My daughter recently left a nice job to be closer to her home.Her commute was 1 1/2 hours.This job sounded like a nice opportunity.The people the first day seemed nice.The job turned into a job from hell.The people who surround her are extremely unkind.The person who trained her did not really train her at all.When she would ask the person how they know this information they would just say "I just know".Well,that left her with no knowledge of how to do the job because she was not properly trained.She is processing checks and cash for this company.The people just come by and drop hundreds of checks on her desk and I mean drop.She is so stressed out by this horrible job that she is not able to eat breakfast or lunch.No one talks to her and she rarely gets breaks.Well,she is looking for another job.She has only been at this one of 3 weeks.Have you ever had this happen to you?
Yes, somewhat. Every day. LOL
reading down the post it looks like she got out. Good deal, I guess. I would not want my daughter stressed out and unhappy, but such environments can be strengthening.
I am very alone as a Christian in my work, and often taken advantage of, or attempted by higher ups and colleagues. I work in a competitive cut throat environment. It's all about who can control customer accounts and generate the most revenue for the biggest bonuses. No one is your friend, but they will pretend to be. All the relationships in my job are quid pro quo. I work under constant threat of termination, everything I say and do in the office is a game of chess. People snoop and dig; try to get an advantage or steal information to gain an advantage. I pray a lot and you know God has seen me through. So in this way I have become stronger.
I build business relationships and broker account deals for my company. It's hard sales, very competitive. It requires some long term relationships and contacts over time, a hard knowledge of the market.We work on slim margins, and at anytime someone can link failure to you. I don't really like what I do for a living but I'm good at it.
My biggest problem is newer young folks. We get "hot shots" all the time who come in and see me as the old lion and they are going to take me out I guess. I always try to foster them in the beginning, and they always seem to be grateful and eager to learn from me, although I never tell them everything. Then at some point they turn on me, or they convince the heads they can do a better job on something they can't handle, and I watch them crash and burn. Watching one do that right now, as a matter of fact, and it's painful.
The part that really kills me is that often the heads know what they are up to, and they let it happen because they believe it might be possible to garner more business, and often we do for a while. Just that little bit to help get us over the next quarter. Then when it fails because we can't handle the volume the blame goes to the hot shot, who quits or gets fired.
One of these days my number will come up, in some way. I'll be too old. My contacts will be old, or retire and I'll be less effective then I am and they will let me go, probably at the behest of some new hot shot wanting my pride. Few people reach retirement age in my business. Some days I wish it sooner than later. There are only a few people who help protect me and they only do it because I have information and contacts built over years. I don't make rash decisions and I know the market. I keep the numbers stable.