Thank you By Grace, but I already knew all that. Regardless of how they practice their faith, if they receive Jesus as their Lord and savior, then they belong to Jesus. Therefore, by definition of cult, they are not.
Seriously, since you "knew all that" then how can you reconcile such aberrant theology with th4e Bible?
Have you also seen this Fundamental Belief?
10. Experience of Salvation:
In infinite love and mercy God made Christ, who knew no sin, to be sin for us, so that in Him we might be made the righteousness of God. Led by the Holy Spirit we sense our need, acknowledge our sinfulness, repent of our transgressions, and exercise faith in Jesus as Lord and Christ, as Substitute and Example. This faith which receives salvation comes through the divine power of the Word and is the gift of God's grace. Through Christ we are justified, adopted as God's sons and daughters, and delivered from the lordship of sin. Through the Spirit we are born again and sanctified; the Spirit renews our minds, writes God's law of love in our hearts, and we are given the power to live a holy life. Abiding in Him we become partakers of the divine nature and have the assurance of salvation now and in the judgment.
Where is " personal sin " mentioned here?
Where is "forgiveness"?
Where is the Atonement?
Where is "grace"?
Where is "Satan"?
They uniformly reject ALL of the Ecumenical Creeds, and of course, the 12 tenets of the Apostle's Creed as mere "inventions of man" nut give great authority to Ellen White, a cataleptic woman whom they revere as a "prophet"
I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
the Maker of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
born of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead, and buried;
He descended into hell.
The third day He arose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost;
the holy catholic church;
the communion of saints;
the forgiveness of sins;
the resurrection of the body;
and the life everlasting.
How can you call their "salvation by diiet" and "salvation by works" Scriptural? I can't, nor can the National Association of Evangelicals.