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SoF take 2


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"We believe that the Bible is inspired by God in its entirety, and is without error in the original autographs, a complete and final written revelation from God."

What is the thought process behind that? I've only seen Bible verses that would say that about the OT, but say nothing about the new.

This thread is NOT for discussing my POV. Any posts attempting to drag the discussion that way will be reported as off-topic. There is already a thread for such discussion.
2Pe 3:15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given to him, wrote unto you;
2Pe 3:16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; wherein are some things hard to be understood, which the ignorant and unstedfast wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction

The writer of 2 Peter recognized at least some of Pauls writings as "other scriptures," or "remaining scriptures." Now of course there are books yet to be written after this, but certainly at least some of Paul's writings were considered Scripture.
mondar said:
2Pe 3:15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given to him, wrote unto you;
2Pe 3:16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; wherein are some things hard to be understood, which the ignorant and unstedfast wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction

The writer of 2 Peter recognized at least some of Pauls writings as "other scriptures," or "remaining scriptures." Now of course there are books yet to be written after this, but certainly at least some of Paul's writings were considered Scripture.
Thanks. I don't remember ever reading that.
mondar said:
2Pe 3:15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given to him, wrote unto you;
2Pe 3:16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; wherein are some things hard to be understood, which the ignorant and unstedfast wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction

The writer of 2 Peter recognized at least some of Pauls writings as "other scriptures," or "remaining scriptures." Now of course there are books yet to be written after this, but certainly at least some of Paul's writings were considered Scripture.
couldnt that be the other books , ie the book of acts, luke and so on, hebrews , james.
yes, he didnt but one could say the peter was refering to other parts of the bible, not just pauls writings, i dont recall paul writing any books outside the bible. if he did surely some of those would be around, ie like the apochrypha
jasoncran said:
i dont recall paul writing any books outside the bible. if he did surely some of those would be around, ie like the apochrypha
I think he did, but I don't remember any off the top of my head. I know there are more Paul forgeries outside of the Bible.
paul wrote timothy and believed all scripture was insired and beneficial to the believers, so why would we write ones that were bad, he also had a conversion expercience himself and died for it, just look at his testimony, he surely didnt want to lead astray any or if he did i think that he would correct it,

i believe inerrant scripture as the lord can direct man to write without them seeing the big picture, if one doesnt believe that then one god is too small, if he cant do that what about salvation or the creation of the universe. see the dilemma when we stray from innerent scripture

i believe peter meant that people have a hard time recieving any inspired verses of the bible if they arent in right standing with god. peter struggled himself ie look at how jesus rebuked the devil after peter talked to him about not going to the cross,this was after he confessed that jesus was the christ! i dont think peter really know what he was doing was of the devil, and that's my point, we have to read and pray and wait for the answer at times.

but when the writers wrote from the bible they had to be really sure and i know that they were,it's by faith that i believe that. would you die for a lie or something that you really knew that was false, like peter did or others did?
jasoncran said:
paul wrote timothy and believed all scripture was insired and beneficial to the believers,
There's not really any reason to think that applies to the NT, as the NT wasn't made yet.
ydoaPs said:
This thread is NOT for discussing my POV. Any posts attempting to drag the discussion that way will be reported as off-topic. There is already a thread for such discussion.

I don't see how a question in response to your replies would be off topic. You can't expect to remain immune to question while questioning others' points of view. Your reports would be closed without further ado.
Rick W said:
ydoaPs said:
This thread is NOT for discussing my POV. Any posts attempting to drag the discussion that way will be reported as off-topic. There is already a thread for such discussion.

I don't see how a question in response to your replies would be off topic.
The topic isn't what I think; it's about the SoF in question and the justification thereof.

You can't remain immune to question while questioning others' points of view.
Is that what I'm doing? That seems like an odd comment considering I provided a link to a thread for just such a thing.
Your reports would be closed without further ado.
Fine, if you want this thread to get muddled up like the last, then so be it.
We have no rules in the ToS governing one-way "discussions" the like of which you propose. Nor do we impose, endorse or support such conditions. No member would violate the Terms of Service by questioning your POV. Simple as that.
Rick W said:
We have no rules in the ToS governing one-way "discussions" the like of which you propose. Nor do we impose, endorse or support such conditions. No member would violate the Terms of Service by questioning your POV. Simple as that.

What I think really doesn't have anything at all to do with the topic at hand, but as you wish.
ydoaPs said:
jasoncran said:
paul wrote timothy and believed all scripture was insired and beneficial to the believers,
There's not really any reason to think that applies to the NT, as the NT wasn't made yet.
It wasnt canonized yet.
That doesnt mean that the others didnt know of other letters and consider them 'scripture'.
As pointed out to you already, Peter CLEARLY believed that Pauls letters WERE 'scripture'.
It doesnt need to be any clearer than that. So you are complicating this issue needlessly.
follower of Christ said:
ydoaPs said:
jasoncran said:
paul wrote timothy and believed all scripture was insired and beneficial to the believers,
There's not really any reason to think that applies to the NT, as the NT wasn't made yet.
It wasnt canonized yet.
That doesnt mean that the others didnt know of the writings and consider them 'scripture'.
Paul's writings were before the Gospels were written.
follower of Christ said:
ydoaPs said:
jasoncran said:
paul wrote timothy and believed all scripture was insired and beneficial to the believers,
There's not really any reason to think that applies to the NT, as the NT wasn't made yet.
It wasnt canonized yet.
That doesnt mean that the others didnt know of other letters and consider them 'scripture'.
As pointed out to you already, Peter CLEARLY believed that Pauls letters WERE 'scripture'.
It doesnt need to be any clearer than that. So you are complicating this issue needlessly.
in church i was thinking of the response and you beat me to it.
jasoncran said:
in church i was thinking of the response and you beat me to it.
That doesn't really mean it generalizes to the rest of the NT. As I said, the Gospels were written AFTER Paul's letters.
jasoncran said:
luke traveled with paul, so some of the testimonies were shared, he also had spent some time with peter.
I'm not sure where you're going with this. What does that have to do with the Bible being infallible?


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