An Essay on the Bible UFO Connection
The Bible UFO Connection is the connection between UFO’s in our modern skies and the vehicles in the Bible that describe the nature of God. Numerous analogies are used in describing the nature of God using key words to describe what it is the authors were witnessing.
By looking up these key words in the Strong's exhaustive concordance, it becomes clear why the witnesses of these events recorded in the Bible used these words to describe what it is they were witnessing. In the Bible, The God of the Old Testament is described as flying in clouds, swift clouds, bright clouds, dark clouds, white clouds, low clouds, fiery clouds and great clouds. That is only the clouds. Also mentioned in the Bible are platforms, vessels, chariots of fire, sky thrones, cherubim’s, great fire, thick darkness, whirlwinds, firry wheels, sanctuaries, rolls, sky dwellings, storms, dark waters and pavilions.
The God of the Bible consistently appears to be associated with these key words and when looked up in the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, the connections can be made by comparing these descriptions with modern UFO sightings. These key words play a direct roll in the nature of God and the Angels alike. Whether one believes that these objects are flying vehicles that the God of the Bible lives in, appears with, travels in, and considered the seat of his power, is a matter of opinion. The fact remains that these objects listed above do not appear without God or his ambassadors. The fact is the God of the Bible, and other beings that are clearly described in direct association with these flying vehicles, is undeniable.
Clouds are the most common descriptions of these flying vehicles operated by the God of the Bible and his associates. Considering the probable size and density of these objects described in daylight hours attributed to the description by the eyewitnesses of the events taken place and recorded in the Bible. The descriptions as a dark cloud, thick cloud, and dark water all allude to a solid object in the sky. There were no flying objects in the sky 4000 years ago and the only things in the sky at that time the eyewitnesses could compare what they were seeing was thunder or storm clouds, this is a logical relation. Those that cling to the belief that the objects described above are just ordinary clouds in the sky, the flight characteristics, glowing at night, and other anomalous behavior, leaves such a narrow view in doubt.
The most important reference in the Bible to clouds is that Jesus will return in the clouds of the sky with an army during the Second Coming of Christ. If indeed these clouds described in the Bible were not of the fluffy kind, but very sophisticated flying craft, as recorded in the Bible, then this would have relevance in describing these vehicles. When the Bible states that God rides a swift cloud, are we to believe it is on top of a white puffy cloud speeding through the sky? When the cloud glows at night, are we to believe the cloud literally catches on fire, even though clouds do not catch on fire? These clouds are described in the Book of Exodus in the Bible as staying in a stationary period for months and provide shad during the day and warmth and light at night for forty years during the Exodus of the Jews out of Egypt. Are we to accept that the clouds described here are just ordinary clouds in the sky after examining this evidence from the Bible? No, these are not clouds. They are only named such because no one during this period of time on this planet ever heard of UFO’s, flying saucers, spacecraft, star ships, or spaceships. They didn’t even have balloons; the only things in the sky at that time in history were clouds, so they called the objects clouds.
The prime purpose of this paper is to present evidence of a deception concerning the return of Christ known in mainstream churches as “The second coming of Christâ€Â. There is evidence in the Bible that the God of the Bible and those associated with God, travel in high tech flying vehicles known today as UFO’s “Unidentified Flying Objectsâ€Â. I believe the enemy of God, the powers in control of this planet, have reason to convince everyone that these UFO’s are either his own, making them appear to be evil, or are an alien race which have reason to invade the planet.
This deception described in the Bible will result in the rejection of the second coming of Christ when God returns to arrest the powers in control. The true enemy has been using propaganda through radio and T.V. shows and other various forms of entertainment by depicting alien invasions like the radio show and movie War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells. This has conditioned mankind into believing that there could possibly be an alien race out there that would like to invade this planet. It is my intent to identify the true deception that will result in world dominance by a corporate empire led by Satan and his forces that now plague this planet. This force will bring our planet to the brink of destruction. Mainstream religion and its churches will no doubt have a part in this deception due to a lack of understanding certain key concepts.
UFO’s in our modern skies have existed in our skies since the beginning of time. Human beings have recorded the presence of these vehicles since the dawn of time. The beings controlling these high tech flying vehicles are not aliens in the sense that they are visiting this world but in fact the same beings that created the world we now inhabit. Human beings are more closely related to these beings and are not aware who the real powers in control really are.
There is reason to believe that the God’s have been mistaken for an alien race and that there are forces on this planet attempting to manipulate mankind into believing that the UFO’s in our modern skies are a threat making them appear to be evil aliens and destructive Demons set out to invade our planet. This deception will cause the human race to become fearful and will successfully posture the masses into a defensive and warlike fashion which will refocus the current planetary terrorist threat into an extraterrestrial terrorist threat, an invasion from space. The result will be all of humanity uniting together to fight this destructive alien invasion, which will actually be the returning fleet of Christ’s returning to arrest the powers in control.
We have been recruited to arm ourselves with massive planetary weapons of mass destruction for a specific purpose and that purpose is to defend the powers in control with these weapons of mass destruction against the God we claim to worship, and expect to save the world. The great deception is that we have been led to believe that the Gods are a threat to the very race they created. As this deception continues to grow, the true enemy, the powers in control of this planet are systematically destroying the planets environment, wealth and diversity causing the social structure of all global civilizations to deteriorate through social control in every aspect of life.
The powers in control have an objective and that objective is world domination by global corporate financial powers and social monitoring, with the resulting threat of planetary devastation, and eventual destruction. Life on this planet will depend on the intervention of those beings flying in our skies, as evidenced in the writings of our world’s ancient cultures. One of those writings is the King James Bible which could also be known as the ultimate guide to UFO’s and their occupants.
It is declared in the Bible that Satan was a high-ranking angel who attempted to overthrow the rule of God. Satan managed to convince one third of all the angels that his plan of action would work and they did follow him. The result was that Satan and all who followed were exiled to Earth and banned from Heaven the sky. Ever since he was banned from Heaven the sky, Satan and the rebel Angels has not had any access to these UFO’s and has always been confined to the Earth where he is preparing to resist his inevitable capture and imprisonment. In preparation for this, he has manipulated mankind into a controlled state of deception; using mankinds most basic nature which is desire, and lust for money and power.
Through a series of wars from our past, government and religious takeovers, Satan has been able to put the most motivated by greed and the desire for control into positions of absolute power. The rich and powerful elite have been put to the task of preparing the earth to refuse, resist and defend Satan and his angelic followers unwittingly against their divine captures. Satan has prepared the planet for war against the returning Christ.
In Conclusion, there is a direct connection between UFO’s and the nature of God, and his associates. By identifying certain key words and making the connections for ourselves, it becomes clear that God does in fact use flying vehicles which appear dense in daylight and glow at night. Once the concept of the Bible UFO Connection is understood, the descriptions of God in the Bible, which are confusing, now come to light and can be easily understood.
For those in the religious community who automatically condemn this as evil for even questioning the integrity of the church, it stands on a very clear mandate in the Bible. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 and Romans 12:2 clearly authorizes, and directs all men, and women, to prove all things. To blindly condemn the information here, without proving it wrong, is a violation of that directive.
- Shinaicombat referring http://www.bibleufo.com
The Bible UFO Connection is the connection between UFO’s in our modern skies and the vehicles in the Bible that describe the nature of God. Numerous analogies are used in describing the nature of God using key words to describe what it is the authors were witnessing.
By looking up these key words in the Strong's exhaustive concordance, it becomes clear why the witnesses of these events recorded in the Bible used these words to describe what it is they were witnessing. In the Bible, The God of the Old Testament is described as flying in clouds, swift clouds, bright clouds, dark clouds, white clouds, low clouds, fiery clouds and great clouds. That is only the clouds. Also mentioned in the Bible are platforms, vessels, chariots of fire, sky thrones, cherubim’s, great fire, thick darkness, whirlwinds, firry wheels, sanctuaries, rolls, sky dwellings, storms, dark waters and pavilions.
The God of the Bible consistently appears to be associated with these key words and when looked up in the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, the connections can be made by comparing these descriptions with modern UFO sightings. These key words play a direct roll in the nature of God and the Angels alike. Whether one believes that these objects are flying vehicles that the God of the Bible lives in, appears with, travels in, and considered the seat of his power, is a matter of opinion. The fact remains that these objects listed above do not appear without God or his ambassadors. The fact is the God of the Bible, and other beings that are clearly described in direct association with these flying vehicles, is undeniable.
Clouds are the most common descriptions of these flying vehicles operated by the God of the Bible and his associates. Considering the probable size and density of these objects described in daylight hours attributed to the description by the eyewitnesses of the events taken place and recorded in the Bible. The descriptions as a dark cloud, thick cloud, and dark water all allude to a solid object in the sky. There were no flying objects in the sky 4000 years ago and the only things in the sky at that time the eyewitnesses could compare what they were seeing was thunder or storm clouds, this is a logical relation. Those that cling to the belief that the objects described above are just ordinary clouds in the sky, the flight characteristics, glowing at night, and other anomalous behavior, leaves such a narrow view in doubt.
The most important reference in the Bible to clouds is that Jesus will return in the clouds of the sky with an army during the Second Coming of Christ. If indeed these clouds described in the Bible were not of the fluffy kind, but very sophisticated flying craft, as recorded in the Bible, then this would have relevance in describing these vehicles. When the Bible states that God rides a swift cloud, are we to believe it is on top of a white puffy cloud speeding through the sky? When the cloud glows at night, are we to believe the cloud literally catches on fire, even though clouds do not catch on fire? These clouds are described in the Book of Exodus in the Bible as staying in a stationary period for months and provide shad during the day and warmth and light at night for forty years during the Exodus of the Jews out of Egypt. Are we to accept that the clouds described here are just ordinary clouds in the sky after examining this evidence from the Bible? No, these are not clouds. They are only named such because no one during this period of time on this planet ever heard of UFO’s, flying saucers, spacecraft, star ships, or spaceships. They didn’t even have balloons; the only things in the sky at that time in history were clouds, so they called the objects clouds.
The prime purpose of this paper is to present evidence of a deception concerning the return of Christ known in mainstream churches as “The second coming of Christâ€Â. There is evidence in the Bible that the God of the Bible and those associated with God, travel in high tech flying vehicles known today as UFO’s “Unidentified Flying Objectsâ€Â. I believe the enemy of God, the powers in control of this planet, have reason to convince everyone that these UFO’s are either his own, making them appear to be evil, or are an alien race which have reason to invade the planet.
This deception described in the Bible will result in the rejection of the second coming of Christ when God returns to arrest the powers in control. The true enemy has been using propaganda through radio and T.V. shows and other various forms of entertainment by depicting alien invasions like the radio show and movie War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells. This has conditioned mankind into believing that there could possibly be an alien race out there that would like to invade this planet. It is my intent to identify the true deception that will result in world dominance by a corporate empire led by Satan and his forces that now plague this planet. This force will bring our planet to the brink of destruction. Mainstream religion and its churches will no doubt have a part in this deception due to a lack of understanding certain key concepts.
UFO’s in our modern skies have existed in our skies since the beginning of time. Human beings have recorded the presence of these vehicles since the dawn of time. The beings controlling these high tech flying vehicles are not aliens in the sense that they are visiting this world but in fact the same beings that created the world we now inhabit. Human beings are more closely related to these beings and are not aware who the real powers in control really are.
There is reason to believe that the God’s have been mistaken for an alien race and that there are forces on this planet attempting to manipulate mankind into believing that the UFO’s in our modern skies are a threat making them appear to be evil aliens and destructive Demons set out to invade our planet. This deception will cause the human race to become fearful and will successfully posture the masses into a defensive and warlike fashion which will refocus the current planetary terrorist threat into an extraterrestrial terrorist threat, an invasion from space. The result will be all of humanity uniting together to fight this destructive alien invasion, which will actually be the returning fleet of Christ’s returning to arrest the powers in control.
We have been recruited to arm ourselves with massive planetary weapons of mass destruction for a specific purpose and that purpose is to defend the powers in control with these weapons of mass destruction against the God we claim to worship, and expect to save the world. The great deception is that we have been led to believe that the Gods are a threat to the very race they created. As this deception continues to grow, the true enemy, the powers in control of this planet are systematically destroying the planets environment, wealth and diversity causing the social structure of all global civilizations to deteriorate through social control in every aspect of life.
The powers in control have an objective and that objective is world domination by global corporate financial powers and social monitoring, with the resulting threat of planetary devastation, and eventual destruction. Life on this planet will depend on the intervention of those beings flying in our skies, as evidenced in the writings of our world’s ancient cultures. One of those writings is the King James Bible which could also be known as the ultimate guide to UFO’s and their occupants.
It is declared in the Bible that Satan was a high-ranking angel who attempted to overthrow the rule of God. Satan managed to convince one third of all the angels that his plan of action would work and they did follow him. The result was that Satan and all who followed were exiled to Earth and banned from Heaven the sky. Ever since he was banned from Heaven the sky, Satan and the rebel Angels has not had any access to these UFO’s and has always been confined to the Earth where he is preparing to resist his inevitable capture and imprisonment. In preparation for this, he has manipulated mankind into a controlled state of deception; using mankinds most basic nature which is desire, and lust for money and power.
Through a series of wars from our past, government and religious takeovers, Satan has been able to put the most motivated by greed and the desire for control into positions of absolute power. The rich and powerful elite have been put to the task of preparing the earth to refuse, resist and defend Satan and his angelic followers unwittingly against their divine captures. Satan has prepared the planet for war against the returning Christ.
In Conclusion, there is a direct connection between UFO’s and the nature of God, and his associates. By identifying certain key words and making the connections for ourselves, it becomes clear that God does in fact use flying vehicles which appear dense in daylight and glow at night. Once the concept of the Bible UFO Connection is understood, the descriptions of God in the Bible, which are confusing, now come to light and can be easily understood.
For those in the religious community who automatically condemn this as evil for even questioning the integrity of the church, it stands on a very clear mandate in the Bible. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 and Romans 12:2 clearly authorizes, and directs all men, and women, to prove all things. To blindly condemn the information here, without proving it wrong, is a violation of that directive.
- Shinaicombat referring http://www.bibleufo.com