I'm writing this post for me as much as for anyone. In the past months, I've re-read Jim Collins' How the Mighty Fall and Tim Irwin's Derailed. Both of these gripping studies review the process of decline in leaders and organizations, especially in leaders who perhaps once thought themselves invincible.
These studies challenge me because I know I'm prideful. I also know that "Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall" (Prov. 16:18, HCSB). With me, use these potential markers of arrogance to avoid such a fall.
I'm writing this post for me as much as for anyone. In the past months, I've re-read Jim Collins' How the Mighty Fall and Tim Irwin's Derailed. Both of these gripping studies review the process of decline in leaders and organizations, especially in leaders who perhaps once thought themselves invincible.
These studies challenge me because I know I'm prideful. I also know that "Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall" (Prov. 16:18, HCSB). With me, use these potential markers of arrogance to avoid such a fall.