an analysis of "tax the rich"

That's good. You realize that unless you are rich you are going to have your taxes raised much higher, right? Because the government is going to spend what it spends. If the rich are not taxed at a higher rate and an equal rate has to be arrived at that meets the government's demands, that rate will be much higher for the average person. And are you ok with that higher rate applying to a single mother earning $18,000 a year?
Does she still get food stamps? Or if she does, to be fair, does the rich guy get them too?

How much does all the politicians salaries and expenses come to?. The governemnt could save costs there if they need more money. I thought it was all about equality, anyone on a salary over 100k is in the high % class. The majority of people earn under 100k.
You can't say this Jason....
They might, and most probably are, helping out the needy a LOT MORE than you or I ever could.

Did you ever consider this?
Uhmm I know who has done what..locally if you must have taxes breaks to give .What would He say?
I'm not saying that one can be rich and not also be saved,caring but in general if you are black ,walk the streets in my city ,cops will be called.

Or if I threaten you with murder I go to jail but those on the beach,not even a charge.this happens locals know this.

The poor blacks in Gifford are more likely to help me then the retirees on the island who won't shop on the mainland unless they absolutely have no choice.

I have however met,and the opposite here.i use generalities as its been observed
Uhmm I know who has done what..locally if you must have taxes breaks to give .What would He say?
I'm not saying that one can be rich and not also be saved,caring but in general if you are black ,walk the streets in my city ,cops will be called.

Or if I threaten you with murder I go to jail but those on the beach,not even a charge.this happens locals know this.

The poor blacks in Gifford are more likely to help me then the retirees on the island who won't shop on the mainland unless they absolutely have no choice.

I have however met,and the opposite here.i use generalities as its been observed
My comment was general, J.
People are different in different places.
I get what you're saying above....
How much does all the politicians salaries and expenses come to?. The governemnt could save costs there if they need more money. I thought it was all about equality, anyone on a salary over 100k is in the high % class. The majority of people earn under 100k.
Here in America the high income earners (top 5%) earn around 250K/yr.

Now when it comes to the top one percent of the income earners it soars to over a million dollars per month... usually in multiple millions per month.

Those are the ones that they are truly after...but elections cost money and politicians conveniently always have a huge loophole that the top one percent can squeeze through... while the rest of us all have to pay.

It's just the way things are. They aren't going to be fair or equitable.

Just like the lowest earners are going to use more tax dollars and are more of a burden on society than any middle class family who pays taxes. The disparity of "utilization of tax dollars" is enormous... even if you have 12 kids in public schools who all need school buses and special Ed.
You still won't spend tax dollars like a low income family.

And single parent families make up most of below the poverty line households...which make up over 50% of the American households.
And single parent families make up most of below the poverty line households...which make up over 50% of the American households.

What is the line on poverty?. It's only what people want to believe it is. Some have a roof over there head , clothes, and food , yet no money and cry poverty.
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What is the line on poverty?. It's only what people want to believe it is. Some have a roof over there head , clothes, and food , yet no money and cry poverty.
You got that right!
I was going to say...
How about the govt living within its families do.

But then services are cut.
But maybe it's because they want to do too much?
A lot of money is wasted on dumb projects.
The government was originally established for the protection of its citizens.

Look where we are today.
Good luck, you may then ration care to vets. The va. While a broken system and needs work cant realistically without denying care do that
ok. each nation is different. in the us, it looks like more spending on social programs would save money on the massive prison and jail system.

the high taxes go for the very high income ppl, and there arent many of those. and the high taxes AOC and some of her allies are suggesting are just tax rates that were used before Reagan came into power and everybody got trickled on.

extreme inequality, extreme wealth...damages democracy. look to America's Gilded Age. in the UK, austerity measures are harming a lot of people, part by allowing inequality to grow and grow.

addressing inequality does not = socialism. that's like saying FDR was a commie or the Dwight Eisenhower was a "libtard." This is about stabilizing society and the economy and bringing back a middle class, upward mobility, etc. its really about reviving The American Dream, now that I think about it. :-)
ok. each nation is different. in the us, it looks like more spending on social programs would save money on the massive prison and jail system.

the high taxes go for the very high income ppl, and there arent many of those. and the high taxes AOC and some of her allies are suggesting are just tax rates that were used before Reagan came into power and everybody got trickled on.

extreme inequality, extreme wealth...damages democracy. look to America's Gilded Age. in the UK, austerity measures are harming a lot of people, part by allowing inequality to grow and grow.

addressing inequality does not = socialism. that's like saying FDR was a commie or the Dwight Eisenhower was a "libtard." This is about stabilizing society and the economy and bringing back a middle class, upward mobility, etc. its really about reviving The American Dream, now that I think about it. :)
Might want to rethink your love of fdr.

Forced ,yes ,forced blacks from legally owned property before fdr was born. In my county,, wealthy blacks .never to get their land back .

Next the new deal failed. If building roads worked then who would pay for a 20 lane highway when it's not needed?
Good luck, you may then ration care to vets. The va. While a broken system and needs work cant realistically without denying care do that
The VA is NOT a dumb project.
They deserve everything they get and more.

In fact, we can't ever give them enough...
that's how I feel.
The VA is NOT a dumb project.
They deserve everything they get and more.

In fact, we can't ever give them enough...
that's how I feel.
Yet the the problem is you cany fund it without borrowing, how does one budget health care like that,pensions, housing for vets .the va isnt all nor does it do all.

Plenty of things it doesn't that charities do.

I know
Why are some people jelous others have more investments than them.
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I'm not a fan of double standards. I'm all for equality.
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Why are some people jelous others have more investments than them.
Some have more investments because they were willing to take risk, albeit often a calculated one. Sometimes, actually quite often, those risks return in failure. For example, roughly 80% of all new business ventures fail within the first five years. I was talking to the CEO of the company I work for and he told me stories about how things were when they first started out. Today we are one of the more predominant packaging machinery manufacturers in the US with over 700 employees. Things were a little rough when the company first began. It started out in a small garage as a machining company when they (2 brothers and an uncle) got their first order for a case packaging machine. He told about how they never got paid for their second order and how they mortgaged their homes and borrowed to keep the company alive, wondering at times how they would buy groceries for their families. It was a huge risk but they had faith, not only in themselves but also in God.

Many of our wealthiest business people have experienced bankruptcy at least once. That's part of the risk but they are willing to keep pushing forward. The rest of us horde what we have like the third servant in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25), afraid to take risk, and as a result what we have doesn't get the chance to grow and then we, like the first ones hired in the parable of the workers in the field (Matthew 20), get jealous of those who do succeed even though we were happy to accept things as they were to start with.
Some have more investments because they were willing to take risk, albeit often a calculated one. Sometimes, actually quite often, those risks return in failure. For example, roughly 80% of all new business ventures fail within the first five years. I was talking to the CEO of the company I work for and he told me stories about how things were when they first started out. Today we are one of the more predominant packaging machinery manufacturers in the US with over 700 employees. Things were a little rough when the company first began. It started out in a small garage as a machining company when they (2 brothers and an uncle) got their first order for a case packaging machine. He told about how they never got paid for their second order and how they mortgaged their homes and borrowed to keep the company alive, wondering at times how they would buy groceries for their families. It was a huge risk but they had faith, not only in themselves but also in God.

Many of our wealthiest business people have experienced bankruptcy at least once. That's part of the risk but they are willing to keep pushing forward. The rest of us horde what we have like the third servant in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25), afraid to take risk, and as a result what we have doesn't get the chance to grow and then we, like the first ones hired in the parable of the workers in the field (Matthew 20), get jealous of those who do succeed even though we were happy to accept things as they were to start with.

Failing is part of growing. The most crooked teaching ever is failure is bad, failure is learning, yet when people fail alot of the time they give up and lose all confidence. That didn't work so I will try this way next time type thing is motivated. Why give up. People should like a challenge in life.
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Failing is part of growing. The most crooked teaching ever is failure is bad, failure is learning, yet when people fail alot of the time they give up and lose all confidence. That didn't work so I will try this way next time type thing is motivated. Why give up. People should like a challenge in life.
I wonder how many times Orville and Wilbur Wright failed trying to achieve flight for the first time.
I wonder how many times Orville and Wilbur Wright failed trying to achieve flight for the first time.

I know it took 1up six times to fail till 7up cracked it.
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