"Supernatural" is what God does.
Science does not provide any means of testing it.
Scientists can't investigate the supernatural because they don't have the tools to do so.
All they can do is look at what creation does and try to explain how it works.
God's not available for examination so scientists can't investigate Him.
"Supernatural" is what God does.
Science does not provide any means of testing it.
Scientists can't investigate the supernatural because they don't have the tools to do so.
All they can do is look at what creation does and try to explain how it works.
God's not available for examination so scientists can't investigate Him.
Are you saying all science and natural law are created and made dependable by God ? I agree ..
Do you believe in the ever changing ''big bang theory'' or evolution that cheapens Gods glory ? I disagree ..
That's not what I said.
I said that "science" is the investigation of nature. (Creation)
God is not part of nature. (creation)
Science does not deal with God in any way because God is not in their area of investigation.
Science does not deal with God because science has no tools with which ti examine God.
Do you believe in the ever changing ''big bang theory'' or evolution that cheapens Gods glory ? I disagree ..
Nothing can "cheapen" God's glory.
The "Big Bang Theory" and the theory of evolution are scientist's current attempt (best guess, hypothesis) to explain what they observe.
The reason that it is "ever changing" is that a theory is not a statement of fact. It is a working hypothesis. Scientists use those hypotheses to decide what needs to be proven (facts discovered) to demonstrate the validity of the theory. When new data does not agree with the theory, then it is necessary to adjust the theory to reflect the new data.
That process has absolutely no affect whatsoever on God's Glory.
The only way randomness could ever be associated with God is possibly our free will which he even created for us to exercise that our love for him lets him choose us , even that is a great wonder and perfectly planned and effective .. Jesus shares his glory with no created thing or person .. He is stand alone perfect and worthy and I know you agree bro ..
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