"However, it seems as what you are really concerned about is biblical numerology....I wonder, have you ever heard of Harold Camping?"
And my answer is no I have not.
I must be doing something wrong in my presentation because posters get so annoyed with my kind of offerings!
Season's Greetings
I'm not annoyed as much as I am concerned. Sometimes this kind of biblical numerology can cause a "can't see the forest because of the trees" blindness to the revealed truth in Scripture.
Harold Camping was once a mighty preacher of God's Word. We used to listen to him on the radio back in the late 60's. And, he was a good preacher, no doubt about it...solid theology and great at proclaiming the gospel.
Then he got into biblical numerology and started preaching that the Bible contained a "hidden" calendar. He worked out dates for creation (11013 bc) and the Flood (4990 bc). Of course he wrote books.
He got into trouble though when he worked out the date of Christ's second coming...first it was September 6th, 1994...came, went, so he recalculated and came up with May 21, 2011. With this date, he went full force into end times prophecy and there were billboards put up all over the place proclaiming this date as the end of the "church age" and that folks needed to respond to the gospel by then. Believers in this sent him millions of dollars to get the word out.
Came, he recalculated again. The new date for the rapture was October 21, 2011.
Camping is now a broken man. He suffered a stroke in June and his radio program has been replaced.
I guess Camping is an example of caution when it comes to trying too hard to make dates work with the Bible. Camping wasn't a crank or a shyster. He is a man who fully believed that he found hidden truth of something important and he wanted to spread the "gospel" of it....and in fact, became a false prophet of another gospel. I believe that he will be judged accordingly, as he led many to shipwreck of faith, as well as made the true Gospel of Christ a mockery.
God didn't choose to give us specific dates on too many things, and we need to respect why He didn't. He did choose to reveal much that is vitally important, and we need to be sure to take in what He did reveal.
So, as Hitch said, it is content, not style...content that can and has led many astray.
As to the content of the OP...the soul of those aborted and when does the soul enter in....
Nephesh is mentioned in Genesis 1:20, 21, and 30 in reference to His living creatures, the animals. Nephesh is also used in Genesis 2:7 of Adam, when he became a living soul.
Nephesh means soul and it means living. If any animal is living, it is a soul.
A baby in the womb is alive. It takes in nutrition, grows and develops. From the moment of conception to the moment of death, a living creature has and is a living soul.
There is a lot of room for discussion as to what happens with the soul at the moment of death. Some believe that the soul awaits for the resurrection of the body, conscious and alert, in heaven. Others believe that both the soul and body are in death until the resurrection. There are intriguing Scriptures that point to both scenarios.
However, there is no other conclusion anyone can make, based upon the clear teaching of the Scriptures, that the baby in the womb is a soul.
Forgive me, but abortion doesn't really make all that difference. Literally countless babies have died in utero, due to miscarriage. Far more than have ever been aborted. God, in His wisdom and love, surely cares for them every bit as much as any other soul.