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Praise be to God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. We cordially invite you to listen to one of the messages of the Mother of God, given to the mystic Luz de Maria de Bonilla. The message was approved by Bishop Juan Abelardo Mata Guevar, who stated: I declare that I have not found any doctrinal error that would be contrary to faith, morals and good habits, for which I give these publications IMPRIMATUR. We highly recommend listening to this extremely important message in its entirety.
Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart: My Heart is overflowing with love for you. Each of you is essential in the great work of creation. I am constantly beside you so that you do not be afraid in the face of adversity. My Beloved: This generation lives constantly with a mind and thoughts haunted by technology and by the decline of human morality. This cannot be an excuse not to ascend; humanity had to face the obstacles of its generation at every moment, but those who wanted to overcome the trials and get closer to my Son did so. It is to you that I am speaking, to you who are my Son's people and who are my children, those whom I love immeasurably. Beloved, Nature must be a sign for you, it should not go unnoticed how Nature has grown old in the hands of man, rather it should be a great Sign.
Everything that exists gives man signs to warn him and that what is approaching should not go unnoticed. Animal behavior is not the same as in the past; is unnatural. Animals leave their habitats because they sense that Nature is advancing to meet man who has overwhelmed and killed her because of the great contamination that man has poured over her. Beloved, you will experience a great crisis of faith where many of those who are mine will waver. That is why I am warning you, that is why I am calling you not to stop looking at your inner state. Those who do not look within themselves and correct themselves will find it difficult to rise on their own, therefore I am sending souls, creatures, with My Words and My Urgent Calls, so that nothing surprises you. Surrender your thoughts, do not give freedom to the human "ego", which blocks the path of the spirit with illusion.
My beloved, keep your mind as clear as crystal water so that your senses find balance and immediately stop. Do not expose yourself to the worldly, do not think of the ephemeral, but rather of the Eternal Life that awaits you. As Mother, I am addressing this generation so that you understand Me and that events do not make you waver in the face of what I persistently announce to you. The human being must elevate his soul, detach it from the earthly and unite it with the spirit. A human being must transcend and sustain his life in search of true union with my Son. I am interceding for each of you, just prepare yourselves, recognize that you need a change so that I can help you.
Man will not get up by himself; he needs Heaven's help to find the Path of Truth. My Beloved, I am saddened by the disturbing actions of this generation, but you can turn back from this path if you keep your thoughts and mind on my Son, with a gentle heart and senses surrendered to my Son who has sacrificed himself for all humanity. In the midst of the noise of the world, quiet your interior and remain united to my Son and to my Immaculate Heart. Only in this way will you be able to overcome the trial that will take place; each of you will look at yourself and at the same time feel that you have distanced yourself from my Son. You will see your works and deeds and my Son will not allow a single work or deed to go unnoticed by you.
There will be moments that will feel like eternity; the trial is necessary for man to recognize the poverty in which he lived as a child of the King, the Lord of all Creation. Spiritual poverty usurped by what is worldly, empty, ephemeral and immoral. My beloved, return to the True Path and those of you who still do not know My Son, turn to Him, I will be the Advocate of all who come near. The moment of trial is near; the man who lacks love of neighbor and who does not know brotherhood uses the power he possesses to overwhelm his neighbor. I deplore the crimes and those who are victims of hatred and power that uses them as it pleases. I grieve over My children, their bodies are being destroyed and they do not see it, I grieve over discrimination. How My Heart suffers from the torments and insults that are taking place at this moment!
Ah, they did not take place like in this generation! Therefore, My Son's People must be purified, like iron on fire. Beloved of My Immaculate Heart: be vigilant, do not be careless, communism haunts all humanity, it reigns in small countries and towns, it grows and stealthily seizes power so as not to be completely discovered and thus it grows, this scourge of the end times is growing. This arm and at the same time part of the head of the antichrist - is invading all humanity and will cause great pain and confrontation among My children. Millions of my children will be deprived of their lives.
Humanity will be persecuted in every way and will see a catastrophe that will shake the world. Some will be tested in silence, others will be tested in patience, others will be a wall of prayer, prayer put into practice, so that they will be witnesses of true love for the Divine Will, calling everyone to conversion. The temples will be plundered, already some temples are being desecrated with worldly and satanic spectacles.
Know, my children, that the power elite, who manipulate the entire population, are preparing to expose the antichrist, and this is my urgent need so that you, my children, are not deceived, because those who do not know these prophecies will be severely deceived, completely confused and they will fall into the fires of hell because they will reject my Son and they will love the deceiver. My beloved: there are so many things I must warn you about that I ask you to pray to my Son without ceasing that the Holy Spirit will enlighten you and give you the discernment necessary in the most bloody moment of trial. Know that faithfulness is expressed not only in words but also in actions, in every action you show whether you are my son's children, whether you are lukewarm or whether you belong to darkness.
Do not forget that the enemy of man dresses like an angel to confuse you; how many will come to you with words of love, when in fact they are wolves in sheep's clothing! Children, feed on the spirit, feed on the flesh and blood of my Son, do not neglect the spirit and be masters of your senses. Remember that he who desires the first place will not get it unless he stoops down and makes himself the least of all. I urge you not to get confused, lest false ideologies penetrate your minds and lead you down.
Pray My beloved ones, pray. Pray because every time the spirit of war approaches this generation. Remain unconnected, pray for one another, serve one another, keep brotherhood, despise the material and love the spiritual. The future of my children is painful, but in the end my son's peace and blessing will triumph for his faithful, for his people. I bless you. Remain in peace and with My Love, Mother of God.