the Two Witnesses of Rev. 11=144,000 Christians who will witness in pairs
Rev. 1:26: "the seven lampstands are the seven churches"
Rev. 2-3: only two churches are not rebuked: Smyrna & Philadelphia ("brotherly love")
Rev. 11:4: the "two witnesses" are "the two lampstands"
Matt. 10: "He sent them out two by two" [to witness the Gospel]
These two witnesses will be witnessing about Jesus in all "the great cities" (Rev. 11:8)- i.e. the Babylons "the great city" (Rev. 17:18)- of the Earth, including Rome, New York City, Hollywood Babylon, Paris Babylon, San Francisco ("Babylon by the Bay"), etc. They will have miraculous powers like Moses & Aaron to testify to their truth! They will be resurrected to show the whole world that Jesus really rose from the dead!
Many cities including Paris currently or in the past have fit the description of Mystery Babylon, including Paris which was the capital of Napoleon Empire & was thereby a foreshadowing of "the great city which rules over the kings of the Earth." (Rev. 17:18) This site discusses the many Babylons throughout world history: http://primaryproofsofchristianity.com/bible.html
The Bible indicates there are many Babylons by applying the language of Rev. 17-18 to many cities in the Bible, including Jerusalem (Deut. 4:6, Lam 1:1), Nineveh "the great city" (Jonah 1, Zeph. 2:15), Babylon, Tyrus/Tyre (Ezekiel 26-27), etc.
Only these people (who are equal to the 144,000) will be sealed so that they won't be harmed by the locusts (Rev. 7,9) and won't suffer in the wilderness of famine and thirst (Rev. 12) like the Jews & Jesus did (Exodus 16-17, Matt. 4).
"Pray at all times that you may be worthy to escape these things" (Luke 21) that "are about to come upon the whole habitable Earth" (Rev. 3:10), which you can only do if you "keep My Word of endurance" (Rev. 3:10) by meditating on God's holy Bible "day and night" (Psalm 1).
Rev. 1:26: "the seven lampstands are the seven churches"
Rev. 2-3: only two churches are not rebuked: Smyrna & Philadelphia ("brotherly love")
Rev. 11:4: the "two witnesses" are "the two lampstands"
Matt. 10: "He sent them out two by two" [to witness the Gospel]
These two witnesses will be witnessing about Jesus in all "the great cities" (Rev. 11:8)- i.e. the Babylons "the great city" (Rev. 17:18)- of the Earth, including Rome, New York City, Hollywood Babylon, Paris Babylon, San Francisco ("Babylon by the Bay"), etc. They will have miraculous powers like Moses & Aaron to testify to their truth! They will be resurrected to show the whole world that Jesus really rose from the dead!
Many cities including Paris currently or in the past have fit the description of Mystery Babylon, including Paris which was the capital of Napoleon Empire & was thereby a foreshadowing of "the great city which rules over the kings of the Earth." (Rev. 17:18) This site discusses the many Babylons throughout world history: http://primaryproofsofchristianity.com/bible.html
The Bible indicates there are many Babylons by applying the language of Rev. 17-18 to many cities in the Bible, including Jerusalem (Deut. 4:6, Lam 1:1), Nineveh "the great city" (Jonah 1, Zeph. 2:15), Babylon, Tyrus/Tyre (Ezekiel 26-27), etc.
Only these people (who are equal to the 144,000) will be sealed so that they won't be harmed by the locusts (Rev. 7,9) and won't suffer in the wilderness of famine and thirst (Rev. 12) like the Jews & Jesus did (Exodus 16-17, Matt. 4).
"Pray at all times that you may be worthy to escape these things" (Luke 21) that "are about to come upon the whole habitable Earth" (Rev. 3:10), which you can only do if you "keep My Word of endurance" (Rev. 3:10) by meditating on God's holy Bible "day and night" (Psalm 1).