No, I did not try to avoid anything.
Old Covenant laws = Ancient Israelites
New Covenant laws = Christians
You want to say OT made by another God!?
Or you want to say that God have two different religions!?
which is suposed to be God's words,
Yes it is.
If OT are God's words then why you have problem with it!?
I reject Mohammad because according to Islam this vile man's actions are the pinnacle of human morality and an example to be followed forever; his commands clearly contradict (not only his own words but) Christ's, someone who (unlike Mohammad) is not a misogynist, narcissist, rapist, paedophile, torturer, assassin, looter, terrorist, mass murderer, lunatic or slave trader. Jesus Christ is the sinless example we are to follow now and forever. We have no need for Mohammad and his barbaric teachings and there is no valid theological link between the Quran and the Holy Bible; they do not fit because the Quran is worthless.
Also, there are no "LIES and False claims" invented by some "mischevoius" Jew or anyone else to discredit Mohammad, he is exposed as the filth he was through your own Islamic scripture.
Thanks for this long general emotional un based speech, but this doesnt answer my simple question about why you accept Prophets of God described by the one who wrote the OT worse then the picture you draw above about prophet Mohamed (pbuh), while you have problem with all the above false claims written above!?
2- So OT is abrogated by NT right!?
said by who!?
By the way this declaration Sanitarium would be very happy to read!
Your Problem that OT is very embaracing that you need to delete it, but if NT totaly abrogate OT why you have problem if God once again Abrogate NT and return to OT laws!?
By the way Jesus (pbuh) in the bible said that who dont follow the commandments will be LEAST IN KINGDOM OF HEAVEN and he also said he came to FULFILL religion and not CHANGE IT as you desire!!
Her age (unlike Aisha's) is not recorded in Christian Scripture.]
Show me in Christian Scripture were it confirms her age, not just hearsay and futile guesswork.
Intresting that you dont know age of Vrigin Mary (pbuh) anyway you dont know a lot of things about her History even History of Jesus (pbuh) himself!
But you see those are Christian sources from christian sources!!!
you can prove the age of Mary (which you will not) the simple fact remains that Virgin Mary (as her name suggestAssuming s) was a virgin.
Dear the Problem in the age of Vrigin mary dont stop on that only but as you christians claim that she were married to Joseph who were 90 years old widowed man, and I will leave conclusions for you!
What does this have to do with the fact your "Prophet" was a filthy paedophile and Allah allows old men to marry pre-pubescent children?
Now we begin Insutls as I see, and I can understand why as it is hard to answer what I say!
Now you show your LOVE that you are filled with, right!?
May Allah (swt) forgive you!
I'm not responsible for their sins, and there is a difference between marrying young and marrying pre-pubescent children.
So all christians before were SINNERS but did you forget that they are guided by Holy spirit, and those same people whom you call SINNERS are the source of your Faith and Bible!!!
In this Post you insulted Propeht Mohamed (pbuh) in low level way and you also Insulted all Christians but this is your own problem with them, but I think after you calm down you should Apologize for that, other wise dont reply to my posts if you are not able to answer them in decent way!
And still I say: