Nope, we all need a way to support ourselves and possibly families as well. You don't really see much in the Bible about all of the early Christians living off of the ministry. Since they didn't starve to death, I have to assume most of them worked for a living.
When we speak of giving our time to God, we are not talking about 24 hours per day, 7 days a week without doing anything to make a living. We are talking about what priorities you put on your time you have available. If your job doesn't require you to work on Sunday, do you go to church on Sunday morning and worship God, or do you watch football? Or if you have a choice between two relatively equal jobs, but one requires you to work on Sunday and the other doesn't, do you chose the one that doesn't so you can go to church or do you secretly choose to work on Sunday so you will have an "excuse" not to go?
You do not have to quit your job, or only work in full time ministry for God to use you. I have known some who have worked in full time ministry for decades and testify that they have seen very little evidence of God's working through them. I've also known those who can only volunteer a few hours a month or year, but have been used by God in mighty and visible ways many times. God will use you where you are as long as you make Him your priority in life!
Besides, what if the only visible thing you do in your entire Christian life is to lead only one person to the Lord? But that person goes on to lead thousands to the Lord as a result? (It happens., It really does!) That means that those particular few minutes you gave to God and allowed Him to use you to lead one person to him, directly resulted in thousands of souls saved!