And to that person I would ask them these questions. Can you see air? Or an atom?
Off the topic a bit, but, still relevant.... and posted to all who would come and read it, and not directed specifically at the person i quoted.
There will be times, especially if a forum member exercises a bit of Gospel Courage......that you will actually depart from a Christian Forum, where you are all safe and warm fighting with other believers, and you will take thyself to a secular forum where they are waiting to find out how much you can give and take.
See, the secular world does not need any more Christians, it only needs to see ONE REAL ONE.
Its a lot different there, then here, as there, you are actually taking the Cross outside the church walls..
Know what i mean, jellybean ??
And once there, you will be tested by callous hardhearted disrespectful Christ rejecting punks, of all ages.
Does this interest you?
Sounds exciting, does it not?
Do you ever feel the need to leave the safety of the congregation and hit the devil in the face, head on, with your fist?
You cant really do that here, much, unless you are overriding people who are trying to harm you by trying to convince you that
your salvation is yours to gain and yours to keep by working it till death, by works.
But other then that, its pretty safe here, or on any Christian forum.
Sometimes you get it going pretty good with some off the chain worldly type believer who is politically corrected through and thru, and they want to defend abortion or Transgender, etc.
But on a secular forum, you are not welcome, and you have to find a way to be interesting enough for them to listen, while they are spitting.
That is how you have to deal with the lost, on secular forums.
And, one of the first things an atheist will say to you there, is....."i dont believe in what i can't see, and i cant see Jesus, anymore then i can see Zeus, or the Easter Bunny, and both of those are myths, just like your JESUS...!!!!
Ka POW..
You have been stung..
What will you do. ???
Suck your thumb?.....Cry to mama?.........Go meditate in the Gospel of John?.......take a XanaX?
You can't run from the fight, as then the members who are all waiting for your response will see you run, which then gives them more fuel for their unbelief.
So, Dont do that.
Instead, use a bit of wit, and wisdom, combined, just like Jesus would do, when he was dealing with these hard headed rascals, in His day...
"As Jesus is, so are YOU in this WORLD".
So,.....You might say...
"ah, so, you dont believe in what you cant see, """...."well.....then i guess you need to stop breathing, as you cant see the AIR you are breathing, so it must not be there,.... as according to you, can't believe in what you can't SEE"....
Now, this is sarcastic, but, its also a complete slam dunk, and THAT, is what activates the interest in you there, that you will find comes from all who heard your statement.
They will think...."ah, this is not one of those dumbed down bible thumpers who only wants us all to stop living and just exist in church."
Instead they will think...."hummm, thats quite an answer"......and so, what you have done, is created a door to be heard, that is wide open, and wont close.
You my friend, have just taken the Mic from the Devil.
And from there, you just start planting seeds, and watering, by day....for as long as you stay.
Thats your part.
God's part is to give life to the seeds that you have planted in the hearts of the hearer's.
Your job is not to save, .... your job is to plant the Savior's grace, and God's job is to make the most out of your planting.