Sure, I think there may be that aspect to it. Having now lived 72 years, I'm simply bewildered at the pace at which a 180-degree shift in public views and morals has occurred over the past few decades. It's as though some "depravity virus" has infected huge swaths of the population, and I can only explain it in supernatural terms. It's simply unbelievable to me that anyone holds the views that very large segments of the population (some older than me) now seem to hold. I feel as though I've stumbled into an episode of the Twilight Zone.Is there room for the possibility for it to be a human endeavor? One where certain powers that be are pushing over-the-top propaganda about it all with the intent and understanding that this process will indeed leave a bad taste in peoples' mouths about the entire ordeal?
I'm saying this with the basic understanding that "predictive programming"/"normalization" function the opposite of the surface intention of promotion. A sort of reverse psychology for mobs type thing.
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