That is a beautiful part of the country. Might be a bit north of you, but I was impressed by Ausable chasm. The whole drive from Albany to Plattspurgh is long but beautiful too.
I wonder that too. When I think of what things will look like decades from now I have to say things look bleak to me. Secular humanism, atheism, new age, and the list goes on and on. Seems christianity has been marginalized. It baffles me people (my own brother) think jesus is some made up...
Thanks for your input, I think I get the gist of your post. Debates and visual aids may seem unnecessary to you but the first thing that came to my mind was 1 Cor. 21-22 "The eye cannot say to the hand, 'I don’t need you!' And the head cannot say to the feet, 'I don’t need you!' On the...
I dont have enough faith to be an atheist is one of my favorites. I didnt know about reboot or prof Lennox . I like Ravi's radio programs though. I check those out, thanks for sharing.
I'm impressed with is videos too. I liked his debates too.
Frank Turek has some great resources defending the faith as well.
I don't really know much about them apart from seeing some of their promotional videos. But this sounds like a good thing. My daughter is autistic. I used to pray for God to "heal" her. Mostly I just wanted a normal life for her. I guess after a while I learned to embrace her just as she is...
Hey Lewis, I thought you'd be interested in this article following up on the discovery.
"Premature hype over gravitational waves highlights gaping holes in models for the origins and evolution of the Universe"
Still where they were. You pointed out a quote from Darwin's book which he himself called "rubbish", and made a baseless assertion about Newton.
This article lists examples of Bias in Wikipedia, related to Anti-Christianity and favoritism to other religions/atheism:
Isaac Newton translated...
Newton distinguished between the creation (principle elements) and the Creator.
"God, the wisest of beings required of us to be celebrated not so much for his essence as for his actions, the creating, preserving, and governing of all things according to his good will and pleasure."
I though that applies to "traits" of a species not species as a whole. Most species don't change over time according to the fossil record.
They're the same. You can find them if you care to look:
"Lingula anatine, a genus known from the Cambrian, and still surviving"...
It's interesting we learn from a textbook, not nature, about our shared ancestry with apes.
Nature screams shows us stasis:
Here are some annelids (worms) from pre-cambrian, which still look the same today.
500 million year old jellyfish:
and the Chambered Nautilus:
Here is the story of some boys trying to save the chambered Nautilus:
"Tween Boys Help Save a 500-million-year-old Species"
"In the same way we also, when we were children, were enslaved to the elementary principles of the...
The fusion model goes against standard physics. The title of this paper says it all:
"Recent numerical simulations of sunspots suggest that overturning convection is responsible for the existence of penumbral filaments and the...
I hate to point this out but Darwinism is intrinsically racist. According to his ideas we share a common ancestor with other apes. We can trace a person X lineage back to a point where it is non-human ape. Let's say that was 346,255 generations ago. We can trace person Y lineage back also...
The electric model simply explains the sun with less assumptions and complications then the fusion model.
The same thing happens with an arc welder. They don't deny fusion is happening, just that it's the main event so to speak.
Sunspots open up and allow the interior to be seen, which is...
Micro-evolution isn't being disputed and I'd rather see where Darwin predicted that. Mendel's work was the groundwork for genetic homeostasis, which explains why variation and selection don't produce completely new species.
ID theory explains origins, it doesn't replace natural selection...
That they know what's going on in the Sun is exaggerated since current fusion models don't account for several features. If the source of the Suns' energy was fusion, heat would radiate from the center outward. If the energy is radiating from the core, the inside should be hotter than the...
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