may i ask you another question mr. aardverk, out of curiosity?
why do you stay on this site and continue to write if you you have no desire ti believe it all?
I'm afraid your assumption is way off the mark.
I have a truly great desire to believe in the the omnipotent, loving God that you presumably believe in. I have studied religions for about 70 years and have been unable to make the leap of faith that would enable me to believe as you presumably do. Airing my doubts here invites words of wisdom from many highly intelligent people - and others. :crazy
I have encountered, on this forum, a number of people who have also studied religion for a long time and who have come to considered conclusions different from mine. From time to time someone drops in a true nugget of wisdom or an interpretation that I had completely missed. I find that a true delight; I love to learn.
As I approach the end of my life, maybe I will become more and more convinced as my inquiring, doubting, logic driven mind starts to lose its faculties. I am not there yet though - I don't think.
In addition, I am a mine of useful and useless information and I hate bullies and unfairness in all its forms. Having a little skill in the use of words, I do quite enjoy illustrating where the bullies are being illogical or worse. That enjoyment is my guilty little secret - so don't tell anyone ;)
You are not alone in your misconception of me. I can not agree with the Forum's SofF so I decided to label myself as a non-Christian. You will find that many here call themselves Christian even though they do not accept the SofF either - tut, tut. Think of me as a heretic Christian and you will be fairly close to the truth. Bear in mind that Lollards and Cathars etc call themselves Christian.
...... and the minor branches are too numerous to count.
I'm glad to have made your acquaintance.
:xmas Have a Joyous Christmas:angel2, a merry Yuletide :and a happy New Year.