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  1. Mike

    ...after a long hiatus... Greetings!

    Firstly, hey stovebolts my MI brother. Hey WIP , hey JohnDB, hey JLB , wuzzup Truthfrees, and for_his_glory I miss you all. I feel like I’m accepting an academy award, and I’m VERY sorry if I left any former staffers off the list. LOL Hey to my old friends Edward and kiwidan. You are just a...
  2. Mike

    Apparently, This Kid Crushes It

    And with over 33 million views, apparently I'm late to the party again. My wife and I saw this for the first time a few days ago, and I've watched it again countless times. I laugh just as hard every time! Listen to the announcement over the P.A. at the end. Gotta love small-town 'merica. That...
  3. Mike

    Trump on Twitter

    I've never done Twitter. I think it's a generational gap thing. I tried on 3 or 4 occasions and quickly deleted the app because I didn't understand it. I'm on again for 5 days now, which is a personal best. I did it, bc I wanted to see all of Trump's tweets; not just the cherry-picked ones the...
  4. Mike

    Parenting Victory Stories

    I'm seriously in need of them. Any parents who have survived parenting their kids through the teens into adulthood to an era of emotional prosperity, I need to hear from you! Particularly daughters. I'm serious. What alien snatched our daughters 19 and 16 and replaced them with these posers...
  5. Mike

    Are You Satisfied With Your Job?

    For those of you working, do you feel good doing what you're doing? Are you doing what you want to do? Are you stressed, bored, frustrated by your coworkers, feeling trapped, or exhausted? Are you plotting your manager's death? Or... Do you love it, feel engaged, consider it your dream job...
  6. Mike

    Hollywood & the Me Too Movement

    I was reading an article about famed film director, Roman Polanski, and I really started getting tense. Hollywood and its worshipers are the most hypocritical of all people. Polanski was a pedophile convicted of drugging and raping a 13 year old girl in the early 90's.since then, he's been...
  7. Mike

    I Finally Cut the Cord

    I'm officially a cord-cutter as of last night. That is, I gave Direct TV the boot and reduced my monthly TV access fee by 66%. Our monthly bill goes from $150 to $50. That's $1,200 a year! Instead of satellite service, we plugged in Roku sticks and stream Hulu, Netflix, and Sling TV. We also...
  8. Mike

    How Should You Dress for Worship Services?

    This topic has been discussed countless times, but I was in my morning devotionals, and the topic was brought up. Something was said that caused me to realize how differently I answer this question today than I did for decades until only a few years ago. The reasoning I gave when the question...
  9. Mike

    Mothers and Daughters

    Having raised a son and two daughters, I've often wondered how we've come this far. I wonder how enough girls make it into womanhood to carry on the human race. How have relatively few teenage girls lost their minds, run, and keep on running into the wilderness, never to be heard from again. How...
  10. Mike

    Mosab Hassan Yousef – the “Green Prince”

    I was listening to an episode of a podcast called "Spycast" which is hosted by a retired CIA operative and all about US intelligence and espionage. Great podcast, BTW. In this episode, he interviewed Mosab Hassan Yousef who was a high ranking Muslim, converted to Christianity over time, and then...
  11. Mike

    Just When I Thought I Heard it All...

    Working in the health care industry, we have to check in from time to time and complete training exercises. So I'm going through a required module on the Affordable Healthcare Act, and I get to this screen. I had to snap a pic of this with my cell phone, or some people wouldn't believe me. The...
  12. Mike

    Rotator Cuff Surgery

    I'm scheduled for rotator cuff surgery on April 13th. I have two fully torn muscles and possibly a tendon. Not looking forward to this. I've had two ACL reconstructions, but the knee is a much simpler joint than the shoulder. I'll be the big 5-0 in a couple of weeks, so I'm no spring...
  13. Mike

    Christian Metal Singer Hires a Hitman to Take Out Wife

    For many of you, this might be old news, but I'm pretty out of the loop with pop-culture, as our children would confirm. Here is the article on Wikipedia I'm referring to. So, it went down that in 2014 that this singer of a heavy metal Christian band was arrested, tried, and convicted of...
  14. Mike

    Murder Conviction Rates have Plummeted

    I heard and interview with a former D.C. District Attorney where he quoted some fascinating statistics. In the 1960's the conviction rate for murders was about 90%. Great, huh? Each decade to follow saw about a 10% decrease in solved cases ending in convictions to the point that less than 50%...
  15. Mike

    True Crime Podcasts

    Does anyone ever listen to these? This is a genre of podcasts where real crimes, murders, and such are investigated. Some examples are "Serial", "Sword & Scale", "Criminal", and "Undisclosed". This genre has exploded in the last 5 years. Serial is often cited as the catalyst for its...
  16. Mike

    What are Your Must-Have Apps on Your Phone?

    At the request of JohnDB I'm sharing an app I have on my android device that simplifies my mobile life. AutomateIt is a paid & free app on Google Play. The paid version is a no brainer for me, because I depend on it but these functions are on the free one. John, as I told you, one feature is...
  17. Mike

    Confessions of the Teenaged Driver

    By the grace of God, I didn't wrap my car around a tree as a teenage driver. I'll never know how I went all that time into my mid-twenties without totaling my car. So about 6 months ago, our 18 year old daughter was turning left into her place of work, Taco Bell, across two lanes of oncoming...
  18. Mike

    The Star Wars Saga Continues?

    Rogue One. Is anyone really excited about this? It's not a continuation of the saga. Seems like a money-grab by Disney, and a lame one at that. I'm a big fan, but this is barely on my radar. Side note. You'll be able to rent it from Amazon Prime for $40 a few weeks after its release. I'll bet...
  19. Mike

    Possibly Taking our Son's Girlfriend In

    This is not a perfect situation, but we feel it's the best option. Our son will be 21 next week, and his girlfriend is 20. They've been together a few years and talk like marriage is inevitable, but God only knows. He goes to college about 3 hours away. His girlfriend lives at home with her...
  20. Mike

    The Current Cell Phone Scene

    I'm vexed over my cell phone upgrade options. I've been watching with great anticipation the previews of the up coming LG V20, and I'm hanging in balance to see how Sprint prices this baby with 2-year installments. With its 32-bit quad dac built in, the sound system is getting rave reviews. I...