Jethro Bodine
- Oct 31, 2011
- 23,344
- 5,949
Kidron...I just do not see how you got "poverty is spirituality", or that "God wills us to be poor" out of the OP. The point was that materiality is not the essence of what Jesus was referring to. If you have it great! Share it. If you don't? By all means strive to gain (for family and others) but material riches and getting our own way are NOT what Jesus taught as any type of goal that has to do with being a Christian.
When I hear of the multibillions of valuables and money that the Vatican possesses and learn that all around them are starving masses they do little or nothing to help, I have to ask "Is this what Jesus would do?" The reverend Richard Blake takes a salary from his megachurch in south central LA of $900,000 dollars a year and lives in a huge mansion with servants and about 5 classy automobiles, a private jet, and so on and his flock is comprised of most who earn less than 30,000 per year and who's children often lack adequate clothing, medical care, and appropriate (of any) food...he guilts them all out of their money with an empty promise of 10 fold blessings the Spirit of Jesus in this man?
His relationship with God is between them but I think he should learn Matthew 25...
The post started because I met a woman who lives on Daystar, attends church, reads the word and prays...she has a really sharp apartment, nice clothes, a full belly, a good relationship, three wonderful children and a new grandbaby, but she does have a bad back...all she does is continuously wine and complain about "where is this abundant life Jesus promised, I do not see it"....she lives in her abusive past and is convinced by her favorite Pastor-Star Mike Murdoch that she must not have enough faith or else she needs to send him more this man representing Jesus? Really?
Now this may or may not have been your point but do not misconstrue mine...many fine and sincere men and women of God have abundant earthly lives but the point was that attaining such is not the point of the message. If so all the Apostles would have lived in Castles with servants eating the fatted calf every day and none would ever have fallen ill.