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  1. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    In life yes, but to Heaven? I would be very surprised if that was the case.
  2. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    Re: "Good" doesn't "get 'er done. I'm afraid that we must agree to disagree on this. I am utterly unwilling to accept such an evil view on God. What you are basically saying is that we can sin as much as we like as long we accept the fact that God through Jesus can save us. I find it...
  3. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    well yes, but that is still no answer. I think you may be missunderstanding the question. If a humble man, A man aware of his sin, a man seeking forgiveness, a man who spends his life battling evil with good. basically someone like Gandi, basically someone that fits into Isaiah 64:1-7. were to...
  4. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    Thats pretty much my view as well. So just how important is belief?
  5. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    I am perfectly willling to accept that not believing can lead to all sorts of evil. I am not at all sure that the "act" of not believing is evil.
  6. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    If I remember my greek mythology correctly then everybody ends up in the underworld with Hades, it just that those that the gods deem worthy get access to a sort of VIP area. Its only those that are extremely insulting ( not bad, just rude) that get punished. Good intentions may leed to evil...
  7. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    not sure I follow. and in any case the question is one of belief not behavior.
  8. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    again I agree with you but I don't see how that matters in regards to the question. Unless your saying that we are all completly evil compared to God and therefore belief is all that matters. In which case someone like Stalin could get in if he only believed. Now I don't believe that and I...
  9. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    sure, my point was only that if anyone can be called good it would be Gandi. But is that enough?
  10. D

    Just how important is belief in regards to heaven

    I know the bible has a lot to say on belief and I fully recognize that belief is important in life. but how important is it in regards to be let into heaven? basically is it possible for gandi to have made it? He was undoubtedly a very good man, but just as undoubtedly he wasn't a Christian.
  11. D

    Why Do We Sin?

    wow that was rather agressive... I do apologice if I somehow upset you. No one is arguing that one could break the law of God yet somehow not be commiting a sin. All your points are valid and true, it is our weakness that causes us to sin. It is in failing to resist temptations that leeds...
  12. D

    Why Do We Sin?

    Its funny how I can both agree and disagree with you at the same time. To put yourself before God is a definiton on sin that I agree with whole heartily. To put others before yourself is indeed laudable, but not doing so can't always be a sin? If that is the case we are all sinners simply...
  13. D

    Why Do We Sin?

    That seems to fit well with the 'sin is to do evil' understanding. The absolutnest of the passage gives me a few questions thought. I have not done anything that I could honestly call evil. I have often done less good then i could have but never anything that I think of as evil. Does this...
  14. D

    Why Do We Sin?

    Yes that is certainly a very beautiful way to approach this question. And it is ofcourse true. It's impossible for a sinner to have full faith in God. This cannot however be a complete answer. For can one refrain from sin yet not have full faith? I'm sorry if my monkey made you miss the...
  15. D

    Why Do We Sin?

    First of, plenty of evil thing have been done in front of witnesses, so the claim that we do them only because we dont really believe that God is watching does not really compute. That we somehow deceive ourself into thinkin that we will escape is far more likely. When dealing with this sort of...