I don't understand (so please make with the enlightening) how there is no "fundamental" difference between taxation and charity... Charity means taking money, WILLINGLY, from your own pocket and, with LOVE, giving it to either a charity or directly to the people who are in need of it. Charity is far more than that also, I think that Wiki link is enough for you to see that.
But you also willingly pay taxes. No one has a gun to your head when you vote in a party that promises that it will continue to tax you.
I suspect the reason why this is hard to see is because of the "complexity" of how this all works.
Let me try again: When you decide to vote for party X, you do so
with full knowledge that you are thereby "committing" yourself to pay the taxes that they will levy. No one forced you to vote for a party that taxes you, you are free to vote for a party that will not tax you.
But no reasonable person would do that. We all know that we need roads, hospitals, police, etc. So when people say that the government is "taking" their money,
as though against their will, they are not really being accurate.
Now when it comes to "re-distribution of wealth" and taxation. Again, you are free to vote in a government that will not provide welfare and other benefits to the poor. Why any Christian would do that is a deep mystery to me, however. When people pay taxes to support welfare and other benefits, this is not "forced wealth re-distribution", it is instead the act of a compassionate society whose members collectively agree that they are going to ensure that "the least of these" are cared for.
And you need some kind of "governing" body to do this.
This idea that taxation is "forced" is really a myth. Yes, there is a
sense in which it is "forced" - you
have to pay your taxes. But what do you expect? Do you think that it should be
optional for people to pay to support roads, hospitals, and police? That is both impractical and unrealistic.
Ultimately taxation is something you
vote for freely. Yes the "mechanism" of collection involves "force". But it is only the deeply sinful members of a society who would try to get away without paying their fair share for the benefits they will take advantage of - hospitals, roads, police, etc. And when it comes to welfare, surely you do not think that a bunch of private charities will ensure that all are cared for? Only the government has the resources and
the implicit apprval of the public who voted them in to implement the will of the people that money should go from the rich to the poor.
Remember - you are free to vote for a taxation system where wealth is not "re-distributed". But thank God, people have more sense and charity than that.