Al Gore Warming for 2008 Run?
Al Gore maintains that he won't seek the Democratic nomination for president in 2008  but his actions seem to belie his words.
Gore has kept himself very much in the public eye as the White House races kicked into gear, providing plenty of evidence that he is indeed eying another run for president:
- His award-winning global warming documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" brought him back into the limelight last year.
- His new book "An Assault on Reason" is a best seller, and when he launched his national book tour in May, one observer said the event seemed "more like a campaign stop than a book signing," with attendees wearing "Gore 2008" buttons.
- In March, Gore testified about climate change before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
- A month later, Britain's Sunday Telegraph newspaper reported that political strategists close to Gore had secretly begun assembling a campaign team to prepare for a possible White House run.
Gore in June spearheaded a fundraising appeal for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
- The former vice president has made a number of high-profile TV appearances, including a guest spot on "Saturday Night Live" in which he delivered a mock presidential address from the "Oval Office."
- In early July, Gore was among the celebrities heading a 24-hour "Save Our Selves" concert marathon, with broadcasts reaching more than 2 billion people worldwide.[/*:m:df781]
Talk of a Gore run especially heated up in February when his "An Inconvenient Truth" won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. And it's expected to catch fire if he wins the Nobel Peace Prize in October for his efforts.
[Editor's Note: Find out the surprising truth about "Al Gore's Convenient Lie" in our report which debunked his global warming claims  Go Here Now.]
There is strong sentiment among political insiders that Gore will, in the end, choose to seek the presidency that eluded him in 2000. And Gore has frequently been cagey when talking about a possible campaign.
As long ago as February 2006, political strategist Dick Morris wrote that Gore "seems to be positioning himself to Hillary Clinton's left and as greener than John Kerry for a run at the 2008 Democratic nomination."
After a presentation of his global warming documentary in May of last year, Gore was asked if he'd consider a run for the White House. "I'm a recovering politician," he said, "but you always have to worry about a relapse."
At that time the Wall Street Journal quoted a former Clinton-Gore insider who said "I know for a fact" that Gore is thinking about a presidential run.
Last September, Gore was asked again if he planned to run. "I haven't completely ruled out running for president again," he responded, although he added: "But I don't expect to."
In January he once again had an opportunity to completely rule out a presidential campaign. But when asked if he planned to run, he said only: "I'm involved in a different kind of campaign," referring to his global warming efforts.
Two months later John Harris of The Politico said of Gore: "He has said repeatedly that he has no plans to run. Shouldn't we take him at his word? Not yet, we shouldn't. The logic of psychology and even history suggests that Gore should run."
In June, Republican political guru Roger Stone appeared on CNN's "Glenn Beck" show and said of Gore: "He's preserving his political options. 'I'm not planning to run; I have no plans to run; it is highly unlikely that I would run.' Nowhere does he say, 'If nominated I won't run; if elected I won't serve.'"
A few days later, Bill Clinton himself said he believed it was likely that Gore would enter the race. The former president told people at a political gathering that if one of the Democratic candidates "fizzles, then yeah, he could enter the race. He's got plenty of money, his own money, to do it."
Gore became a senior adviser to Google in 2001 and has accumulated a fortune in the Internet search engine company's stock.
At that same gathering, political blogger Andy Ostroy predicted that it would be Barack Obama who would fizzle by September, and "Gore will toss his hat into the ring and enlist the junior senator from Illinois as his running mate. An unbeatable ticket."
Several Democratic Party players have told NewsMax that Gore will join the presidential race if he wins the Nobel Peace Prize in October. NewsMax's Insider Report noted: "Party insiders believe that a Gore campaign launched as late as October will still have enough time to raise money and challenge front-runners Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards."
Some pundits believe Gore would be loathe to enter the race if Hillary Clinton maintains "her current status as a viable contender," NewsMax Magazine's June edition observed in a cover story about unannounced candidates.
But Gore's stance  and Clinton's position in the race  could change. A new poll of likely Democratic voters in New Hampshire, scene of the nation's first primary, showed that if Gore entered the race, he would beat out Clinton in the state by a margin of 32 percent to 26 percent  and defeat all other announced Democratic candidates.