dimension wall, we came out in a different room in the same hospital where my body was… In that room were two people, a young man and a young woman… The couple had no idea that we were there, and apparently thought they were completely alone. Standing between them was the most despicable looking of all creatures, of which they were totally unaware. He looked like an overgrown, stuffed, green frog that was all out of shape [proportionally]. The man and the woman were talking and laughing as though they had just exchanged a joke. The demon, however, was between them and moving slowly toward the man's face. His every movement was calculated, much as a cat's movement is calculated when he is stalking a little bird… When the demon reached the man's face, suddenly, like a puff of smoke, he disappeared into it, appearing to have penetrated the pores of the skin. As I turned away from the two, the angel began to tell me about the sovereign will of man, and how this demon made himself look beautiful and desirable to this individual. The angel stated that this individual, by his own sovereign will, had openly invited this thing to enter. To the man, the demon looked so desirable and beautiful, but I got to see him for what he truly is - ugly, despicable, and nauseating. (Pittman, Demons: An Eyewitness Account, P.53-54)

I will add one or two more to start this thread off. Some dreams are very positive and encouraging, and I have received many of these. But others are of a foreboding nature, and intended by God to serve as warnings that we must be on guard against the strategies of the Devil, for he comes to steal, kill, and destroy.

God bless,
Hidden In Him
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Another dream I interpreted a few years ago. This one is also very protective in nature, and reveals a strategy of the Devil that a young woman was about to be subjected to. But I will also try to post a few that were very positive in nature as well.

Dream from the young girl:
Okay so weeks ago I had a really weird dream. It was about this guy trying to rape me. I was so scared and I prayed to God to send an angel to save me and out comes an old woman with her hair dyed an orange/red ginger color from across the street (this happened outside) and says in a raspy voice something on the lines of "let her go!" to the man and lo and behold the man lets go of me and the woman asks if I'm all right. My question is, is there any significance to this dream? If there is, what does this dream mean? Did it come from God, did it come from an evil spirit, or from my own brain? Is God trying to show me the power of prayer, or are evil spirits trying to scare me (I doubt the latter but I agree with the former), or was it a metaphor, a reminiscent of my past? (I used to be a very lustful young teen) and God saved me from lust and sexual past? What exactly is going on?...

Later post from her, where she amplified on things a little more:
The man in the dream that tried to rape me was the same man in a dream I had before that. So that dream was about me in some store, and the guy was in one of the frozen food sections. He was actually inside of one of the freezers (it was so weird) and I saw him and he ran out and chased me. He tried to kidnap me! So anyways I ran to one of the cashiers (an African American man) and he asked me if I was alright or something. The guy who tried to kidnap me left. I suppose I should tell you what this guy looks like, the one who tried to kidnap and rape me. So, he has short black hair and pale, Caucasian skin (which I don't know if that's even possible, no offense to anybody naturally born like this)

Me after some deliberation:
Ok, LoL. I think I'm on to something. Did the woman's hair look something like this?

No, not really. Her hair wasn't smooth and shiny. It was curly and frizzy, so no shine at all.

How about this then; a little closer? (used a different image, but close)

It's really no matter. This woman's hair color, and shine, and frizziness seems to change with every picture she takes, LoL.

But here is why I was asking: I happened to glance over the first thread you posted when you joined, and it was about OCD and concerns about getting addicted to Blues music. The timing of a dream is often critical to understanding what it concerns, and you said you had this dream a few weeks ago, which is shortly before you posted your concerns about addiction to the blues.

I believe these two dreams were the Lord responding to your concern about that. The images I posted are of Bonnie Raitt, a famous female blues singer. I'm guessing she is likely the old woman with "dyed" orange hair and a "raspy voice," who came out to save you. She is known for her strong, raspy voice.
The important thing here is that she has a Quaker background, i.e. in other words a Christian one. She is more political than religious, but her childhood influence and background is Christian.

You are also met in the other dream by an African American man. This likely represents another blues artist who would be "safe" to listen to.

(Continued next post, where I identify who the problem was)


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Her response:
Hey! That seems to make sense! Her hair is slightly similar to the woman in this picture.

Me, now that I knew what the dream was about:
[In answer to who the man in your dream is], the answer is Jimmy Page; guitarist for the band Led Zeppelin. The combination of pale skin and black hair is indeed rather uncommon, but Page most definitely had pale skin and black hair. He does to this day (though his hair is now more white than black, but in his heyday it was black).

From on online article about a woman who ended up being a groupie for the band:
"Someone gave him my number and he called today asking me to come here with him, but I came down by myself to show a little more hard-to-getness. I think my hard-to-get just got up and went. He seems so shy and delicious, grey eyes gazing into mine, sweet sweetness, pale white skin, gentle gentleman with something to hide..."


The OCD is indeed a concern if you became addicted to Led Zeppelin's music. Page was a Satanist, and there was a satanic "anointing" if you will on his music that especially effected kids. To this day I still see young people walking around wearing Led Zeppelin T-shirts. They were at their zenith when I was like twelve or something, LoL. But the reason for this strong "pull" on kids is (granted, this is conjecture mind you, but easy enough to deduce) likely because of a pact he made to gain fame and fortune, with the agreement being that he would be "anointed" musically to draw children into a Satanist worldview. This agreement is strongly suggested by the inside cover image for Houses of the Holy (the outside cover contains nudity, but the inside cover said all that needed to be):


About him being in the frozen foods (LoL), like I said, Zeppelin has been around forever, and yet their music just seems to be preserved as if it will never go out of style; again likely because of the anointing upon the music.

But Jimmy was at his absolute best when playing blues during a concert. One of the best blues guitar players of all time in many people's opinion. Since I've Been Loving You, Bring It On Home, and few other blues songs were Zeppelin originals, I believe. But they also did heavier renditions of old American blues songs sung by the blacks. When The Levee Breaks was a heavy rendition of a song by the same name originally sung by Kansas Joe McCoy and Memphis Minnie in 1929. In My Time Of Dying was a heavy rewrite of Jesus Make Up My Dying Bed, originally sung by Blind Willie Johnson.

I can testify to the addictiveness of Zeppelin's music, but luckily for me I'm old now like your father. Listening to it stands little chance of influencing me, or persuading me to devote my life to Satan, LoL. But you are still young and impressionable, and potential OCD could cause you to get sucked into it pretty strongly if the demonic anointing attached to it got a really strong hold on you. But maybe you've never even heard Zeppelin songs yet, or didn't care for the stuff you heard when you did. Just understand, in the dreams he never catches you. But there is a danger that he could, and this is likely what the dreams are warning about. Jimmy Page is likely the "rapist" in your dreams, who would rape your mind spiritually and if possible turn you away from Christianity if you got into his music too deeply.

This girl was already deeply immersed into David Bowie's music, and would have become even more addicted to Jimmy Page, given the demons that were placed on his music, and her growing compulsion and fascination with blues music.

As it turned out, she appeared to have set aside the direction she was going in, and by the time she left the forum was no longer using David Bowie icons as part of her avatar, another instance of God delivering someone from a strategy of the enemy meant to seduce her.

Original thread:
Still looking for a few of the more positive ones, but I just remembered this one, which was interesting from the perspective of what is happening with the world economy now.

Too long to post in full, but I will include the link below:
How do you know which dreams are significant? It seems like most are just random information being shuffled around in the brain during sleep.
How do you know which dreams are significant? It seems like most are just random information being shuffled around in the brain during sleep.

They will be deeply impressionable, often making such an imprint on the mind that they are unforgettable, even many years later. Sometimes they will be downright disturbing and unsettling, but in short, the more significant a dream is the less it will just go away. The trouble is that even with dreams which make a strong impression, if a Christian has been trained to dismiss dreams out of hand as having no significance, what he has been shown will just go into storage in the back of his subconscious without the message ever being received, and when a believer is in this state it makes it less likely that the Lord will continue attempting to reach him by this means, which is very unfortunate. I believe based on Joel 2:28 that dreams and visions were and are meant to be a powerful means by which God can speak directly to the lives of His people.

That said, once a Christian has become trained in how to interpret, even short seemingly insignificant dreams can take on more importance. I know this from my own life. There is very little of any significance that I don't see coming before it gets here, and that's because I've learned to be sensitive to what the Lord is speaking to me through dreams.
When you have a dream with a narrator and you are aware it is a dream during the dream .I even questioned what the narrator said and they reaffirmed what they had said, at that point I said oh well it is just a dream . It was not just a dream it was my future in @ six months .
When you have a dream with a narrator and you are aware it is a dream during the dream .I even questioned what the narrator said and they reaffirmed what they had said, at that point I said oh well it is just a dream . It was not just a dream it was my future in @ six months .

I don't believe I've ever had a dream with a narrator, although one of the most powerful end-time dreams to date appears to have been narrated to him as he was having it.

My experience in interpreting my own and those of others I've worked with closely is that you get certain senses during a dream; i.e. that someone is feeling this, or thinking that, or intending to do a certain thing, or that this character is sinister, or another character represents someone you know, even before the dream has ended. Narration would simply be a step up from this, possibly to make the interpretation more certain.
Dreams are an important part of the whole life/God experience. Here is a short one pertaining to
coming times. I saw Christ coming over a small mountain range in a dry desert like place. Like Nevada
but not really high mountains. Maybe 2000 ft.He moved thru the rocks and was part of the rocks as he moved thru them and was a part of them too. The mountain cracked loudly as it split but the sound wasn't like an earthquake but much smoother tonally but loud. But not rough. Very precise and loud.
It was dramatic and fascinating. Sound familiar?
Dreams are an important part of the whole life/God experience. Here is a short one pertaining to
coming times. I saw Christ coming over a small mountain range in a dry desert like place. Like Nevada
but not really high mountains. Maybe 2000 ft.He moved thru the rocks and was part of the rocks as he moved thru them and was a part of them too. The mountain cracked loudly as it split but the sound wasn't like an earthquake but much smoother tonally but loud. But not rough. Very precise and loud.
It was dramatic and fascinating. Sound familiar?

Yeah, actually. And you're correct. If from God, this would likely be an end-time dream, although there is a second option that I can mention as well.

Mountains typify kingdoms in scripture, and the kingdom of the Antichrist is prophesied to eventually be destroyed by the Lord at His second coming. God, who split the mountains and rocks in the story of Elijah (1 Kings 19:12), also caused the rocks to split when Jesus died on the cross, which was effectively the end to the kingdom of ancient Israel at that point. (Matthew 27:51-52). They would be destroyed by the Romans within another 40 years.

The other possibility would be that it represents the Lord coming to deliver/ save someone who is in a very dry place spiritually. It mentions Him coming over "a desert-like place," and if He split the mountain, this might correspond with Jesus being the split rock who gave life to the Israelites in the desert (1 Corinthians 10:1-4).

So many parallels in the above symbolism that it would take discernment and prayer figuring out what the message actually was.
I had two dreams in 1984. My girlfriend at the time was a sign language interpreter.
One night I dreamed of hands making the sign for soldier.
Another time I had just broken up with her and I dreamed that her Mom was a witch.
I asked my former girlfriend about it and she confirmed it.
Two years later, I was out of school and without a job. I eventually joined the Army and served 5 yrs before I became disabled.
Here is a good one just 2 days old. It incorporates the typical multi meaning for 1 metaphor...the great efficiency of the Holy Spirit. Lets watch in the coming weeks and see if it plays out...
There was an Airstream trailer and in the dream it seemed to be in the SE part of the country,USA.
It traveled north more or less and became huge, spherical ,near some mountains and it finally blew up and left some kind of white substance behind.It didn't look exactly like snow but might have been or a representation of snow.
The common keys here...Airstream in my mind also goes with Gulfstream, so Gulfcoast....trailer is what movies put out before the actual movie that shows part of the movie, a preview...When the sphere blew up it was near the mountains like are north of the Gulf coast area inland like Alabama,Georgia,Tennessee etc. Let's see if some kind of storm event comes off the Gulfcoast in the next 3-8 weeks. It would have to be a very large one... we will see... the dream storm was a monster.
Sent by a friend, and it relates to the world economy at present. To the surprise of many, the dollar is currently what is keeping the US economy from sinking, though the implication is that the flood is on its way and will reach us eventually as well.

Andrew Jackson Dream

I was in long room and I was up close to a wall with other people close to the wall on the other side of the door about 15 feet from the door. The room had a tile floor and water was leaking under the door from outside and running down the grout lines of the tile mostly away from me toward the other people. I told the other people who were not noticing the water coming in to look at what was happening, and the water was coming in fairly fast as some of the tiles were now completely covered. So as we went to check and see what we could do about the leak at the door, there was an eagle standing right in front of and facing the door. The eagle was like it had been molded into a 2X2 flat square plaque and flattened out, wings kind of spread like this stamp but a live eagle.


The eagle's name was "Jackson," which was given to me in the dream when I saw President Andrew Jackson like he appears on $20 bill. I went and picked up Jackson and moved him away from the door, but he walked right back to his post about a foot away from the door. The only part of the eagle that was animate was his feet to walk with, and his eyes and eyebrows (you could read his expressions). He was not happy when I moved him away from the door, and it pained him to have walk back to his position facing it. He felt like a real eagle would feel when I picked him up and moved him. We were going to open the door, but Jackson walked back over and did not allow us to open the door. That was when we laughed, and I said we needed to trade Jackson in at the bank for a newer eagle, since he was looking kind of worn. But he was still standing in his spot at the door.


Not long ago when China and Russia started colluding to compete against the US dollar by not honoring it as the preferred world currency, many thought it would start the dollar's long, slow decline, and economies dependent upon it would start declining as well. Well, the world's economies are indeed sinking, but it has not been because of the US dollar. In fact, the opposite has occurred. The US dollar has actually gotten stronger, and the dream suggests it is what now stands "at the door" from the world economy collapsing. The water starting to flood in is reminiscent of other visions that the global economy will eventually start "sinking" like the Titanic, but this dream says it won't be happening yet, at least not in the US, so long as the dollar continues to remain strong.

Found this recent article from the New York Times which confirms the implications of the dream:

The Dollar Still Has Plenty of Swagger
The U.S. currency has been on a tear, and the Fed’s decision to keep interest rates steady is likely to keep the dollar “higher for longer,” our columnist says.
By Jeff Sommer, Sept. 22, 2023

An illustration of a dancing George Washington on a dollar bill.

Jeff Sommer

Bet against the dollar at your peril.

After the dollar’s sharp rally since July, it may be tempting to do so. Earlier this year, before the rebound, spot currency traders made good money wagering that the dollar would decline from the 20-year highs it reached in 2022. And while the dollar dominates world trade, a host of nations, including China and Russia, are maneuvering to unseat it.

At the same time, political conflicts in the United States — like the debt-ceiling brinkmanship in the spring and subsequent credit downgrade, and the current risk of a government shutdown — have threatened to dim the dollar’s luster. But the Federal Reserve’s decision on Wednesday to hold rates at an elevated level is likely to buttress the dollar in foreign exchange markets.

Still, an underlying truth abides: The dollar remains the linchpin of the global economy. It is the currency around which nearly all others revolve, the world’s haven in times of trouble — even when that trouble emanates from the United States itself.

What’s more, the relative vigor of the U.S. economy and the Fed’s tight monetary policy have been pushing up the value of the dollar against most other currencies. Since July, the U.S. Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against six other important currencies, has risen more than 5 percent.

While it’s down from last October’s peak, it remains more than 40 percent higher than in 2011. Against the Japanese yen and the Chinese renminbi, the dollar has been strong enough to warrant discussion of government currency intervention in Asia to reduce the foreign exchange disparities...

In many ways, the Fed is “the central banker to the world,” said Kathy Jones, chief fixed-income strategist at the Schwab Center for Financial Research, in an interview. Its decisions cascade throughout foreign exchange markets, affecting the economies of a great many nations.

For the American government, the dollar’s central role in global finance pays immense dividends. U.S. national debt has reached $33 trillion, a mind-boggling number that is adding fuel to the fight in Congress over government spending. But fiscal issues in the United States would be much more complicated without the dollar’s global primacy.

The Federal Reserve has the ability to create money that is accepted universally, and the Treasury can issue dollar-denominated debt that is in high demand in world markets. This gives the government extraordinary fiscal flexibility. U.S. sway in world affairs would be constrained if it did not possess this special financial power.

For American consumers, the highly valued dollar reduces inflation, enabling the purchase of imported goods at lower prices. And for canny travelers, it can mean cheaper and better meals and hotel rooms in countries whose currencies have declined against the dollar...

If the change in this relationship holds up, the latest surge in energy prices won’t hurt the dollar, and may help it. Establishing the reasons isn’t easy. They may partly be that fossil fuel energy is far less important to the economy than it was 50 years ago, even if rising gasoline prices are painful for consumers and irksome in the Fed’s fight to tame inflation...

Low-income emerging-market countries that are commodity importers are particularly vulnerable, the International Monetary Fund has found. If the United States enjoys an exalted status in global markets, thanks to the strength of the dollar and of U.S. Treasuries, a host of countries come under heightened stress when the dollar soars. Countries like Ghana, Sri Lanka, Egypt and Pakistan have already had trouble managing their debt....

One thing I would not suggest is making a big bet against the dollar.

“I don’t see any currency that can replace it,” Ms. Jones of Schwab said, “and it has held its value for a very long time.”

Even periodic crises in Washington have failed to dislodge global confidence in the dollar. A new test is underway in the congressional battle over federal spending. But it’s in the U.S. government’s interest to maintain the dollar’s special status.

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Greetings all, and blessings in Christ. This thread is an open invitation to anyone wishing to share dreams they have had which they feel might be significant. I am placing this in the End Times forum because of the following passage of scripture, which I believe is set to be fulfilled during the years ahead of us:
In March 2021 my earliest childhood memories returned to me; the memories were between June 1970 - June 1971, I was 2 years old. A therapist I was seeing at the time told me it was impossible for anyone to recall any specific memory from such a young age; especially with any detail. But boy I've got a bunch.
Some of the memories I would consider to be mostly normal; some were very specific about the Angel's and the Bible; and some were about a tragedy that occurred in my family in March 1971 (which I believe has a part to play in what is here).
For 2 1/2 years I held a great deal of doubt; why me being the prominent. I tried to find any and all information I could to verify the knowledge I had been given; but Faith doesn't really work that way. And I'm pretty sure there are less than 50 people standing on this earth who hold this knowledge; and I was not given any direction to return to the hills of western Kentucky. For my own immediate family; they still have a part to play in this, and I cannot speak to them about any of it.
I believe I did wake from the dream. My question is, can I post it all in the "unorthodox" thread or in a private message; and ask for your interpretation? I know mainstream Christianity does and would reject it all. Be that as it may; I know that I am a Servant of God, and my Father has sounded my sour note.
In March 2021 my earliest childhood memories returned to me; the memories were between June 1970 - June 1971, I was 2 years old. A therapist I was seeing at the time told me it was impossible for anyone to recall any specific memory from such a young age; especially with any detail. But boy I've got a bunch.
Some of the memories I would consider to be mostly normal; some were very specific about the Angel's and the Bible; and some were about a tragedy that occurred in my family in March 1971 (which I believe has a part to play in what is here).
For 2 1/2 years I held a great deal of doubt; why me being the prominent. I tried to find any and all information I could to verify the knowledge I had been given; but Faith doesn't really work that way. And I'm pretty sure there are less than 50 people standing on this earth who hold this knowledge; and I was not given any direction to return to the hills of western Kentucky. For my own immediate family; they still have a part to play in this, and I cannot speak to them about any of it.
I believe I did wake from the dream. My question is, can I post it all in the "unorthodox" thread or in a private message; and ask for your interpretation? I know mainstream Christianity does and would reject it all. Be that as it may; I know that I am a Servant of God, and my Father has sounded my sour note.

Sounds rather personal, so it would be best to send it in private. Just understand, I don't always "click" (for lack of a better word) with everyone I attempt to interpret for. And though I would try to understand, I might not be in agreement with your perspective either, so that could potentially work against us as well.

But send it and I will take a look. I'm far more more busy than I care to be right now, but if I see anything or have any questions I will certainly get back to you.

In Christ,
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Transferred from an independent thread:

I was a little hesitant to share this, as I have friends who are currently active in the Word of Faith movement (one in particular), and I don't want to offend any should they read this. But at the same time I thought it should be posted, because as the following dream suggests there's a storm coming, and they need to be prepared.

Before posting it, however, there are a few things I want to make clear.

1. These are not unsaved people, and the word "saved" in the title is NOT a reference to salvation from sin and death. The saving this thread is talking about is from a mindset that's currently blinding many to the hard realities that are eventually going to set in, not just for Faith people but for everyone.

2. As the dream suggests, they will in fact be far more receptive to what the Spirit is saying to the churches than many involved in mainline denominational churches will, which will be to their credit. And it is because of this that they will be "saved" by God from far more than just economic turmoil as a result.

The following was sent to me a few weeks ago by a friend:

Walmart Dream (in part, as segments have been left out to protect privacy)

I find my self walking into a Walmart store parking lot full of people looking up in the sky in the direction I am coming from, (they don't see the coming storm behind them), but they are like statues, stuck in place. Behind them over the Walmart is this very low and dark cloud like you would see a tornado come out of. I feel the power of the Holy Spirit like I never have before and I start grabbing people and shaking them to life and tell them about Jesus and the coming storm, and we have church right there in the parking lot. Afterwards I find my self in a pastor's house, and it is over a hundred years old but still nice inside, yet you know it is old. I begin telling the pastor all the things that have happened in my life, yet I wonder if I should tell him. The end.

Image sent by friend:



I have seen storms and tornadoes in dreams, and they almost universally represent various forms of attack, and nearly always ones that will be pointed directly at the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. This will be no different, because while many in the world have their eyes open to the fact that things are getting tighter financially, many in the Faith and Prosperity Movement do not. They are being taught that financial lack will not come near them because of the return on their faithful giving. I was pretty strongly involved in the Faith movement around the turn of the century and I know the theology. But while the Lord is pleased with those who give, especially to the poor, the idea that "sowing seed" will result in financial abundance amidst the coming financial collapse is very misguided, and will result in severe trauma for those thinking it will when reality finally sets in.

The Walmart here represents the Word Of Faith church, whereas the 100 year old church represents mainline denominationalism, with the good news being that many in the Faith Movement WILL in fact wake up to what the Spirit is saying to the churches, and be saved from the dangers coming upon the world in the coming years ahead. The same cannot be said of mainline traditional churches who don't believe the gifts are still for today. No one will be able to shake them spiritually awake because they don't even believe He still speaks today through prophetic dreams, or manifests Himself through supernatural gifts anymore. As a result, unlike with the Faith crowd, there will be little to no leading of the Holy Spirit to tell them, because the Spirit will know they have no ears to hear.

I pray this message is received by those it's intended for. He is indeed a God who can provide in any and all circumstances, and it's a promise that those who serve Him can stand on. But those who hear His voice also know a storm is coming, and are preparing, because they have their eyes and ears open to what the Spirit is now saying to the churches.

Blessings in Christ,
Hidden In Him

Original thread:
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Sounds rather personal, so it would be best to send it in private. Just understand, I don't always "click" (for lack of a better word) with everyone I attempt to interpret for. And though I would try to understand, I might not be in agreement with your perspective either, so that could potentially work against us as well.

But send it and I will take a look. I'm far more more busy than I care to be right now, but if I see anything or have any questions I will certainly get back to you.

In Christ,
I'd not call it so much personal; I'd call it improbable, impossible and downright unbelievable. But I know the truth of it, because I did live it. It might take me a week or so to write it all down; then I'll paste it to a post. I do have my own understanding of it all finally; but getting input (feedback) from another is always helpful in my opinion.
Thank you


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