Back, in my day i studied ryokokai ( a shotokan art modified and with some aikido, iado, and other arts, by a man named katsumi nikira. He is still alive, and he has student in stuart, fl( actually a ukedishi, a disciple who lived with sensei nikira.) This art is very traditonal out of japan and the student's name is Dennis Fritschie. My sensei,Charles Clendenning in my hometown originally taugt TKD, a non sport type, and the both the founder and his sabonim died, and he started to look for another person to learn from. Then came in Fritschie Sensei we( all Charlies student converted over in 1990). I've been studied on and off since 1987( at 14). I tested with Fritschie for Shodan in 1991, and it 45 minutes of hell. I'll expound on this test later as he pushed his testee to total exhaustion and looks for if the person who quits( and fails). Fritschie later 1994, while staying in good relations with Nikira sensei, broke off the association. Periodically Nikira sensei comes down to teach and give seminars with aikido(ueshiba style, he was tested by the founder of aikido), and karate-do. I also was in the aikido system then as well under Fritschie.
Fritschie is excellent in my opinon as a ma because he's practical. He believes in kata, and one steps. Ippon kumite. But he does much more and imho this is where is respect him. He teaches at the local law enforcement academy. He also share and teaches(incorporated those experciences). Years ago , don't know if he still does this he advised that in the street the karate-do one step (onepunch, strike will not stop the attacker), And incorporated boxing/kickboxing into the art. He did full contact fighting as well. He aslo allowed the mixing of aikido/karatedo, and other concepts into what was called budo. It required that one be a shodan in Aikido or Karate-do. It makes the yudanshi more rounded. Karated do is weak inmho opinion when dealing with a grappler(graps, pulls and heavily commited attacks, and aikdio is weak against the karatedo/ boxer type attacks)I learned that from the budo training.
Now onto the kata issue. kata are great , but like Bruce lee says what done years ago may not work today. If I wanted to learn about grappling i go to a grappling art and If i want to learn about striking i go to a striking art then i go to a striking art. That's not to say one can't mix or add to one reportior.
No we didn't spar every day, back then we trained three days a week, and for three hours with no ac
We also used all gear and did moderate/ light contact, though some of us opted for full contact once in awhile. Sparing is a drill in the sense that the attacks are more like a fight, which does happen, but lets be real, most attacks are to rob, rape, kill, etc. Does your sparring end the ground with submission or mma like drills. When i stopped karate-do, my sensei was heading in that direction. You also don't wear a gi in a fight either. Do you include the knife in your sparring, like some of the kali/jkd,arnis arts do.
That imho why sparring is a drill.
Now back to kata, I see them as a drill that teaches how to move your center, strike,block, etc. it also teaches one how to use fluid shock(takes time to develop). It also teaches one focus on thing yet be aware of one's ( the army calls that situational awareness)surroundings. All good things, but most dojo like you said don't spend time on kata, but rather push belts. One should not be a black belt in less than three unless one is exceptional. I think your dojo(Khory-ryu) is like that? I would also thank you for seeing somethings in walking kata( the first kata one learns in fugakakai aikido). Most dojos aound me don't have black belt classes and with what one I know i don't mind teaching but i also liked to be taught. Not that i'm all that and can't learn. I just want to get more into bjj and or mma ere i'm too old.
I will look up gichin funagoshi philosophy for you and put the link on, and i will also include jigoro kano.
funagoshi link(1) more to follow this first one explains some of what i said.
the above link is quotes and not to denegrate karate-do, I was wanted show that is more a way life than practicaclity at times. I used to be all about the ki thing a philosophy and the lord jesus delivered me. I do know christians that know karate, but aren't at our level.
now on to judo and jiggoro kano
It should be noted to read the whole history i just picked this page
Yes i remember some of the kata bunkai( I remember jodan uke(you call that age uke) as a strike,its strike the arm as pressure point, it's usually taught a staff defense,sorry i move if im able than block a staff. I've also seen it taught enter in like an aikido(ushiba, fugakai, and my favorite way) technique.
I used to break boards with (rebreakable type) with soto uke(chudan uke) and gedan uke. The blocks can be interpreted as parrys(barai) as well, and that if one knows that is the beauty of kata. I just don't see many dojos teaching that concept, karate-do should be taught as a combat art( prepare for conflict, but avoid if possible). Many dojos are more worried about keeping the doors open than necessary having quality belts(imho).
I'm not knocking kano and funagoshi and will comment on your kata link later. I just want you understand where i'm coming from
in jesus