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A Profound Ignorance of Truth

I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee. (Gen. 12:3)

Map of Ancient Israel ... rael/mou...
The Mountains of Israel ... he-mount...

A profound ignorance exists today concerning what is taking place in the land of Israel.
If you believe the picture presented by the media,
the Palestinians are cruelly oppressed and denied possession of the native land, which
was stolen from them by an
invading Israeli army. Those who subscribe to this view, however, either don’t
know(or don’t want to acknowledge) the true history
and significance of the current situation.

The fact is, Israel was promised, by God, to the Jews, and we, as Christians,
should encourage one another to speak out
for Israel.

Nations that oppose the Lord are in danger.
If the leaders of your nation are going against
the Word of the Lord concerning Israel, they are exposing
YOU to danger!

Like Balaam’s donkey, walk off the path. Refuse to go forward.
Speak out until
they wake up and understand that the Angel of the Lord is standing in their path.
As Balaam said, those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who curse Israel will be cursed.

Give warning! Pray for the nations, the churches, the Jewish people, the Arabic people, gentiles, and Israel. ... as-anti-...
BARACK Obama’s anti-Israel jihad is one of the most irresponsible policy lurches by any modern American
president. It rightly earns Obama the epithet of the US president least sympathetic to Israel in Israel’s history.
Jimmy Carter became a great hater of Israel, but only after he left office.

Now is the time for anyone who cares about Middle East peace, or who claims as Rudd does to care about
Israel, to stick close to Jerusalem.

Most Arabic people do not have the Bible. They do not know that to oppose Jewish resettlement of the Holy
Land is to oppose
the will of the Lord. They cannot see that they are setting themselves against the Lord. Most of them are
unaware of the words of Ezekiel chapter 35,
warning them of the consequences of trying to destroy Israel.

Our political leaders are doing great wrongs in opposing Israel. We should stand up for Israel, especially as Christians.
Jesus was a Jew, our Jewish roots are in the Old Testament! If it were not for the grafting in
of the wild olive branch into the
good olive branch, all we Christian gentiles would
be horribly lost, and without hope. ... d-the-wa...
In Gaza, Hamas has created a terrorist state and a national death cult whose path is
martyrdom and whose goal is openly proclaimed:…

Given that hatred for Jews is the animating passion of the Hamas militants, their
response to Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 was not surprising.
Far from greeting this as a gesture of peace, Hamas regarded the Israeli withdrawal
as a surrender to its terrorist attacks and an opportunity to escalate them.
In the days and months following the withdrawal, Hamas launched 6,500
unprovoked rocket strikes on towns and schoolyards in Israel before the
Israelis decided to strike back.

That's such a nice analogy, except...

Indians are not God's chosen people to bring the Torah and salvation unto the world! That honor is left to the Israeli people.

As christians you must support human rights - so as a christian you must support the Native Americans returning to their homeland - and you can not support the American people who are being displaced, because they are racist terrorists.

Really? "Human rights"? I understand, somewhat, where you come from with that statement, but... Maybe, being a Muslim and all, you are unaware, but Christians deny themselves control over their own lives. God and God alone has any rights when dealing with Christians.

How is that concept even Biblical? Did the Israeli people have to be "humanist" and give back all the land that they conquered back? No! Do you honestly think any one nation can lay conquest on another without God's explicit approval?

Frankly, the Muslim countries are lucky that Israel was forced to give back all that land they took in the various wars they waged against so ridiculous odds. That alone, to me and many others, is proof that God is on their side, and not the Muslim's side. How a nation, a baby nation, can be attacked on their sacred holiday and then end up under siege, and then manage to push the enemy lines well back into the countries they came from.

Oh, and I think you have a very liberal view of the Indians. Try looking at some other sources instead of the crap we are force fed in school and on TV.
Does anyone "deserve" being conquered? You think the Canaanites deserved getting sacked?

I am not sure how your quran can say it agrees completely with the Tanakh, and yet you so openly deny Israel's chosen people.

Point is, this has happened before to different countries... it's only the Muslims, though, who whine and blow stuff up because of it
Mujahid Abdullah said:
But if the Indians had a book that said that Minnesota was their chosen land and all minnesotans must go or face the consequences - you would be tottly against it.

If that book was the Bible, then yes I would totally understand.

Its not about Christianity, or Judaism, or Islam - its wrong and its right - displacing an established population because your holy book says its ok is wrong.

First, according to your own book it is your holy book also...

And they arent done - the promissed land of Israel is bigger than the current state of Israel - so the zionists are planning for more people to dispalce in the name of God.

Oh, good, so you do know

if the UN or another foreign power mandated that the US give up minnesota - the people of the US would first laugh, then when the UN tanks role into town, the Minnesaotans, and all Americans would then fight.

Considering the USA funds more than 50% of the UN, I doubt they would ever try to force us to do anything.

Sounds like the work of Gods chosen people.

You're the one who keeps saying you worship Abraham's God... maybe you should read the Word that your God gave to Abraham... It will be much more clear to you then, hopefully.
I'm sure it is religious hatred founding the war over there, they must be worshiping different gods over The Holy God. It's a terrible thing to bring war into the world, it is the worship of carnality for some (a nation called zion is an idol to some people).. Amazing what atrocities we have if someone believes in eternal life but are not reborn of the spirit of Christ..

When The Lord comes He will reestablish Israel and His holy temple will descend from The Heavens by the power of God alone and it will be magnificent, and only God's people will enter it.

Revelation 21:
2I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

We don't actually need to make war to invoke the events in Revelation, these things will come to pass only according to God's will. These people need delivering - how can they worship God with war, who is this god they worship, surely not the creator and father of Christ that we all know to be all merciful, patient and good?

Biblereader, are you sure the Israeli's have been instructed to establish zion by The Word of God? Could you show me the passage? I've heard that God destroyed zion in fury when the Jews destroyed His son, so the kingdom of Israel will not come until Christ returns..

A lot of people exercise their faith without consulting God's word first, and thus by representing God without consulting Him, they misrepresent Him.
Biblereader said:
The fact is, Israel was promised, by God, to the Jews, .....
I suggest that the Bible does not support this view, even though many well-intentioned Christians believe it. God's promises to Israel were all fulfilled at the Cross, and that strip of land called Palestine is not "divinely" ordained for the nation of Israel over anybody else.

We can discuss the relevant scriptures if you like. I suggest that, when studied in the original Hebrew, you will find no statements at all that Palestine has been promised to the nation of Israel forever.
The only one True God Yehovah, in His Word, The Holy Bible, did promise His people Israel the lands He showed Abraham as per Genesis. Not only then, but also with future prophecy like Ezekiel 47-48 which shows all the 12 tribes of Israel being established in final back to the original land inheritances God gave to their fathers. Not only is Israel going to inherit those lands in the middleast, but God especially is, for Jerusalem is where He has chosen to dwell forever. That land is about God's Birthright to His firstborn, Israel, and that's what all the real commotion is about, God's Birthright.

Ishmael (Arabic peoples) are jealous of Israel, because Abraham's firstborn son was Ishmael, born from Abraham and Hagar, Sarah's bondservant. God had already promised Abraham a son that would inherit, and it was not Ishmael. It was to be in Isaac, the son born between Abraham and Sarah.

To this day, the religious heads of the Arab peoples see Israel as having stolen their birthright of the firstborn from Ishmael. They have not listened to God Who declared it would be to Isaac instead, but are still rebellious against God to this day.

But not only is Ishmael jealous of Israel, but Esau (Edom-Idumea) is also, even though Esau traded his firstborn Birthright from God to Jacob for a pot of red beans. Esau then took wives of both the daughters of Ishmael and of the Canaanites. So they are all allied together against Israel, even to this day. The only ones of them that are not rebellious still, are those who have accepted God's Promised Saviour Jesus Christ, in Whom they have hope and reward in the resurrection to come, and the blessings of His future Kingdom to be established upon this earth, becoming part of the commonwealth of Israel. Through Jesus Christ those will take part in God's Birthright. That's is the ONLY WAY anyone will.

And for the real story per God's Word, the Canaanites of old DID deserve to be destroyed, for God gave them around 400 years to repent of their abominations and sorceries; they even were sacrificing their own children in fire, and they did not repent. When God met Abraham and gave him The Promise, He said the iniquity of the Ammorites was not yet full. That was about 400 years prior to the children of Israel being led out of Egypt into the land of Canaan, and through Joshua being told by God to destroy specifically those nations in Canaan. And God rebuked Israel for not accomplishing it absolutely (Judges 2 & 3).

In the languages of American Indian tribes archaeologists have discovered traces of ancient Canaanite Hebrew. From what archealogists know about the American Indians, they came into North America via a land bridge up around Alaska, and slowly mirgrated southward. That gives weight to the Genesis event of the tower of Babel, a time when God confused the one language all then spoke (probably an ancient form of Hebrew), and then the peoples were scattered to the four corners of the earth, including the ancient Americas. So the American Indians have no greater original claim on the land than any other nation, especially since God owns it all anyway, and He can give it to whom He so desires.

It just so happenned, that God gave the lands of America to the people who would carry forth The Gospel of Jesus Christ for the benefit of ALL nations on the earth. And those He also gave power to conquer those lands and also conquer those who just like the Canaanites, were busy sacrificing humans upon literal altars, and creating magic powders from their dried and mortared cut-out hearts, talking with familiar spirits and living in savagery.