Hi friends,
I agree that the roll of Gods love in us towards others is a very real consideration as we effectively try to represent both His care and love as well as our own. He loved the sinner and hates the sin that destroys.
Why He alone had to die and be punished for the sin and rebellion is laid out in the OT as well as the New. Remembering that He was what I could never have been and we are what He can not be as well. God may be way fuller aware of the need for the blood sacrafice of a sinless man than we presently know. I do know it was Him who bore my sin and punishment with Him on the cross. I have no standing with God unless I repent for my own sins that nailed Him there. The facts are that Jesus alone died a personal agonizing death as the suffering servant Messiah according to scripture and rose from the grave according to scripture. He who was the only perfect Son of God was make my rightiousness and His love for God and mankind drove Him to be obediant to His calling where as I am weak in all points that Jesus was strong for me. He is the perfect image of God being alive in a man, I can only attemp to immulate His love and be obediant to the Fathers calling on my life. Phil 2 is very interesting as we learn that we should love one another even as Christ gave His whole life sacraficially for the redemptin of others. Let this mind be in you, etc.
In so many ways we do walk with Him as we do the things we have to do to be what He wants us to be. When we do it right a life is filled with many crowning moments from God, they were all bought and paid for through Jesus sacrafice and perfect life poured out for us.
Really, we have nothing to compain about or to boast about conserning those life long goals and achievments. We cast our crowns before Him, because He is the maker of all the oppertunities to serve His good purposes in Christ Jesus.
Out of the good treasures of His heart, He set us free from our sins. You are washed pure in His blood, Behold the Lamb, who takes away the sins of the world. Each day we draw another day closer to His return and or our own personal date with destiney. One bright day our nature will be changed and just the perfect love of God will remain in our beings. The hope of the World is our hope for our own rightstanding in God. Walking with God is a life time adventure and we are so fortunet that the Lord of the Harvest has come unto each of us. The path of the just in God is as a shinning light that shines more and more unto that perfect day, when we shall see Jesus as He is.
Gods love is a little different that our love for oneanother, Jesus was very set to do the will of the father, like a flint, but then He was what we could not be. Who says we need a covenant of grace, huh.. Jesus is our everything for sure, God make the universe that way, believe and you will see. It is impossible to please God without faith in the Only begotten Son.
That is why He died on the cross, my sins put Him there and His blood washed my sins away. If it seems unreal, just repent and believe in faith God means good unto His own. God is Good beyond human exsperiance yet shows Himself unto the world in Jesus our Lord. There is lots more why the cross, but that is only a starter,
pray and read, it read, it read it.
I hope that helps. The main of it God so loved us in the world. He would that none should parrish with out the saving knowledge of God within them. It will happen though. I read it in the bible as well. Big mystories take time to grow into and through.
Many Blessing from God. All we need is Jesus Jesus Jesus to have His charactor alive in us all.
The greatest statement I have found for the need of the cross is strictly set into the heart of humanity. It goes like this, We are all thieves, liers and murderders in our sinfull charactor. We steal the glory from God daily as, for He alone is the redemptive force sent from God. We lie to ourselves and justify our sins to ourselves where as there is no justification for our rebellions within ourselves. Lastly our sins murdered both the Son of God and all who are sacraficing daily upon our battle fields to keep us and others free, to experiance the grace of God and grow in Grace.
Because I believe God was in Christ recocilling the world unto Himself, the blood of many innocent souls has died for me and you. It has taken lots of innocent blood to be able to simply live a life of peace in all Godliness before the Lord and according to scripture.. The joint condemnations of humanity runs very deep. You best be sure you are right with God. The reconcilliating is at the cross. He was raised from the dead for our rightiousness, that if we confess that good confession you will be saved.
Indeed why did God murder Jesus, no, why did I, It was because God knew I needed a Savior. Trust in the Lord and seek to be an overcomer in Him. Fear not though, for He has overcome for us who put our hopes and trust in Him.
May your hearts and minds be granted the understanding and that they may be at peace and know, That Jesus Christ is the only Hope of The World and soon coming Kind of Kings, apart from our doings of His word.
He became sin for us that we might inherite the Kingdom prepared for us befor the beginning of time. God has a plan for the world, we each have a part, may you find grace in the eyes of the Lord.