Kinda begs the question..
"Can 11,000 clergymen be wrong?"
When they clearly disagree with Jesus' quoting creation as fact, most definitely they are wrong!
DNA disproves macro (microbes to man) evolution
& shows each species Designer-made fit for purpose by the Most Brilliant Brain in the Universe
The fossil record disproves macro (microbes to man) evolution
& shows each species Designer-made fit for purpose by the Most Brilliant Brain in the Universe
Entropy disproves macro (microbes to man) evolution
& shows each species Designer-made fit for purpose by the Most Brilliant Brain in the Universe
Mutation disproves macro (microbes to man) evolution
& shows each species Designer-made fit for purpose by the Most Brilliant Brain in the Universe
Clear evidence of global flood depositing Earth's strata from heaviest rocks at the bottom to lightest soils at the top disproves macro (microbes to man) evolution & shows each species Designer-made fit for purpose by the Most Brilliant Brain in the Universe
More @ my blog - ondaball-offdawall-outasite-right - google bookmark each page & it's at the earliest page 2/4 that each of those points are expanded
See learned articles, mags, books, CDs, DVDs & MP3s @:-
Nutty Prof Richard (Dorky) Dawkins defined biology as the study of species that appear to have been designed for a purpose - as I quoted to him on lunchtime phone-in, Jan '06, between his 2 blasphemous docus calling for the destruction of all religion - which is the crime of inciting genocide
I challenged him, or any other evolutionist professor,to come to EU's biggest & best to point out he myriad missing links - vital transitional forms - @ every falsely supposed stage of the Darwin drivel evolutionary chain/ladder/tree
If Darwin were right, the differences between mooted adjacent steps would be as tiny as those between adjoining frames of a movie
The fact we can plainly tell, not only dog from fox from wolf, but even King Charles Spaniel from Cocker, again shows each species to be Designer-made by the Most Brilliant Brain in the Universe
'Dork' comes to Liverpool Uni for a blasphemous public 'culture' prog lecture @ 6.30 on Feb 25
All at urgently urged to read
"Truth, Lies & Science Education" by Dr Paul Taylor, MSc, MEd, '07 @ - foreword by their brilliantly witty Scouse Prof Dr Monty White
See also their "Revised & Expanded Answers Book", by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Feb's Elim Pentecostal 'Direction' mag, p31, offers 3rd edition revised & expanded colour A4 mag 28-page format "
The Design Revolution: The Delusion of Evolution"
500 copies = 69p each
1000 copies = 59p each
Demand academic freedom of speech
Protest evil forcing kids to parrot lies & boycott plain truth to getwhat is therefore worthless 'qualifications'
Altogether now...123...
We don't need no thought control!
Expose on all media how it's purposely preparing the gullible for the worst global tyranny ever: the Beast/Antichrist of Revelation 13, etc
Must go