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“But woe to you that are rich.â€


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Perhaps we are looking at this the wrong way. Jesus said He came for the poor and the sick. Does this mean that I have to be poor or dying from pneumonia to be saved by Jesus? No! It means Jesus comes for the people who are poor in spirit and sick in spirit.

What does it mean to be poor and sick in spirit? It means you are guilty and you KNOW you are guilty. You are burdened by the heavy load of your sins and you are crippled by them. These are the people Jesus came for, because you can only accept Jesus' saving grace if you first realize you are a sinner.

It's interesting that we know that the "poor and sick" refer not to health and wealth, but to spirit and sin, however when we are confronted with opposite word of poor, rich, we immediately assume it means people with money. I am guilty of this as well, however I was just reading an article and it clicked in my head.

The rich Jesus is talking about are not rich in wealth, but rich in their earthly spirit. They have large egos and they think they are good people who do not sin. The Pharisees were rich in the earthly spirit because they could not fathom the message and the gift that Jesus brought to the world. Jesus us saying that those who cannot realize they are sinners, just like everyone else, are in big trouble!
elijah23 said:
But woe to you that are rich, for you have received your consolation. Luke 6:24 RSV

This is a good thread. Most of us Christians in wealthy countries are in deep trouble because we are supposed be living humbly, not luxuriously like the rest of the world.

Because we have such materialistic minds, we twist around Jesus' teachings and commandments to suit our worldly desires.
On becoming rich...

Did God really want us to be rich? The question just came up early this morning while I was having a coffee break and I heard my brother's sales-related, motivational CDs. The speaker really talked strongly and persuasively but I found his use of biblical passages different from what I have read:
(1) I remembered that Jesus asked his disciples to leave everything behind so that they can follow him. This includes all the worldly things like money.
(2) In Mark it was mentioned that all the worldly gains are not good since it can forfeit our souls.
(3) I also recalled a passage in Matthew about Jesus saying that you cannot serve God and money together.

I'd really love to learn about other Christians' perspectives on this. I just felt that I need to hear more on this issue. Thanks and God speed! :help
I think if someone is tithing their 10%, it's no right of ours to judge what they use the rest of their money for.
LaCrum said:
I think if someone is tithing their 10%, it's no right of ours to judge what they use the rest of their money for.

Though the question must be asked, 10% of what?

In the OT times when the tithed they didn't necessarily give 10% of their cash income. They gave 10% of their LABOR, and what is cash but a physical version of our labor? Farmers gave 10% of their crops, as crops was what they labored over.

But perhaps labor is not the answer, perhaps it is TIME. Labor takes TIME. Crops take time. So maybe it is 10% of our time. If that is the case, then we ought to devote 2 and 1/2 hours per day to good works.

It is only in our more contemporary view do we see tithes as strictly monetary. Considering tithes are an OT creation, we should refer to the OT, and the OT shows that it is not money, but time OR labor.
LaCrum said:
I think if someone is tithing their 10%, it's no right of ours to judge what they use the rest of their money for.
What if they are earning millions of dollars per year? Do you then think they have a responsbility to help others who are much less fortunate, that live on less than $2 a day? Or should they just bathe in their wealth?
Nick said:
LaCrum said:
I think if someone is tithing their 10%, it's no right of ours to judge what they use the rest of their money for.
What if they are earning millions of dollars per year? Do you then think they have a responsbility to help others who are much less fortunate, that live on less than $2 a day? Or should they just bathe in their wealth?
most christian wealthy do give. the ones that i know.
jasoncran said:
Nick said:
LaCrum said:
I think if someone is tithing their 10%, it's no right of ours to judge what they use the rest of their money for.
What if they are earning millions of dollars per year? Do you then think they have a responsbility to help others who are much less fortunate, that live on less than $2 a day? Or should they just bathe in their wealth?
most christian wealthy do give. the ones that i know.
Yes, but what I"m getting at is should we be thinking of giving to the church like a progressive tax, such as income tax? In economic terms, tithing is a fee - a flat 10%. Should people who earn more give more than 10%?
most american chruches preach the tithe and offerings, at a minumin ten percent but an offering is anything above that.

sadly many dont give like they should moi included :verysad
jasoncran said:
most american chruches preach the tithe and offerings, at a minumin ten percent but an offering is anything above that.

sadly many dont give like they should moi included :verysad

I don't make any money, I don't work.

I believe I still tithe because I give my time to the church. Time = Money
Nick said:
LaCrum said:
I think if someone is tithing their 10%, it's no right of ours to judge what they use the rest of their money for.
What if they are earning millions of dollars per year? Do you then think they have a responsbility to help others who are much less fortunate, that live on less than $2 a day? Or should they just bathe in their wealth?

That's an excellent point which most churches dont like to address. I am sure they are giving 10% of their wealth. Do you think Jesus is happy about their 10%? What did Jesus say about poor lady who gave all of her measly money? Most of us might be giving 10% but we are also living luxuriously comparing to the third world. We are in deep trouble with God boasting that we are the most generous nation in the world. Not to mention that we are the one with huge national debt.

Most of us who live in wealthy country are the rich ones who is Jesus is talking about comparing to the third world. We are in deep trouble in many areas yet we think we are Christian nation.
Pard said:
jasoncran said:
most american chruches preach the tithe and offerings, at a minumin ten percent but an offering is anything above that.

sadly many dont give like they should moi included :verysad

I don't make any money, I don't work.

I believe I still tithe because I give my time to the church. Time = Money
i have done that. i used to mow and fix the zero turn if need be and it was simple enough. at my old church.

hmm i need to add that passenger endorsement to my license.
StoveBolts said:
.... what one does with his wealth will be considered.

What does that mean?

I'm not a Bible expert but I think the Bible says that money will play no part in one's salvation because if it did, many people would be boasting in Heaven.

I think it is more difficult for rich people to recognize they need God and that is why it is more difficult for them to be saved.


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