Your hope to reject this evidence blinded you to the phrase "strong evidence in favour of the common descent."
If we accept the way you read the article, you would contradict this and conclude it is immaterial to common descent.
1) Your reading comprehension is poor here, in that the previous comment was that:
"Chromosome 2 presentsvery strong evidence in favour of the common descent of humans and other apes. "
2) What the sentence meant in context was that this now observable fusion must have occurred immediately after the time when we claim chimps branched from humans, as part of the separation of the two species, otherwise it would NOT be "strong evidence in favour of the common descent."
In fact the report says to the comprehensive reader:
"is the relic of an ancient telomere-telomere fusion and marks the point at which two ancestralape chromosomes fused to give rise to human chromosome 2."
2) In regard to 7 million years, they guess 1-6 million is mor probable, but other paleonotogical evidence suggests that 7 is a better number.
It is strong evidence that we have common descent because the chromosomes are identical, except for the fusion in man.
That IS strong evidence in favor of common descent and does not necessitate that the fusion took place immediately after the split.
It only necessitates that the fusion took place AFTER, which is the only thing needed to point out that your "fusion inside the womb of an ape-mother" claim is false.
Your "7 is a better number" is simply to fit a numerological agenda.
And again, stop with the ad homs. My reading comprehension is fine.
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