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- #41
When I read threads that come out here on the condition of calling out remarraige as sin, I see a very clear prejudice in the way the same old passages are pointed to. We condemn those who remarry as adulterers, and at the very same time we murder these people in our hearts.
That is so not true about murdering "these" people in our hearts. I truly believe just because we come in line with God's word and identify a sin, that does not mean we do not identify with the people who are in sin. We all have been "in sin" at one time or another and still have sin in our lives that God wants us to "see" and forsake. The heart of a brother/sister should be to desire to see an erring one turn from their sin and be restored to Jesus/and His Body and to walk in His TRUE peace.
God does not "bless" a person with another person so they can sin together. If God has already joined a person as ONE FLESH with another, a piece of paper issued by "man" does not negate the work GOD has done, nor does man's will negate what God has done (because they no longer want their spouse that God gave them).How is it that God was able to bless the lying midwifes in Egypt with families and yet we must label and demean those repentant Christians who God blesses with another spouse as living in adultery? Do we only tolerate those who live in the quiet sins such as habitual lying, daily lust, or greed for success?
Since when did it become beyond God's power to forgive a man or woman of a sinful past, and bless them with more than they could ever deserve in a future?
It is never beyond God to forgive a REPENTANT sinner---one that has turned from their sinful life. However, just because one has divorced, that does not then free them to marry another. Their first marriage (if both parties were free to marry) was not a sin to be repented of. The divorce was..........and true repentance from a divorce would mean that the parties involved would then pray for restoration of what God joined together.
Yes, perhaps remarraige is a sin, but then again, wasn't even the Great King David, a man after God's own heart, an adulterer and yet his line is the perpetual line of Christ?
It seems that you are minimizing adultery. Should we as Christians do that? Just because God used sinful men to perform His will, does that justify us entering into sinful unions and defrauding our brethren(by taking their spouses as our own)? How does one know if the woman/man they are joining with will "see" someday that they are in adultery and then forsake that relationship? How does one know whether the "other" spouse is praying for their spouse to repent and be restored to their original family? Many forsaken spouses (whose spouses have left them and remarried "Christian" spouses) are standing for the restoration of their marriage. Being the 2nd spouse would be a very uncomfortable experience...........even pondering the "what if's"...........to me, are certainly not worth it. It sure seems to me, based upon the scriptures, that God is with the covenant spouse and not with the erring one and the person they are committing adultery with (Mal. 2).
Matthew 7:5 is the key we all too easily forget in discussions like these. We only have the right to remove someone else's speck once we have taken our planks out. Christ never told us we would be able to remove or even help with someone else's planks. Perhaps that is why only his Holy Spirit truly has the right to condemn sin and lead us out of it completely.
That is misusing Mt. 7:5. The plank/speck relates to someone having obviously BIG sin (and adultery is pretty big) not trying to deal with someone's SMALL sin. First, the BIG sin needs to be dealt with/forsaken, then they will be able to help others with their smaller sins. The reality is this: when someone's immorality is seen, any correction from them will not be received because they are either blind to their own sin, or are ignoring it in lieu of addressing someone's "lesser" sins. Jesus was NOT saying that one has to be PERFECT before they can ever try and help their brother out of sin. As a matter of fact we read in James 5:19-20---"19My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins. "
The most loving thing to do for a brother/sister is to address sin in the hopes that they will turn from it, saving their soul from death. Blessings............