When the Story of Man is done
You mean mans time on earth?
.....then....and only then will God forgive "all" Sin's
Forgiveness is now. When one dies in their sins, unrepented, then theyll go to the lake of fire. So if it is only when the world ends, one of 2 things will happen:
Everybody will be saved
Only people who make it to the end of the world will be saved.
Either thing contradicts the Bible.
Where did you get this? Again, I had a memory where i debunked your beliefs and you couldnt defend it. My memories are more trustworthy than yours. I win because I base my view on the Bible.
....of those who are worthy to stand in His Grace once more
God gives us grace. There is no "action" we can take to "earn" it. He GIVES Grace.
.....The Story of Man did not end when Jesus hung upon that cross.....no matter what any of these Churches say.....
Huh? Churches are teaching that mans time on earth was over around 2000 years ago? Ive never heard that before, so i doubt the church part of your claim is correct.
Every preacher who offers forgiveness of Sin.....they are not God and have no right.....since no preacher is God; they have no right to offer anything that does not belong to them.....and they have no Authority at all to speak for God,
Yes, but idk why you bring that up.
the only "authority" they do have has been given to them by other men for centuries.....and it was the Roman Empire who told "men" they could do these things....not God or Jesus.
Are you talking about catholicism?
And my memories tell me that youre wrong. My memories win, yours lose.
But what is...or is not in that Bible doesn't really matter at this time.....
Ahahahahaha. It sure does, His Word is the doctrinal foundation of the True Faith.
that Bible does still hold enough of the truth....
It is completely true. I CHALLENGE you to give me one single Bible verse that has been proven false/wrong. Will you find one?
but the Story of Man does not end for another 1,000 years or so....
Who is saying otherwise??
and getting thru this cleansing is what happens next...
What is "this clensing"?
For Christians and non-Christians both I would say this.....
Do not kill anyone for any reason....
Do not turn your back on God.....
Keep the Commandments and "goodness" you have from your Faith.....
Hide and wait for help to come.....
Hide where? Why? Help from who? You said the "story of man" don't end for another 1k years, so why the hiding if we have so much time?
If the flesh is lost....and the soul is not....the soul will return to us in time.
Are you saying we'll all magically resurrect????
There will be at least 25 ArcAngel's who will be fully awake....each of them will have 2 sub-commanders who will wake to serve them and assist in gathering the people who endure.....the Little Flock numbers around 500,000
No, there'll be 5 Angels, 7 sub commanders, and the flock will be 5,000,000 strong. Whose story is right and why?
....they will be out and about to help the people as well
What people?
.....but there is a lot of land to cover with people spread far an wide.....and there is going to be a whole lot of crazy stuff going on every where.....the people must work together to survive.....until the Angel's are able to deal with the most critical issues....
It is really that simple.....Satan has no power, he has nothing to do with any of this.....
No, his power is limited. "Limited" and "zero" are not synonymous.
Mankind has set foot on a path that leads to the destruction of all life on earth, something men cannot fix....
that is part of the reason God's Wrath is about to walk this earth, and even though Christians may claim they have no responsibility for that....they have still been a party to it (buying all the junk these mega-corporations sell)....
Not all coporations are so destructive. Btw, where else do you propose we get stuff?
All the rest....doesn't really matter at this time.....a choice will be given, a choice must be made....by every individual
I choose to scrutinize prophecies, visions, end times beliefs, and theological beliefs that come from sources other than the Bible so i can determine if theyre TRUE or FAKE. You should too!
To hopefully answer your first question better.....preachers standing on this earth today will not be allowed to enter the Heavenly City.....
Some preachers wont, other preachers will.
the "Holier than thou" attitude many of them carry would do nothing but cause problems....that does not mean the preachers are all going to "hell"......they will die, and if worthy be reborn as an infant with no memory of their previous "superior knowledge of all things God"....
No, they'll go to a giant diamond castle that is always cold, located somewhere in Asia. Whose narrative is true and why?
...all the "witchcraft" will be taken from this earth....no exceptions
It will all be annihilated when God ends the world.