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Bible Study A question about the unforgivable sin


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mr anonymous

Some Christians say the unforgivable sin is attributing works of The Holy Spirit to Satan.
But do people who have that view think it is just Satan or if you attribute works of The Holy Spirit to natural causes e.g. somebody who says Jesus's miricles were placibo affect you have commited it also.
I know some have this view' I don't know how many.
mr anonymous said:
Some Christians say the unforgivable sin is attributing works of The Holy Spirit to Satan.
But do people who have that view think it is just Satan or if you attribute works of The Holy Spirit to natural causes e.g. somebody who says Jesus's miricles were placibo affect you have commited it also.
I know some have this view' I don't know how many.
The unforgivable sin is believing God can't forgive you, that your sins are to big and not coming to Him and asking for forgiveness
mr anonymous said:
Some Christians say the unforgivable sin is attributing works of The Holy Spirit to Satan.
But do people who have that view think it is just Satan or if you attribute works of The Holy Spirit to natural causes e.g. somebody who says Jesus's miricles were placibo affect you have commited it also.
I know some have this view' I don't know how many.

The statement of Jesus on the unforgivable sin is in Matthew 12. You have most of the details to understanding that context. The signs done by Jesus in the power of the HS were for the purpose of demonstrating his messanic ministry. Certainly to deny the source of Jesus miracles as being of God is proof of a very hardened heart. Suggesting these works are done through the power of Satan is to completely deny his messanic miraclous ministry. Interesting that we have no statements like this about athiests. Appearently this statement by these Pharisees demonstrates the self-righteous and hardened heart more then anything else.

As to who has those hardened hearts today, I dont know. I have no way of seeing a mans heart, and who the HS might withdraw from.
The unforgivable sin is not accepting Jesus to cleanse you of your sins.


Dictated not read
mr anonymous said:
Some Christians say the unforgivable sin is attributing works of The Holy Spirit to Satan.
But do people who have that view think it is just Satan or if you attribute works of The Holy Spirit to natural causes e.g. somebody who says Jesus's miricles were placibo affect you have commited it also.
I know some have this view' I don't know how many.
Mr Anonymous,

The basis of that claim is that it is blasphemy to do so. However, from that basis other things as well can fall into the category of "blaspheming the Holy Spirit". And I believe hardening your heart to His many promptings is one of them (thus why the Bible warns even Christians against hardening their heart). That - blasphemy and rejection of the Holy Spirit - is the unforgivable sin.
Matt 12
The unforgivable sin. The Pharisees rejected the evidence of Jesus' miracles and even claimed that Satan's power was behind them. This blasphemy was unique in history; never before had God's Son, standing among men as a Man, by the power of the God's Holy Spirit, performed such obvious authenticating signs. Speaking against the source of Jesus' power was, first of all, a recognition of its supernatural origin, and second, a hardened rejection of Jesus Himself. Completely hardened now, this desperate attack demonstrated the fact that the Pharisees had made their choice. They no longer hesitated. They were committed against the Son of God. Their choice, made in the face of all the unique evidence which Jesus Himself had presented to them, was irrevocable: they had chosen to step beyond the possibility of repentance, and therefore unforgivable. Their hearts were too hard. A hardened heart will not seek to be forgiven. Denying Jesus for who He is...well. How could one be forgiven if they deny they savior.
Arj said:
What about the sin of lust?
Not even lust...... nothing is "unforgivable" as long as you ask the Lord to forgive you..... side note pride is worse than lust in my mind although both are not good
What about the sin of lust?

Lust is not an unforgivable sin, although it can become a stronghold and one must struggle and pray to God to get loose from it. If lust were unforgivable I'd be as good as damned to hell right now. Thanks only to the wonderful mercy of Jesus am I clean in His sight now. All men are tempted with this at one point in their life, and some even taken by it (as I was for a time), so if you struggle with lust don't beat yourself up over the fact that you are having a problem, but realize that this is a common plague of the flesh which needs to be fled from like every other fleshly form of sin into the forgiving arms of Jesus. Ask for grace and He will give it to you, for "the Lord longs to be gracious to you" (Isaiah 30:18).

P.S. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions at all on this. I've been through the thick of it and know what it's like. Perhaps by my experiences I can help you cling tighter to the cross.

God Bless,


So many answers.

I have ALWAYS been under the 'impression' that the ONLY unforgivable sin is DENIAL of it. That one is NOT able to BE forgiven without ACCEPTANCE of the ABILITY of the Holy Spirit to OFFER understanding of The Truth. And the TRUTH being: the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In other words: We are BROUGHT to Christ by the 'whispering in one's ear' by Our Father. Tugging at our 'heart strings' in the HOPES that we are ABLE to Hear. And ONCE heard, then it's the Holy Spirit that OFFERS the conviction that Christ's story IS REAL. That He IS Our Ultimate Sacrifice able to cleanse OUR SINS.

But IF one refuses to heed the 'whispers', they are then left void of the ABILITY of the Holy Spirit to convict. And this can only lead to one being tossed to and fro with 'doctrines' that are NOT 'truth'.

So, all this BEGINS with either acceptance or denial of the Holy Spirit. Thus, denial of the Holy Spirit is the ONLY unforgivable SIN. All others CAN be washed away through the Blood of Christ.

Yes I agree in this respect that the unforgiveable sin IS blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. But contrary to common belief or opinion, it is not an utterance of the mouth. It is a belief that righteousness can be achieved by what we do, rather than by a work of the Holy Spirit. And it can only be committed by one who has received the Holy Spirit.

This is not saying that a person in this position can never repent or return to the Father. But it does mean that if a person remains in this position, believing that they can achieve their goal, or be made righteous by what do or say or do (human effort) they can never achieve an eternal reward with the King of righteousness.
biblecatholic said:
Arj said:
What about the sin of lust?
Not even lust...... nothing is "unforgivable" as long as you ask the Lord to forgive you..... side note pride is worse than lust in my mind although both are not good


You say nothing is unforgivable, then your calling Jesus a liar
Second post my foot, what did Jesus say? There is one sin that is unforgivable Blaspheme
the Holy Spirit. Your man says every sin can be forgiven therefore your calling Jesus a liar...
turnorburn said:
Second post my foot, what did Jesus say? There is one sin that is unforgivable Blaspheme
the Holy Spirit. Your man says every sin can be forgiven therefore your calling Jesus a liar...

And blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the refusal to be forgiven for one's sins. God respects our decisions, and if we do not want to be forgiven, He will certainly oblige. He is in no way calling Jesus a liar, and if you would for three seconds drop your hatred of Catholics you could see that.
Actually its for refusal to receive Jesus Christ and be forgiven. Hate Catholics? don't make me sick with your childish insults, I love the people that church as they call it all began in Babylon.
Its been proved, its Satan's palace, his stronghold, got a hold of you doesn't it?
If you continue living in that church then Satan has won, and all that believeth not, the wrath of God abides on them, that's the blaspheme of Gods Holy Spirit. But go ahead with those statues, worshiping saints praising the Queen of heaven, Mary is no different than you or me, "Get It" :oops:
turnorburn said:
Actually its for refusal to receive Jesus Christ and be forgiven. Hate Catholics? don't make me sick with your childish insults, I love the people that church as they call it all began in Babylon.
Its been proved, its Satan's palace, his stronghold, got a hold of you doesn't it?
If you continue living in that church then Satan has won, and all that believeth not, the wrath of God abides on them, that's the blaspheme of Gods Holy Spirit. But go ahead with those statues, worshiping saints praising the Queen of heaven, Mary is no different than you or me, "Get It" :oops:

Doesn't sound much like love to me, the acid you're spouting. You will convince no one that way.

It's proof, actually, that God has a sense of humor (or irony, at least). The city that was the center of persecution against Christians becomes the stronghold of true Faith.

This kind of acid? your church has almost conquered the entire word and when it does the new
Inquisitions will start, its bible Prophecy and nobody is going to stop her. As a Christian outside
your church I will be seen as a heretic and you know what the do to heretics, they torture them, they are examined before the Inquisitors, as it is written in Foxes Book Of Martyrs
turnorburn said:

This kind of acid? your church has almost conquered the entire word and when it does the new
Inquisitions will start, its bible Prophecy and nobody is going to stop her. As a Christian outside
your church I will be seen as a heretic and you know what the do to heretics, they torture them, they are examined before the Inquisitors, as it is written in Foxes Book Of Martyrs

There were several Inquisitions thorughout history, perhaps the most notable being the Spanish one. The Inquisitions were not ordered by Rome, but by the local governments. I assure you that the Inquistions were not nearly as bad as the propoganda suggests, and were certainly matched by the persecutions by Protestants.
You still won't get it will you, please read the following and tell me who fits that profile today.
II Thessalonians 2

Chapter 2

1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,
17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.


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