Alright, so say Isaac Newton is correct about his theory. Let's say we are within the 1260 years(if so, we are some where near the end) as Isaac Newton stated:
Could it be that we ARE in the time of this "Tribulation". I myself am a believer of this have already happened... but let's just say what - if. What if we are in Tribulation as of right now? I mean technically we are, but I'm talking about the one almost everyone fears. Could this mean that the currency system is a mark of the beast? Have you sat down and studied the U.S Dollar?
Take a good look at that picture. On your left, you have the pyramid. Follow along the letters of "A" in Annuit, "S" Coeptis, "N" in Novus, "O" in Ordo, and "M" in Seclorum. You'd have, A, S, N, O, and M. Flip that around, you get MASON in a Satanic symbol (pentagram). ... exseal.jpg
Coincidence? Maybe.
It's funny how it also have 13 leaves in the Eagle's left claw, 13 arrows in it's right, 13 stars above the Eagle's head, and 13 stripes on it's shield. 13 is a good number huh? :naughty
Coincidence? Maybe.
To your left, you see the pyramid yet again. Under the pyramid you see these letters: MDCCLXXVI. In Roman Numerals it's 1776, but there may be more to it than that.
^^ follows the chart vv
Coincidence? Maybe..
It's also a coincidence how with all of that being said, you basically NEED money to survive in this world today. Without this in your pocket... without you thinking/planning on how to get money, without you actually working for money, you cannot buy, you cannot sell, you cannot do anything. Your life will be destroyed. They made this system to where you need it, and to where it's universal. Everyone needs money, small ones, great ones, everybody. Sounds familiar to you? Take a good look on how you're dependent to money. Look around you for a second. Now think about if you rejected money... would you have ANY of this stuff you're starring at? I'm not saying this IS it, I'm just stating a "what - if" situation.
My fellow forumers, we need to ask ourselves. If this is actually the real deal, what would you do? Would you drop everything and fight for what you believe in? Or would you sit there and go on about your business because you have family to feed and people/things to take care of (including yourself)? Think about it, you guys said Anti-Christ is not a man, but a system. You guys said all the signs have come, we're just waiting on this system which is around the corner. Could it possibly be that we've been in this the entire time?
I myself am against this idea because again, I believe this has already passed. I have also only done study on the U.S currency, and not any other. In order for this to take place, everything needs to have one global currency, or at least a currency with some sort of subliminal message just like our own. I'm not saying they don't, I'm just saying I myself don't know nor have I done the study.
(remember, he's not pin pointing any dates, he's just putting saying the world cannot end before 2060 according to his calculations)As described by the prophet Daniel, and John in Revelation, the revived Roman Empire will rule for one "week," a period of seven times 360 days, or 2,520 days total. In the midst of this week, at 1,260 days, the Antichrist will desecrate the future temple in Jerusalem. Following the day/year guideline, Newton assigned 1,260 years of the Revived Roman empire before Antichrist's desecration of the temple. This he did realizing that the rebuilding of the temple and the judgments of Revelation did not follow the rebirth of the Roman Empire in A.D. 800. None of the prophecies of the End of Days followed the coronation of Charlemagne as Emperor of the revived Roman Empire after 1,260, nor for that matter, any of the years up until Newton's day. Therefore, he established each day with a year from A.D. 800, arriving at the year A.D. 2060.
Could it be that we ARE in the time of this "Tribulation". I myself am a believer of this have already happened... but let's just say what - if. What if we are in Tribulation as of right now? I mean technically we are, but I'm talking about the one almost everyone fears. Could this mean that the currency system is a mark of the beast? Have you sat down and studied the U.S Dollar?
Take a good look at that picture. On your left, you have the pyramid. Follow along the letters of "A" in Annuit, "S" Coeptis, "N" in Novus, "O" in Ordo, and "M" in Seclorum. You'd have, A, S, N, O, and M. Flip that around, you get MASON in a Satanic symbol (pentagram). ... exseal.jpg
Coincidence? Maybe.
It's funny how it also have 13 leaves in the Eagle's left claw, 13 arrows in it's right, 13 stars above the Eagle's head, and 13 stripes on it's shield. 13 is a good number huh? :naughty
Coincidence? Maybe.
To your left, you see the pyramid yet again. Under the pyramid you see these letters: MDCCLXXVI. In Roman Numerals it's 1776, but there may be more to it than that.
^^ follows the chart vv
Coincidence? Maybe..
It's also a coincidence how with all of that being said, you basically NEED money to survive in this world today. Without this in your pocket... without you thinking/planning on how to get money, without you actually working for money, you cannot buy, you cannot sell, you cannot do anything. Your life will be destroyed. They made this system to where you need it, and to where it's universal. Everyone needs money, small ones, great ones, everybody. Sounds familiar to you? Take a good look on how you're dependent to money. Look around you for a second. Now think about if you rejected money... would you have ANY of this stuff you're starring at? I'm not saying this IS it, I'm just stating a "what - if" situation.
My fellow forumers, we need to ask ourselves. If this is actually the real deal, what would you do? Would you drop everything and fight for what you believe in? Or would you sit there and go on about your business because you have family to feed and people/things to take care of (including yourself)? Think about it, you guys said Anti-Christ is not a man, but a system. You guys said all the signs have come, we're just waiting on this system which is around the corner. Could it possibly be that we've been in this the entire time?
I myself am against this idea because again, I believe this has already passed. I have also only done study on the U.S currency, and not any other. In order for this to take place, everything needs to have one global currency, or at least a currency with some sort of subliminal message just like our own. I'm not saying they don't, I'm just saying I myself don't know nor have I done the study.