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  1. Y

    ydoaPs's view on the Bible

  2. Y

    SoF take 2

    I'm not sure where you're going with this. What does that have to do with the Bible being infallible?
  3. Y

    SoF take 2

    That doesn't really mean it generalizes to the rest of the NT. As I said, the Gospels were written AFTER Paul's letters.
  4. Y

    ydoaPs's view on the Bible

    o.O Uh, where are you getting that from. I am talking about the context. Thanks for making assumptions about me, though. Try reading what I've actually said.
  5. Y

    ydoaPs's view on the Bible

    Quote from this thread: That is EXACTLY the point of this thread.
  6. Y

    SoF take 2

    Paul's writings were before the Gospels were written.
  7. Y

    SoF take 2

    Ok What I think really doesn't have anything at all to do with the topic at hand, but as you wish.
  8. Y

    SoF take 2

    The topic isn't what I think; it's about the SoF in question and the justification thereof. Is that what I'm doing? That seems like an odd comment considering I provided a link to a thread for just such a thing. Fine, if you want this thread to get muddled up like the last, then so be it.
  9. Y

    SoF take 2

    There's not really any reason to think that applies to the NT, as the NT wasn't made yet.
  10. Y

    SoF take 2

    I'm not quite sure that's justified. Could you elaborate?
  11. Y

    SoF take 2

    I think he did, but I don't remember any off the top of my head. I know there are more Paul forgeries outside of the Bible.
  12. Y

    SoF take 2

    Paul didn't write those. :p
  13. Y

    SoF take 2

    Thanks. I don't remember ever reading that.
  14. Y

    SoF take 2

    "We believe that the Bible is inspired by God in its entirety, and is without error in the original autographs, a complete and final written revelation from God." What is the thought process behind that? I've only seen Bible verses that would say that about the OT, but say nothing about the...
  15. Y

    New Member

  16. Y

    ydoaPs's view on the Bible

    PM sent. I'm off for bed for work in the morning.
  17. Y

    ydoaPs's view on the Bible

    So, what do you think about it? That paragraph seems to echo what I've been trying to say. I like that. Thanks. That's actually what they called me in High School. :p
  18. Y

    SoF question

  19. Y

    ydoaPs's view on the Bible

    I like that. Let's go with that :p
  20. Y

    SoF question

    And oddly enough, I already addressed that dishonest discussion.