There are 8 major misconceptions about the End Times. Some false beliefs may cause a falling away when things get rough. One of the oldest and most dangerous false belief is that Revelations is mostly symbolic. Even though the language used contains many symbolic terms, every symbol represents a real world person, place, or event. It is up to the interpretor, inspired by the Holy Spirit, to acertain what the symbols mean as we get closer to the time of the prophesied events. Time will tell which interpretors will be proven correct, and which ones will be found to be false prophets.
Misconception #1 The Antichrist will not be the one to sign the 7 year peace treaty with Israel. It will be signed by some other peace negotiator (not mentioned in prophecy) 3 1/2 years before the Antichrist is revealed at midweek, when he sets up the Abomination of Desolation in the Sanctuary Fortress.
#2 The Rapture will not happen before the last 7 years of this age. Only the believing Jewish survivors hiding in the wilderness, Christians who survived the persecution of the Antichrist without taking the Mark, the Two Witnesses, and possibly the 144,000, will be Raptured at the Last Trump at the end of the 7 years.
#3 The "Tribulation" will not last 7 years. Daniel's 70th begins with the signing of a 7 year peace treaty with Israel and for 3 1/2 years the world experiences a time of peace and prosperity. Only after the middle of the 7 years does "tribulation" begin for Christians who are persecuted for not taking the mark of the Antichrist (he is revealed then). The Wrath of God happens at the end of the 7 years.
#4 The Antichrist will not die from a head wound and recover. The Beast that is wounded and revives is the Revived Roman Empire composed of 10 nations headed by the Antichrist. It is the Roman Empire which was wounded and will revive in the end times.
#5 The Jewish temple will not be rebuilt before Jesus returns. The secret excavated Holy of Holies (referred to as the Sanctuary Fortress) already exists under centuries of ruble beneath the Arab Dome of the Rock. Sacrifices will continue there until the Antichrist stops them and sets up his Abomination of Desolation on the altar there.
#6 The Antichrist will not implant people with a computer chip. He will mark people with a UPC tattoo containing the encription of the numbers 666 in the double bars at the beginning, middle, and end of the symbol. This will be an invisible infrared mark that will be used to buy and sell in the New Economic Order.
#7 Christians will live and reign with Christ on earth in the Millennium. Christians will be on earth during the Millennium with Jesus- not in New Jerusalem. They will enter that final home only after the Millennium.
#8 There will not be a rebellion after the Millennnium from anyone living during the Millennnium. The 2nd Resurrection of the lost of all ages will stand on earth after the Millennium and be lead by a recently released Satan to fight against the Saints in Jerusalem. They are Gog and Magog returned to life and are destroyed by fire from heaven and stand before God to be destroyed in the Lake of Fire at the Great White Throne Judgement.
*Biblical references to the prophecies above can be found at: grandunifiedprophecies.blogspot.com
Misconception #1 The Antichrist will not be the one to sign the 7 year peace treaty with Israel. It will be signed by some other peace negotiator (not mentioned in prophecy) 3 1/2 years before the Antichrist is revealed at midweek, when he sets up the Abomination of Desolation in the Sanctuary Fortress.
#2 The Rapture will not happen before the last 7 years of this age. Only the believing Jewish survivors hiding in the wilderness, Christians who survived the persecution of the Antichrist without taking the Mark, the Two Witnesses, and possibly the 144,000, will be Raptured at the Last Trump at the end of the 7 years.
#3 The "Tribulation" will not last 7 years. Daniel's 70th begins with the signing of a 7 year peace treaty with Israel and for 3 1/2 years the world experiences a time of peace and prosperity. Only after the middle of the 7 years does "tribulation" begin for Christians who are persecuted for not taking the mark of the Antichrist (he is revealed then). The Wrath of God happens at the end of the 7 years.
#4 The Antichrist will not die from a head wound and recover. The Beast that is wounded and revives is the Revived Roman Empire composed of 10 nations headed by the Antichrist. It is the Roman Empire which was wounded and will revive in the end times.
#5 The Jewish temple will not be rebuilt before Jesus returns. The secret excavated Holy of Holies (referred to as the Sanctuary Fortress) already exists under centuries of ruble beneath the Arab Dome of the Rock. Sacrifices will continue there until the Antichrist stops them and sets up his Abomination of Desolation on the altar there.
#6 The Antichrist will not implant people with a computer chip. He will mark people with a UPC tattoo containing the encription of the numbers 666 in the double bars at the beginning, middle, and end of the symbol. This will be an invisible infrared mark that will be used to buy and sell in the New Economic Order.
#7 Christians will live and reign with Christ on earth in the Millennium. Christians will be on earth during the Millennium with Jesus- not in New Jerusalem. They will enter that final home only after the Millennium.
#8 There will not be a rebellion after the Millennnium from anyone living during the Millennnium. The 2nd Resurrection of the lost of all ages will stand on earth after the Millennium and be lead by a recently released Satan to fight against the Saints in Jerusalem. They are Gog and Magog returned to life and are destroyed by fire from heaven and stand before God to be destroyed in the Lake of Fire at the Great White Throne Judgement.
*Biblical references to the prophecies above can be found at: grandunifiedprophecies.blogspot.com